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112 results filtered with: Healing - Religious aspects
  • The widow's son ecstatically returns to life in response to Elijah's prayer. Wood engraving.
  • The paralytic is lowered through the roof of a crowded house so that Christ can reach him and cure him. Engraving by J. Newton, 1795 (?), after C.R. Ryley.
  • The fountain of life. Oil painting.
  • Christ among sick people and Pharisees ('The hundred guilder print'). Etching by Rembrandt, 1649.
  • Christ heals a lame man. Engraving.
  • Christ raises Jairus' daughter. Etching by C.W. Griessmann after G. van den Eeckhout.
  • The fountain of life. Oil painting.
  • Christ raises the widow's son from the dead. Engraving by J. Dambrun, 1793, after J.M. Moreau.
  • Christ raises the widow's son from the dead. Wood engraving by F. Obermann.
  • Elijah prays to resuscitate the widow's son. Line engraving by C. Heath, 1821, after R. Westall.
  • The sick and lame bend before the apostle Peter, hoping for cure. Coloured lithograph, 1863, after Masaccio.
  • Moses points to the brazen serpent while his people carry their wounded towards it. Etching.
  • Christ, praying in the light, raises Lazarus from his tomb. Etching after J. Lievens, 1631.
  • The widow of Zarephath seeks assistance from the prophet Elijah; her son has fallen into a coma. Engraving, c. 17th century.
  • Christ raises Lazarus from his tomb. Etching by S. Castiglione, 1645.
  • After healing a lame man, the apostles Paul and Barnabas are mistaken for gods at Lystra; the priest brings them a sacrifice of oxen. Etching after Raphael.
  • Sick people entreating a bishop saint to intercede for them. Etching by the Comte de Caylus after G. Brandi.
  • The Pool of Bethesda, Jerusalem, Israel. Coloured lithograph by D. Roberts, 1839.
  • Christ raises Lazarus from his tomb. Engraving by J. Rogers after D.A.M. Raffet.
  • Christ cures ten people with leprosy. Woodcut.
  • Christ healing a man of leprosy. Woodcut, 1571, after Jost Amman.
  • Saint Paul, shipwrecked on Malta, is attacked by a snake which he shakes off into a fire; it does not harm him and the onlookers take him for a god. Etching after J. Thornhill.
  • The adoration of the magi; with inscription of prayer against disease. Engraving on red silk.
  • Hezekiah lies sick in his bed; a doctor examines his urine. Process print, 1931, after J. Lamsveld, c. 1700.
  • Two lame men come to Christ and the apostles. Engraving by A. de Bruyn after P. van der Borcht.
  • The fountain of life. Oil painting.
  • Moses and Eleazar show the brazen serpent before the writhing multitude afflicted with snake-bites. Engraving by S. à Bolswert after P.P. Rubens, ca. 1635-40.
  • Christ holds up a glass heart filled with animals (sins) and cures a sick woman with the fluid from the wound in his side. Engraving by H. Goltzius, 1578.
  • Saint Peter and Saint John heal the lame man. Engraving by B. Franco, il Semolei, after Raphael.
  • The Virgin of Mercy responding to the intercessions of saints by protecting people from arrows symbolising disease; the Devil rules below, where plague attacks the land. Lithograph after L. Dottorini after Benedetto Bonfigli, 1464 (?).