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186 results
  • Attributes of dPal-Idan Lha-mo (Rematī) in a "rgyan tshogs" banner. Distemper painting by a Tibetan painter.
  • Attributes of dPal-Idan Lha-mo (Rematī) in a "rgyan tshogs" banner. Distemper painting by a Tibetan painter.
  • Attributes of dPal-Idan Lha-mo (Rematī) in a "rgyan tshogs" banner. Distemper painting by a Tibetan painter.
  • Attributes of dPal-Idan Lha-mo (Rematī) in a "rgyan tshogs" banner. Distemper painting by a Tibetan painter.
  • Queen Victoria and her family: a composition carte de visite. Photograph.
  • Barbara van Beck. Oil painting, ca. 1650.
  • Barbara van Beck. Oil painting, ca. 1650.
  • Barbara van Beck. Oil painting, ca. 1650.
  • Barbara van Beck. Oil painting, ca. 1650.
  • The Carbolic Smoke Ball : for inhalation only : will positively cure colds, cold in the head, cold on the chest, catarrh, asthma, bronchitis ...  / Carbolic Smoke Ball Company.
  • Three witches with a cat, a dog and a bird. Engraving, ca. 1800, after a woodcut, 1619.
  • Queen Victoria using sign language to talk to Mrs B. Tuffield, a deaf mute woman. Process print after H. Ash.
  • Phlebotomist taking blood, artwork
  • Jewel decorated with a red cross and three stars given by Queen Victoria to Florence Nightingale for her work in Crimea. Colour lithograph, 1856.
  • A prostitute leading an old man into the bedroom and taking money from him; implying that her services will act like a tonic and preserve his state of health. Coloured etching, 18--, after T. Rowlandson, 1811.
  • Five elderly ladies caricatured as young women performing a sacrifice in a classical tableau. Etching by J. Gillray, 1787.
  • A woman is listening to her lover who is down on one knee. Process print after L.M. Bonnet after J.B. Huet (?).
  • Newspaper cuttings about AIDS and lesbians with the words: "Invisible, ignored, unstudied, unrepresented". Photocopy.
  • Queen Caroline, wife of King George IV, is greeted by people from Marylebone. Etching by Th. Hook, 1820.
  • A monk and a statue of Saint Patrick trying to prevent the devil from snatching the corpse of a witch from its grave. Watercolour by E. Bell, 1804.
  • A monk and a statue of Saint Patrick trying to prevent the devil from snatching the corpse of a witch from its grave. Watercolour by E. Bell, 1804.
  • A monk and a statue of Saint Patrick trying to prevent the devil from snatching the corpse of a witch from its grave. Watercolour by E. Bell, 1804.
  • A monk and a statue of Saint Patrick trying to prevent the devil from snatching the corpse of a witch from its grave. Watercolour by E. Bell, 1804.
  • A young woman grieving and embracing an urn. Stipple engraving by W.W. Ryland after A. Kauffman, 1774.
  • A young woman helping another with her toilet while an old woman prays. Etching by F. Goya, 1796/98.
  • A young woman helping another with her toilet while an old woman prays. Etching by F. Goya, 1796/98.
  • Matthew Hopkins, Witchfinder general, with two supposed witches calling out the names of their demons, some of which are represented by animals. Etching, 1792, after an earlier woodcut.
  • Girolamo Cardano. Line engraving by K. Ammon, 1652.
  • Wrapped in "sweating" blankets and close to the fire Moll Hackabout nears death as two doctors argue. Engraving by William Hogarth.
  • The followers of Robespierre entering the prison cell in which Loizerolles father and son are kept to take the son away for execution. Stipple engraving by G. Aliprandi after J.H. Fragonard.