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  • Sthenelos bandaging the wounded finger of Diomedes. Ink drawing by S.W. Kelly, 1937, after a Chalcidian neck-amphora c. 550 B.C.
  • Boer War: a group of soldiers wounded during the siege of Kimberley, South Africa. Process print after Bennett, 1899.
  • Boer War: the work of the Natal volunteer ambulance force. Reproduction after a photograph by A.L. Twite after F. Dadd.
  • World War One: a physician tending a soldier in a room in the trenches. Coloured charcoal drawing.
  • Boer War: wounded soldiers lying inside a hospital train. Halftone, c.1900.
  • Boer War: the deck of a homeward-bound hospital ship about to depart, with two wounded soldiers shaking hands. Gouache painting by W. Small, c. 1900, after D. Gunn.
  • Schleswig-Holstein War: an ambulance arriving at a battlefield in Düppel 18 April 1864. Lithograph by W. Funke, 1864.
  • Boer War: wounded soldiers being lifted off a hospital ship and carried away on stretchers. Halftone, c. 1900, after F. de Haenen after J. Bruton.
  • Ambulancemen picking up the wounded from a battlefield. Line engraving.
  • Boer War: British soldiers tending wounded Boers in an early stage of the Battle of Spion Kop. Watercolour by H.M. Paget, 1900.
  • A wounded soldier is helped on the ground by a medical officer under instruction from a mounted army doctor. Coloured lithograph by C. F. Schindler, c. 1900.
  • Boer War: the work of the Red Cross and medical staff with coats of arms. Reproduction of watercolours after A. Stewart and J.J. Waugh and wood engraving by A.H. Fisher, 1900.
  • Napoleon visiting the wounded after the Battle of Eylau. Coloured etching.
  • The death of Sir Philip Sidney at the battle of Zutphen: he passes a water-flask to a fellow soldier. Mezzotint by J. Jones after G. Carter, 1782.
  • The death of Sir Phillip Sidney at the battle of Zutphen. Line engraving by W. Greatbach after Sir D. Wilkie.
  • Austro-Prussian War: the Prussian King William I visiting wounded soldiers lying in a barn. Lithograph after H. Jenny, ca. 1866.
  • World War One: a mounted Cossack ambulance convoy using horses as stretcher-bearers. Halftone after F. de Haenen, 1916, after a sketch by H. Seppings Wright.
  • Boer War: bringing in the wounded Boer prisoners of war after the Battle of Magersfontein. Halftone by C.H. after P.F.S. Spence after Captain Ferguson.
  • A frail and wounded soldier being saved from death by the care of his young wife. Etching by B. Roger after L. Sicard.
  • A frail and wounded soldier being saved from death by the care of his young wife. Etching by B. Roger after L. Sicard.
  • Russo-Japanese War: soldiers bringing in the wounded to an open air Japanese field hospital. Wash drawing by G. Soper, 1904, after a photograph by J. Ruddiman Johnston.
  • A uniformed German army doctor arriving at the scene of an accident. Coloured lithograph, c. 1870.
  • Russo-Japanese War: wounded Japanese soldiers lying in the Kaiping hospital. Collotype, c. 1904.
  • Boer Wars: British soldiers bringing first aid to wounded Boers. Watercolour by W. Hatherell, 1901.
  • Boer Wars: British soldiers bringing first aid to wounded Boers. Watercolour by W. Hatherell, 1901.
  • An ambulance corps in the field gathering by T. [S.] Crowther and attending to wounded men. Pen and ink drawing.
  • The death of Sir Philip Sidney at the battle of Zutphen. Line engraving.
  • Russo-Japanese War: a field hospital ward with an inspection of the first wounded Japanese to arrive home. Pen and ink drawing by D. Macpherson, 1904.
  • Boer War: removing the wounded after the Battle of Spion Kop. Brush and wash drawing by H.M.Paget, 1900, after A.E.C.
  • Boer War: collecting the wounded from the battlefield using newly invented ambulance transport. Reproduction after a watercolour by F. Craig.