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163 results filtered with: Military hospitals
  • Crimean War: Florence Nightingale visiting the Hut Hospitals, Balaklava. Wood engraving.
  • Boer War: two aristocratic ladies in the grounds of a large house used as a military hospital at Rondebosch, South Africa. Halftone, c. 1900, after Duffus Brothers.
  • World War One: Islington Public Library used as a hospital ward. Photograph by Langfier Ltd., 1916.
  • American Civil War: officers saluting the wounded being brought in after the battle of Lewinsville, Virginia, 1861. Wood engraving by F. Skill.
  • Boer War: a wounded man addresses a superior officer seated at his bedside. Wash drawing by H.H. Piffard.
  • Russo-Japanese War: wounded Japanese soldiers lying in the Kaiping hospital. Collotype, c. 1904.
  • Boer War: hospital cooks preparing food in the open air. Halftone, c.1900.
  • Russo-Japanese War: patients lying on the floor in the Japanese field hospital at Antung. Halftone after A. Michael, 1904.
  • Victoria Military Hospital, Netley, Hampshire. Wood engraving by W.E. Hodgkin, 1856, after B. Sly.
  • Boer War: a full ward in the Wynberg military hospital, South Africa, with nurses attending the wounded. Halftone, 1900, after P.F.S. Spence after H. Egersdorfer.
  • Crimean War, Scutari: British Hospital and Burial Ground. Tinted lithograph by J. Needham, 1857, after Lieutenant R.C. Glover.
  • Boer War: a dentist outside his hut at a military hospital. Halftone, c.1900, after J. Hall-Edwards.
  • Franco-Prussian War: wounded soldiers in the école communale de Villemontry. Etching by A. Lançon, 1870.
  • Val-de-Grâce, Paris. Lithograph by Delpech after Arnout.
  • Boer War: a hospital ward with soldiers wounded during the siege of Kimberley, South Africa. Process print after Bennett, 1899.
  • Queen Victoria and Prince Albert visiting soldiers wounded in the Crimean War, at Brompton Hospital, Chatham. Coloured lithograph by J.A. Vinter, 1855, after J. Tenniel.
  • Crimean War: panoramic view showing the general hospital and mosque in Scutari, Turkey. Lithograph by Lady A. Blackwood.
  • Serbo-Turkish War: series of sketches including the convalescent hospital, the Chapel at Lazare and prisoners of war. Wood engraving.
  • Paris: the Barriere de l'Etoile, with the Military School in the background. Etching.
  • Crimean War: panoramic view of the English Hospital at Abydos. Wood engraving, 1855.
  • Russo-Turkish War: Princess of Roumania's Hospital at Bucharest. Wood engraving by C. Roberts, 1877.
  • Boer War: a busy hospital ward on St. Patrick's day with a wounded Irishman being offered shamrock by a visiting lady. Process print after R. Macbeth after A. Johnstone, c. 1900.
  • Florence Nightingale receiving wounded soldiers at Scutari Hospital. Colour lithograph after J. Barrett.
  • Russo-Japanese War: army medical staff treating the wounded in a field at Linglingtun, China. Collotype, c. 1904.
  • Boer War: an army medical officer, Joseph Hinton, pulling down the fly of a marquee in which lie soldiers with enteric fever. Process print after A. S. Hartrick, c. 1900.
  • Crimean War: panoramic view showing the general hospital and mosque in Scutari, Turkey. Lithograph by Lady A. Blackwood.
  • Boer War: a nurse helping invalids to an ambulance for transfer to Maritzburg from Ladysmith. Process print after a drawing by F. Dadd after W.T. Maud.
  • Florence Nightingale. Coloured mezzotint by C.A.Tomkins, 1855, after J. Butterworth.
  • Crimean War: Florence Nightingale at the Scutari Hospital. Line engraving by G. Greatbach after J. Hind.
  • Crimean War: soldiers doing their laundry at Balaklava Hospital. Wood engraving.