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169 results filtered with: Devil
  • A perturbed young woman asleep with a devil sitting on her chest; symbolizing her nightmare. Stipple engraving by J.P. Simon, 1810.
  • Mrs Fitzherbert and George Prince of Wales represented as Adam and Eve standing under the Tree of Knowledge surrounded by the trappings of fashionable pastimes and vices, causing the devil to flee. Etching, 1786.
  • Death riding side by side with a knight, followed by a devil. Etching after A. Dürer.
  • Four scenes from W. Combe's verse Dr. Last or the devil upon two sticks, a parody of the Royal College of Physicians, and in particular John Fothergill. Engraving after W. Combe.
  • A pack-horse carrying bribes is sent by Robert Walpole from Westminster to Edinburgh. Etching by Charles Mosley, 1740.
  • A witches' sabbath. Line engraving, 17--.
  • A perturbed young woman asleep with a devil sitting on her chest; symbolizing her nightmare. Stipple engraving by J.P. Simon, 1810.
  • A man dressed up as an angel with wings puts a condom onto the penis of another man lying down on draped materials wearing a devil's horned mask and the message: "he put a condom to play with his body without playing with fire"; an advertisement for World AIDS Day, 1 December 1992 by ARIS (Association of gays and lesbians in Lyon). Lithograph by Félix [?].
  • A horned devil is writing the word address with his claw. Wood engraving by S.M. Slader after T. Landseer, ca. 1830.
  • A bishop ordains John Horne Tooke as a priest: the devil replaces the ordinand's virtues with vices. Engraving, 1771.
  • A scholar in a surgeon's workroom with a jar of spirits containing Saint Michael defeating a dragon with a barbued tonge; representing the scholar's knowledge of chemistry enabling surgeons to heal, by setting the beneficent force of alkalis against the noxious force of acids. Etching by P.P. Bouche, ca. 1686.
  • A drunken man and woman lean against pillars leading to a giant distillery with attendant demon; miscellaneous characters round as border. Etching by G. Cruikshank, 1833, after himself.
  • Lord North and Fox excreting into a pan bearing the Royal Arms, a little devil is mixing the stench between them; implying the appalling effects of the coalition government. Etching by J. Gillray, 1783.
  • A winged devil figure riding on a cat awakening some monks by blowing on them. Etching by F. Goya, 1796/1798.
  • Devils attack a man's head; symbolising headache. Lithograph by C. Ramelet after H. Daumier, c. 1833.
  • Satan and the sons of God appear before God and challenge him to induce Job to curse God. Engraving by P .Galle, 1563, after M. van Heemskerck.
  • A skeletal figure riding a horse past a church and the devil; representing an apothecary and his remedies. Etching after R. Easton.
  • The Pope, the devil and the Young Pretender lie prostrate near the coffin of the Duke of Cumberland lined with two rows of lit candles and mourning figures. Engraving by WW. after J.C., 1765.
  • Saint Michael stands upon the defeated devil; Saint Peter and Saint Benedict flank him; above the Virgin and child sit among angelic musicians. Drawing by F. Rosaspina, c. 1830, after I. Francucci da Imola.
  • A devil buggering a man. Gouache painting by an Indian painter.
  • A monk and a statue of Saint Patrick trying to prevent the devil from snatching the corpse of a witch from its grave. Watercolour by E. Bell, 1804.
  • A man suffering from attack by blue devils; representing depression or mental illness. Coloured etching after R. Newton, 1795.
  • A swollen and inflamed foot: gout is represented by an attacking demon. Coloured soft-ground etching by J. Gillray, 1799.
  • A demon stealing albums from a print-seller's stall. Lithograph by Charlet, 1825.
  • A depressed scholar surrounded by mythological figures; representing the melancholy temperament. Etching by J.D. Nessenthaler, ca. 1750.
  • A gouty man drinking wine and playing the cello; the pain is represented by a devil burning his knee. Etching, 1785, after H.W. Bunbury.
  • Burdett, Peel, O'Connell and Wellington in the roles of the body-snatchers Burke and Hare, suffocating John Bull with a rope; representing the extinguishing by Wellington and Peel of the constitution of 1688 by Catholic Emancipation. Coloured etching by A. Sharpshooter, 1829.
  • James Graham and Gustavus Katterfelto in combat using electrotherapy machines as weapons. Etching, 1783.
  • Hospital Saturday Fund : [fold-out presentation album of T. Stevens and W.H. Grant's 14 street collection flags from between 1886 to 1897 with a 1996 congratulatory telegram from Mr. and Mrs. Eusden and their business card].
  • Saint Nicholas of Myra and Bari: devils flee the temple of Artemis at Myra as he orders the destruction of her statue. Engraving by G. Massi after G.B. Calandrucci.