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1,806 results
  • King's College Hospital, Denmark Hill, London: detail drawings of one bay of a ward pavilion. Process print after W. A. Pite, 1912.
  • Cleanliness in the washing up of dishes. Colour process print, ca. 1960.
  • A woman from the Kaytetye tribe is knocking a girl's tooth out with a stone. Halftone.
  • The heads and shoulders of five women with their hair combed back and dressed with chignons decorated with baubles, feathers and scarfs. Coloured line block, 1875.
  • A family sits and listens to a letter from emigrants being read to them by a young man. Process print after Thomas Faed.
  • A wealthy young man having his hair dressed by an attendant; another attendant holds a mirror; to the left a second man is having his hair dressed by a female attendant. Reproduction of an engraving by Mazot after Le Brun.
  • The abdomen, upper thigh and genitals of a thirty year old man suffering from pityriasis rosea. Process print after a photograph, ca. 1905.
  • An anatomist meditates on the corpse of a beautiful young woman, laid out on a table next to his desk. Lithograph by F. Hanfstaengl after G. C. von Max, 1869.
  • A dream in which Captain Ducie holding a dagger approaches himself asleep and sees a black man emerging from under his bed. Process print after R. Taylor after M.L. Gow, 1891.
  • Livingstone college. Process print.
  • A seated man smoking with a tankard on the table by his side. Procees print after P. Rajon, 1872, after J.L. Meissonier, 1858.
  • The heads and shoulders of five women with their hair combed back and dressed with chignons, flowers, jewellery and a blue-bird. Coloured line block, 1876.
  • A man is standing on the banks of a river with a fishing line in the water, he is hunched against the very wet and windy weather. Coloured process print after J. Leech.
  • The heads and shoulders of five women with their hair combed back and dressed with chignons; the lower two also wear flowers and ribbons. Coloured line block, 1876.
  • International Congress for the History of Medicine, Bucharest: four delegates. Process prints after E. Taru, 1932.
  • "Behind barbed wire : a photographic record of life in enemy prison camps". Printed booklet, 1942.
  • A soldier with a pistol in his hand is looking over a wall at a small duck walking down the middle of the road. Process print after Lawson Wood.
  • A Chinese man stands carrying the cangue around his neck as a punishment. Process print after a photograph.
  • A woman wearing a fashionable gown and a hat with feathers in it, she is carrying an eyeglass and a fur stole. Colour process print.
  • African American people at a dance: the fiddler sits apart with a puzzled expression. Colour process print after L. Hopkins.
  • The heads and shoulders of four women and a lace collar: the upper two women wear hats decorated with flowers and ribbons, the lower two wear lace head-dresses. Coloured line block by A. Chaillot after E. Jecqueurs.
  • Suttee. Process print, ca. 1900 (?).
  • The arm of a woman suffering from dermatitis herpetiformis. Process print after a photograph, ca. 1905.
  • A crucified écorché. Process print after a woodcut, 1541.
  • The face and torso of a baby girl suffering from urticaria pigmentosa. Process print after a photograph, ca. 1905.
  • "Behind barbed wire : a photographic record of life in enemy prison camps". Printed booklet, 1942.
  • An estate worker who is sweeping up autumn leaves takes off his hat in deference to a little boy who is heir to the estate. Process print after G.H. Boughton, 1873.
  • The blessed Francesco Saverio Maria Bianchi blesses poor and sick people; his goodness arrests the eruption of Vesuvius. Process print.
  • The torso of a man, showing diseased areas of skin affected by tinea versicolor. Process print after a photograph, ca. 1905.
  • Optics: spectra of various stars, including our sun. Coloured process print by Cassell.