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63 results
  • A dog threatens a wild boar. Lithograph after F. Tayler, ca. 1850 (?).
  • An elegantly dressed horsewoman jumping over a gate in a fence. Colour oleograph by E.G. Hester after C. Burton Barber, ca. 1870 (?).
  • Two dogs (bull terriers?) Engraving by J. Scott after A. Cooper, 1817.
  • A ruined cottage (?) by a lakeside. Etching after E.H. Landseer, 1820/1848 (?).
  • Game and hunting, six separate images: a stricken pheasant falling to the ground; a dead grouse (?); an injured snipe (?); a dead hare; a stricken rabbit; two huntsmen on foot carrying rifles and accompanied by dogs, with a covered horse-drawn wagon full of dead game. Etching after E.H. Landseer, 1820/1848.
  • A horse disturbs a dying bonfire with its hooves, ignoring its rider's whip and the angry shouts of two women whose laundry is being covered in ashes. Coloured lithograph by A. Strassgschwandtner after himself, ca. 1860.
  • An unarmed huntsman, threatened by a wild boar, takes refuge in a tree. Coloured lithograph by A. Strassgschwandtner after himself, ca. 1860.
  • A huntsman pulls a dead rabbit from a river by its ear. Coloured lithograph by A. Strassgschwandtner after himself, ca. 1860.
  • A huntsman, intent on killing a stag with his knife, almost loses his grip on its antler, as he is startled by an excited dog. Coloured lithograph by A. Strassgschwandtner after himself, ca. 1860.
  • A cantering horse looks nervous, perhaps because its fashionably dressed rider has a lighted cigarette between his lips; two riders in the background are also smoking, one a cigar, the other a pipe. Coloured lithograph by A. Strassgschwandtner after himself, ca. 1860.
  • An elegantly dressed horseman gets caught in a narrow wooden park entrance. Coloured lithograph by A. Strassgschwandtner after himself, ca. 1860.
  • An unseated horseman pulls at the reins of his horse, which has fallen in a ditch. Coloured lithograph by A. Strassgschwandtner after himself, ca. 1860.
  • A huntsman is butted by a chamois buck. Coloured lithograph by A. Strassgschwandtner after himself, ca. 1860.
  • A huntsman is enveloped by a sudden fall of snow from an overhanging tree branch, causing him to drop his rifle which discharges accidentally. Coloured lithograph by A. Strassgschwandtner after himself, ca. 1860.
  • Two horses and their riders collide head-on, in a park (?). Coloured lithograph by A. Strassgschwandtner after himself, ca. 1860.
  • A dray horse pulls with its teeth at a folded rug (?) belted to the waist of a smartly dressed rider on a thoroughbred horse, almost unseating him. Coloured lithograph by A. Strassgschwandtner after himself, ca. 1860.
  • A rider has slipped sideways from his saddle and is trapped underneath his cantering horse with one foot in the stirrup; he clings with his hands to the rein and harness. Coloured lithograph by A. Strassgschwandtner after himself, ca. 1860.
  • A huntsman is dragging a dead chamois buck up a snowy slope while clinging to a tree branch, which snaps. Coloured lithograph by A. Strassgschwandtner after himself, ca. 1860.
  • A well-dressed huntsman is accosted by a ragged boy proffering a bedraggled duck carcass. Coloured lithograph by A. Strassgschwandtner after himself, ca. 1860.
  • A perplexed huntsman stares at a pet owl which he has accidentally shot from its perch. Coloured lithograph by A. Strassgschwandtner after himself, ca. 1860.
  • An angry huntsman kicks his dog and snatches a partly-eaten duck from its mouth. Coloured lithograph by A. Strassgschwandtner after himself, ca. 1860.
  • A horse, ridden by a fashionably dressed man, baulks at a grating on a city street, breaking a shop window. Coloured lithograph by A. Strassgschwandtner after himself, ca. 1860.
  • A horse bites the shin of its grimacing rider, in a stable-yard; the stable owner (?) and two other men look on in horror. Coloured lithograph by A. Strassgschwandtner after himself, ca. 1860.
  • A huntsman is thrown backwards as the barrel of his rifle explodes. Coloured lithograph by A. Strassgschwandtner after himself, ca. 1860.
  • A horse baulks at a toy kite which has suddenly plummeted to the ground in its path, almost unseating its rider. Coloured lithograph by A. Strassgschwandtner after himself, ca. 1860.
  • Two huntsmen with rifles look towards the sky, one pointing upwards at their intended prey. Coloured lithograph by A. Strassgschwandtner after himself, ca. 1860.
  • A drenched horse rider stands in a puddle, watched by his horse. Coloured lithograph by A. Strassgschwandtner after himself, ca. 1860.
  • A huntsman and his hound are alarmed by the shot as another huntsman shoots a hare. Coloured lithograph by A. Strassgschwandtner, ca. 1860.
  • A horse leans against a house wall, trapping its rider and refusing to move; a woman at the open window raises a sweeping brush to poke the horse and two ragged boys in the street threaten it with a stick and a spanner (?). Coloured lithograph by A. Strassgschwandtner after himself, ca. 1860.
  • A horse baulks at or trips over (?) a herd of pigs, unseating its rider who lands on a pig. Coloured lithograph by A. Strassgschwandtner after himself, ca. 1860.