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247 results
  • Bacteria on tongue, SEM
  • Bacteria from the intestine
  • Friendly bacteria, new lighter taste : Yakult light / Yakult UK Ltd.
  • Friendly bacteria, new lighter taste : Yakult light / Yakult UK Ltd.
  • Purple bacteria or purple photosynthetic bacteria are pigmented by bacteriochlorophyll and carotenoids, giving them a colourful range of purples, pinks and oranges. They photosynthesize without producing oxygen as a by-product. This type of bacteria are proteobacteria which are phototrophic (produce their own food via photosynthesis)
  • Purple bacteria or purple photosynthetic bacteria are pigmented by bacteriochlorophyll and carotenoids, giving them a colourful range of purples, pinks and oranges. They photosynthesize without producing oxygen as a by-product. This type of bacteria are proteobacteria which are phototrophic (produce their own food via photosynthesis)
  • Bacteria: twenty-two figures showing examples of bacteria, as seen through a microscope. Colour photograph, ca. 1948, after A. Assmann, 1875, after F. Cohn, ca. 1872.
  • Bacteria: twenty-two figures showing examples of bacteria, as seen through a microscope. Colour photograph, ca. 1948, after A. Assmann, 1875, after F. Cohn, ca. 1872.
  • Dangers to the health of infants: germs and bacteria. Colour lithograph, 1922.
  • Bacteria metabolites from the respiratory tract
  • The oldest known bacteria designated as Microccus from the pre-Cambrian Rocks of Montana
  • Beats the lot : beats the lot - kills bacteria in surface infections : 'Cortisporin'.
  • Beats the lot : beats the lot - kills bacteria in surface infections : 'Cortisporin'.
  • Beats the lot : beats the lot - kills bacteria in surface infections : 'Cortisporin'.
  • Beats the lot : beats the lot - kills bacteria in surface infections : 'Cortisporin'.
  • In the story of the good & bad bacteria, here's one little hero : Yakult / [Yakult UK Ltd.].
  • In the story of the good & bad bacteria, here's one little hero : Yakult / [Yakult UK Ltd.].
  • A man controlling the titration of bacteria in a vaccine with the aid of an optical apparatus. Photograph, [ca. 1940].
  • Bacteria, Torulae, protamoeboe, Monads, etc., from an infusion of common cress x800
  • Let's talk... : RNA, DNA, genes, proteins, enzymes, cells, bacteria, peptides : Heto makes it faster, esier, safer, more efficient / Heto-Holten A/S.
  • Let's talk... : RNA, DNA, genes, proteins, enzymes, cells, bacteria, peptides : Heto makes it faster, esier, safer, more efficient / Heto-Holten A/S.
  • Let's talk... : RNA, DNA, genes, proteins, enzymes, cells, bacteria, peptides : Heto makes it faster, esier, safer, more efficient / Heto-Holten A/S.
  • A stomach showing signs of cholera asiatica, with a detail below showing bacteria cells as seen under a microscope. Chromolithograph by W. Gummelt, ca. 1897.
  • Part of the ileum showing signs of cholera asiatica, with a detail below showing bacteria cells as seen under a microscope. Chromolithograph by W. Gummelt, ca. 1897.
  • Group A Streptococci are a species of gram-positive bacteria responsible for causing a number of pyogenic (pus-producing) infections including impetigo, scarlet fever and pneumonia. Further fatal complications arising from infection include the development of meningitis and sepsis.
  • Group A Streptococci are a species of gram-positive bacteria responsible for causing a number of pyogenic (pus-producing) infections including impetigo, scarlet fever and pneumonia. Further fatal complications arising from infection include the development of meningitis and sepsis.
  • Group A Streptococci are a species of gram-positive bacteria responsible for causing a number of pyogenic (pus-producing) infections including impetigo, scarlet fever and pneumonia. Further fatal complications arising from infection include the development of meningitis and sepsis.
  • Group A Streptococci are a species of gram-positive bacteria responsible for causing a number of pyogenic (pus-producing) infections including impetigo, scarlet fever and pneumonia. Further fatal complications arising from infection include the development of meningitis and sepsis.
  • Trachymyrmex septentrionalis is the northernmost fungus growing ant, and is abundant in pine flat forests throughout the Eastern USA, ranging as far north as Long Island, New York. In this symbiosis, T. septentrionalis ants collect plant material and insect feces, which they feed to a specific "cultivar" fungus that they farm in underground gardens. Once the fungus has digested this food, it forms nutrient-rich swellings that the ants feed upon. The ants also protect their cultivar fungus from disease using antibiotic-producing Pseudonocardia bacteria that reside on the ants' proplueral plates (i.e., "chest"). The ants therefore both farm the cultivar fungus as their food source and protect it by "crop spraying" antibiotics produced by their symbiotic Pseudonocardia bacteria.
  • Trachymyrmex septentrionalis is the northernmost fungus growing ant, and is abundant in pine flat forests throughout the Eastern USA, ranging as far north as Long Island, New York. In this symbiosis, T. septentrionalis ants collect plant material and insect feces, which they feed to a specific "cultivar" fungus that they farm in underground gardens. Once the fungus has digested this food, it forms nutrient-rich swellings that the ants feed upon. The ants also protect their cultivar fungus from disease using antibiotic-producing Pseudonocardia bacteria that reside on the ants' proplueral plates (i.e., "chest"). The ants therefore both farm the cultivar fungus as their food source and protect it by "crop spraying" antibiotics produced by their symbiotic Pseudonocardia bacteria.