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455 results
  • [Wellcome Chinese Collection 100].
  • Wellcome Historical Medical Museum, Wigmore Street, London: a head-hunter's hut, south east New Guinea, in the Hall of Primitive Medicine. Photograph.
  • Wellcome Historical Medical Museum, Wigmore Street, London: a head-hunter's hut, south east New Guinea, in the Hall of Primitive Medicine. Photograph.
  • Wellcome Historical Medical Museum, Wigmore Street, London: west wall of the Gallery of Pictures. Photograph.
  • Acknowledgment letter of Nuttal slides
  • Tibetan paper charm consisting of five figures. Watercolour, Tibet.
  • Yama, Buddhist god of death, with the head of a buffalo bedecked with skulls and flames, stands on a bull crushing a man lying on his back. Distemper painting.
  • Tibetan fortune telling card. Watercolour, Tibet.
  • Tibetan fortune telling card. Watercolour, Tibet.
  • Tibetan fortune telling card. Watercolour, Tibet.
  • Dpal-Idan Lha-mo (Magzor Palden Lhamo, or Shri Devi), a Tibetan demon goddess riding on a mule. Distemper painting.
  • Tibetan fortune telling card. Watercolour, Tibet.
  • Tibetan fortune telling card. Watercolour, Tibet.
  • dPal-Idan Lha-mo (Magzor Palden Lhamo), a Tibetan demon goddess riding on a mule. Distemper painting by a Tibetan painter.
  • Yama, Buddhist god of death, with the head of a buffalo bedecked with skulls and flames, stands on a bull crushing a man lying on his back. Distemper painting.
  • The Bodhisattva Avalokiteśvara surrounded by other Buddhist deities. Distemper painting.
  • Dpal-Idan Lha-mo (Magzor Palden Lhamo, or Shri Devi), a Tibetan demon goddess riding on a mule. Distemper painting.
  • Dpal-Idan Lha-mo (Magzor Palden Lhamo, or Shri Devi), a Tibetan demon goddess riding on a mule. Distemper painting.
  • Dpal-Idan Lha-mo (Magzor Palden Lhamo, or Shri Devi), a Tibetan demon goddess riding on a mule. Distemper painting.
  • Tibetan fortune telling card. Watercolour, Tibet.
  • Tibetan fortune telling card. Watercolour, Tibet.
  • Tibetan fortune telling card. Watercolour, Tibet.
  • Gesar of Ling. Distemper painting.
  • Tibetan fortune telling card. Watercolour, Tibet.
  • Tibetan fortune telling card. Watercolour, Tibet.
  • Yama, Buddhist god of death, with the head of a buffalo bedecked with skulls and flames, stands on a bull crushing a man lying on his back. Distemper painting.
  • Gesar of Ling. Distemper painting.
  • Tibetan fortune telling card. Watercolour, Tibet.
  • Tibetan guide to fortune telling cards. Watercolour, Tibet.
  • Dpal-Idan Lha-mo (Magzor Palden Lhamo, or Shri Devi), a Tibetan demon goddess riding on a mule. Distemper painting.