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532 results filtered with: HIV infections
  • The words 'AIDS' forming the centre of a maze with four figures on the outside holding maps in an attempt to find their way in, an illustration by Ingram Pinn; an advertisement for a meeting in Berlin about HIV and homeopathy by Dr Karin Bandelin and Dr Almut Gestrich on 26 October 1993 at the headquarters of Kursiv, the Centre for AIDS and advice for gay men. Photocopy, 1993.
  • A man holding a girl in his arms representing a family man who has AIDS; advertisement for the support provided by the London Lighthouse centre. Lithograph.
  • A two-tone syringe with the words 'VIDAIDS' representing the message that the line that separates life from death is as thin as a needle; an AIDS prevention advertisement by ADG, Gapa and Senac. Colour lithograph by the Graphic Designers Association, 1992.
  • A birthday cake with lit candles and a message that age won't provide protection from AIDS; advertisement for the AIDS Helpline by the New York State Health Department. Colour lithograph.
  • A woman looks directly at the viewer with the words 'Qué tienes en contra de un condón?'; advertisement for safe sex to prevent AIDS by the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services. Lithograph.
  • The face of a man wearing glasses representing a man worried about HIV; a poster from the America responds to Aids advertising campaign. Lithograph, 1991.
  • List of symptoms of HIV infection that lead to AIDS from fever to red or purplish spots on the body; sixth of sixteen advertisement posters by the American Red Cross promoting education about AIDS. Colour lithograph, 1990.
  • The back view of a bald-headed man holding a telephone to his ear representing a man whose family have deserted him because he has AIDS; advertisement for the New Zealand AIDS Prevention Program. Lithograph by Albert Sword.
  • A hand clasped around a stick with a message about having the will to live and fight to stay alive in the face of AIDS by the Lions Club of Bombay Hilltop and the HIV/AIDS Information and Guidance Centre in Bombay. Lithograph, ca. 1996.
  • Two young men, one standing the other sitting beside a blank hording for a poster; they explain why they won't give AIDS a chance; an advertisement about AIDS and youths by Federal Agency for Clear Health, on behalf of the Federal Ministry for Youth, Family, Women and Health. Colour lithograph, 1988.
  • AIDS for AIDS, a useful information sheet for physicians with numerous facts and figures by the National AIDS Control Organisation, Ministry of Health and Family Welfare of the Goverment of India. Colour lithograph, ca. 1995.
  • The words "Let me help you" against a black background representing an advertisement for using condoms; a poster from the America responds to Aids advertising campaign. Lithograph.
  • A smiling sailor holds up a condom; another sailor with his trousers down stands towards a wall with one arm raised; advertisement for gay men to use precautions by Gay Men Fighting Aids. Colour lithograph.
  • Two rows of photographs of college students with reasons why they cannot get AIDS; advertisement about the HIV virus by De Anza College Health Services. Colour lithograph.
  • A man dressed in a white vest, scarf and pilot goggles with his arms raised over his shoulder to carry a bag; representing an advert for Body Positive for men with HIV. Colour lithograph.
  • Details of the AIDS Walk New York on 22 May 1994 benefiting Gay Men's Health Crisis. Colour lithograph by Craig Miller, Richard Zeichik and Associates.
  • An information sheet about an anti-AIDS poster exhibition designed and produced by Artis as part of a collaboration with the Unesco/WHO AIDS prevention education programme; with a translation explaining what AIDS is. Colour lithograph, ca. 1990's.
  • A black man and woman sit chatting on a bench with an Asian woman holding a child in her lap; advertisement for the Blackliners support group for black people affected by HIV and AIDS. Colour lithograph.
  • Series of graphic hearts with a block of text about HIV and AIDS; an advertisement for the National Aids Helpline by the Liverpool Health Promotion Service. Colour lithograph, 1997.
  • Two penguins converse about AIDS representing an advertisement for AIDS and HIV-related events between 28th and 30th November and 1st and 3rd December (1998?) in Japan. Colour lithograph, ca. 1998.
  • The face of a middle-aged blonde-haired woman wearing black; French version in a series of AIDS prevention advertisements entitled 'Yes' by Folkhälsoinstitutet. Colour lithograph by Nina Vestlund & Co and Anti Wendel, ca. 1995.
  • A woman's dress and a man's pair of trousers hanging over a chair with a message addressed to Valérie: "When you make love with Sophie, think about protection ... to avoid spreading sexually transmitted diseases and HIV"; advertisement for the SIDA Info Service by the Ministère de la Santé Publique et de l'Assurance Maladie. Colour lithograph.
  • A man and woman dressed in swimwear flexing their muscles with their arms above their heads representing the risks of injecting steroids and contracting the HIV virus; advertisement by the Public Health Department of North York, Ontario. Colour lithograph.
  • The letters 'CAA' incorporated within the words 'Cork Aids Alliance' and surrounded by dotted arrows. Photocopy.
  • A young black man in a tracksuit holding a towel representing the risks involved in dabbling with drugs; advertisement about AIDS by the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services. Lithograph, 1993.
  • A native American man wearing a feather head dress holds another across his knees against a backdrop of snow covered mountains; a calendar for 1995 by VIVA, Lesbian and Gay Latino artists to support those with HIV. Colour lithograph after Joey Terrill, 1994.
  • Four decorative Maori figures within a red oval representing an advertisement for Whakapuakitanga, a support group for young gay or bisexual Māori men; advertisement by the NZ AIDS Foundation and Te Roopu Tautoko Trust. Colour lithograph by Paul Henckel [?], 1993.
  • A woman's face with a message that love is as blind as AIDS; advertisement for an information line about AIDS by the San Francisco Aids Foundation. Lithograph by Bob Huerman and Don Quijote Productions.
  • A red heart bearing a cross patch as if wounded representing an advertisement for the 11th International AIDS conference on 29th May [1994?] in Denmark, Fakkeltog Mod AIDS. Colour lithograph, 1994.
  • An advertisement for safe sex by the Terrence Higgins Trust depicting two naked men in a swimming pool. Colour lithograph.