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78 results filtered with: Neuralgia - drug therapy
  • Presented by the makers of Carter's Little Liver Pills : back-ache quickly cured by Carter's smart weed and belladonna Back-Ache Plasters.
  • Especialidades Nadeau : calidad responsibilidad resultados : Pepandrine ... Calcipan ... Valaubel ... Glytapod ... Mecosal ...  / Ethical Products, S.A.
  • Analgit ampulas, pildoras : reumatismo agudo y cronico, neuralgias, anafilaxias, trastornos hepaticos : Tabletas Charcolin ... / Azpeco Chemical Co.
  • Presented by the makers of Carter's Little Liver Pills : back-ache quickly cured by Carter's smart weed and belladonna Back-Ache Plasters.
  • Our motto is "curative" : The Magnetic Pill (patented) tonic and aperient.
  • Acetofen "Frosst" : acido acetilsalicilico en tres asociaciones / Charles E. Frosst & Co. ; representantes exclusivos para Cuba: Distribuidora Cubana.
  • Neuropléjico Largactil : lo que es preciso saber del: Largactil ... / Société parisienne d'expansion chimique.
  • St. Jacob's Oil conquers pain.
  • Especialidades Nadeau : calidad responsibilidad resultados : Pepandrine ... Calcipan ... Valaubel ... Glytapod ... Mecosal ...  / Ethical Products, S.A.
  • Vaseline : Chesebrough Manfg Co.
  • Dr. J. Collis Browne's Chlorodyne : coughs, colds, asthma, bronchitis.
  • Dr. J. Collis Browne's Chlorodyne is the great specific for cholera, diarrhoea, dysentery ... / sole manufacturer J.T. Davenport, 33 Gt. Russell St., W.C.
  • Tubilin diuretico hepato-renal : Neo-Pleco ... / Azpeco Chemical Company.
  • Dr. J. Collis Browne's Chlorodyne.
  • Darlow & Co.'s patent flexible magnetine appliances.
  • Dr. J. Collis Browne's Chlorodyne is the great specific for cholera, diarrhoea, dysentery ... / sole manufacturer J.T. Davenport, 33 Gt. Russell St., W.C.
  • Neuroplagico Largactil : lo que hay que saber del: Largactil ... / marcas Rhône Poulenc Specia.
  • Rheumatism ... : Capsifor Helfenberg / W. Bredt.
  • Especialidades Nadeau : calidad responsibilidad resultados : Pepandrine ... Calcipan ... Valaubel ... Glytapod ... Mecosal ...  / Ethical Products, S.A.
  • For the relief of pain : Cibalgin "Ciba".
  • Dr. J. Collis Browne's Chlorodyne.
  • Neuroplagico Largactil : lo que hay que saber del: Largactil ... / marcas Rhône Poulenc Specia.
  • Davenport's specific for gout, rheumatic gout and rheumatism.
  • Drenurol : artritismo! / Laboratorios: Dr. Laureano Pequeño.
  • Dr. J. Collis Browne's Chlorodyne : the original and only genuine.
  • Davenport's specific for gout, rheumatic gout and rheumatism.
  • Darlow & Co.'s new patent (1874) Ferro Magnetine.
  • Acetofen "Frosst" : acido acetilsalicilico en tres asociaciones / Charles E. Frosst & Co. ; representantes exclusivos para Cuba: Distribuidora Cubana.
  • Dr. Thomas Eclectric Oil : for internal & external use. For sale by all druggists.
  • Nubiol : analgesico y antiesposmodico : cólicos del aparato genital de la mujer.