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310 results
  • A black sun with a face descends behind the horizon of a marshy landscape; representing the state of putrefaction in alchemy. Watercolour painting by E.A. Ibbs.
  • A black sun with a face descends behind the horizon of a marshy landscape; representing the state of putrefaction in alchemy. Watercolour painting by E.A. Ibbs.
  • A black sun with a face descends behind the horizon of a marshy landscape; representing the state of putrefaction in alchemy. Watercolour painting by E.A. Ibbs.
  • A monkey-alchemist pumps a bellows in a laboratory; alluding to the vanity of alchemy. Process print after J.P. Le Bas after D. Teniers the younger.
  • A monkey-alchemist pumps a bellows in a laboratory; alluding to the vanity of alchemy. Process print after J.P. Le Bas after D. Teniers the younger.
  • Alchemy: a furnace with nested vessels inside, and a sketch of another similar furnace. Watercolour, 1933, by V. Kaliba.
  • Emblem representing the path to the philosopher's stone in alchemy. Etching by Defehrt, 1768, after L.-J. Goussier, after the frontispiece to a 17th century book by Libavius.
  • Two peasants hold a red robe; cherubs blow wind and Mercury rests on water below; representing a stage in the process of alchemy. Coloured etching, ca. 18th century.
  • A red-faced king stands in a red robe, flanked by a queen and the deity Mercury in green clothes; representing a stage in the process of alchemy. Coloured etching, ca. 18th century.
  • A crowned woman in red holding a rose-topped caduceus; she is suspended in a circle of water; a cherub blows wind from above; representing a stage in the process of alchemy. Coloured etching, ca. 18th century.
  • A group of three 'puffers' (uninitiated alchemists) reading books, and a credulous peasant trying his luck at alchemy, his weeping wife and miserable child trying to detain him from alchemical pursuit. Engraving by F. Godefroy after J. Steen.
  • A group of three 'puffers' (uninitiated alchemists) reading books, and a credulous peasant trying his luck at alchemy, his weeping wife and miserable child trying to detain him from alchemical pursuit. Engraving by F. Godefroy after J. Steen.
  • Alchemy: a workshop with furnaces and apparatus, the alchemist in the foreground tying up a leather bag. Watercolour, 1934, by V. Kaliba after K. Stapfer after a 17th century MS.
  • A queen in red is presented with dishes of blood on a hill; below, a man in a white robe gesticulates to the heavens; while another man stands next to alchemical apparatus, facing a man who is lying sick in bed; representing a stage in the process of alchemy. Coloured etching, ca. 18th century.
  • A man in the foreground conducts an alchemical experiment with an alembic; in the background a female figure representing the world looks at a chemist, who prepares an oxygen experiment with a glass jar and a candle; representing the historical transition from alchemy to chemistry. Stipple engraving by J. Chapman, 1805, after R. Corbould.
  • A human body is consumed by a furnace; a woman holds a small red limbless effigy bearing a crown; a man holds a sheaf, and another a stick; below, by another furnace, a green and red dragon face each other, poised for combat; representing a stage in the process of alchemy. Coloured etching, ca. 18th century.
  • A man conducts an alchemical experiment with an alembic, in the foreground, in the background a female figure representing the world observes a man of the new school of chemistry who prepares an oxygen experiment with a glass jar and a candle: a representation of the historical transition between alchemy and chemistry. Coloured stipple engraving by J. Chapman, 1805, after R. Corbould.
  • Alchemical oven, Asrar-I-Hikma, 17th Century
  • An alchemist copying a text, surrounded by apparatus, attended by his dog. Wood engraving.
  • Theatrum chemicum Britannicum. Containing severall poeticall pieces of our famous English philosophers, who have written the Hermetique mysteries in their owne ancient language / Faithfully collected into one volume, with annotations thereon, by Elias Ashmole, esq. Qui est Mercuriophilus anglicus. The first part.
  • Theatrum chemicum Britannicum. Containing severall poeticall pieces of our famous English philosophers, who have written the Hermetique mysteries in their owne ancient language / Faithfully collected into one volume, with annotations thereon, by Elias Ashmole, esq. Qui est Mercuriophilus anglicus. The first part.
  • Theatrum chemicum Britannicum. Containing severall poeticall pieces of our famous English philosophers, who have written the Hermetique mysteries in their owne ancient language / Faithfully collected into one volume, with annotations thereon, by Elias Ashmole, esq. Qui est Mercuriophilus anglicus. The first part.
  • Theatrum chemicum Britannicum. Containing severall poeticall pieces of our famous English philosophers, who have written the Hermetique mysteries in their owne ancient language / Faithfully collected into one volume, with annotations thereon, by Elias Ashmole, esq. Qui est Mercuriophilus anglicus. The first part.
  • Atalanta fvgiens, hoc est emblemata nova de secretis naturae chymica. Accommodata partim oculis & intellectui, figuris cupro incisis, adjectisqúe sententiis, epigrammatis & notis, partim auribus & recreationi animi plus minus 50 fugis musicalibus trium vocum, quarum duÆ ad unam simplicem melodiam distichis canendis peraptam, correspondeant ... / authore Michaele Majero.
  • Cabala, speculum artis et naturae, in alchymia; exinde, quid, lapis sophorum antiquissimus, rei sit, qui triplex, & tamen simplex lapis existit : Omnia hactenus ex variis etiam scriptis paucis observata, singulis laboriosis amatoribus artis honoris ergò, deo annuente, tam perspicuè ac lucidissimo speculo, proposita, et quatuor aeneis laminis incisis picturis exhibita / Per ignotum, attamen notum, sicuti insignia prima figurae insculpta testantur, nunc è Germanico, Latnio [sic] versa à strenuo sapientiae cultore, et unâ cum praestantissimi cujusdam philosophi diagraphe hujus ipsius argumenti, Roseae Crusis Fraternitati dicata edita. Quò hac in materia amplius nil desideretur.
  • Atalanta fvgiens, hoc est emblemata nova de secretis naturae chymica. Accommodata partim oculis & intellectui, figuris cupro incisis, adjectisqúe sententiis, epigrammatis & notis, partim auribus & recreationi animi plus minus 50 fugis musicalibus trium vocum, quarum duÆ ad unam simplicem melodiam distichis canendis peraptam, correspondeant ... / authore Michaele Majero.
  • Atalanta fvgiens, hoc est emblemata nova de secretis naturae chymica. Accommodata partim oculis & intellectui, figuris cupro incisis, adjectisqúe sententiis, epigrammatis & notis, partim auribus & recreationi animi plus minus 50 fugis musicalibus trium vocum, quarum duÆ ad unam simplicem melodiam distichis canendis peraptam, correspondeant ... / authore Michaele Majero.
  • Henrici Cornelii Agrippae ab Nettesheym ... De occulta philosophia libri tres .... / [Heinrich Cornelius Agrippa von Nettesheim].
  • Atalanta fvgiens, hoc est emblemata nova de secretis naturae chymica. Accommodata partim oculis & intellectui, figuris cupro incisis, adjectisqúe sententiis, epigrammatis & notis, partim auribus & recreationi animi plus minus 50 fugis musicalibus trium vocum, quarum duÆ ad unam simplicem melodiam distichis canendis peraptam, correspondeant ... / authore Michaele Majero.
  • Tripvs avrevs, hoc est, tres tractatvs chymici selectissimi, nempe I. Basilii Valentini ... Practica vna cum 12. clauibus & appendice, ex Germanico: II. Thomæ Nortoni ... Crede mihi seu ordinale, ante annos 140. ab authore scriptum, nunc ex anglicano manuscripto in latinum translatum, phrasi cuiusque authoris vt & sententia retenta; III. Cremeri cvivsdam ... Abbatus Westmonasteriensis ... Testamentum, hactenus nondum publicatum. Nunc in diuersarum nationum gratiam / editi, & figuris cupro affabre incisis ornati operâ & studio Michaelis Maieri.