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454 results
  • Prof. Dr. G. Grijns' researches on vitamins 1900-1911 and his thesis on the physiology of the N. Opticus / translated and reedited by a committee of honour on oaccsion of his 70th birthday.
  • Vitamalt : the perfect vitamin-food for infants, children and adults : Rich in the essential vitamins A, B, C and D : Especially recommended for delicate and ailing children, nursing & expectant mothers and in all cases of malnutrition and low vitality / Boots Pure Drug Company.
  • Vitamalt : the perfect vitamin-food for infants, children and adults : Rich in the essential vitamins A, B, C and D : Especially recommended for delicate and ailing children, nursing & expectant mothers and in all cases of malnutrition and low vitality / Boots Pure Drug Company.
  • A condom with the message "Guarenteed content of vitamins: aaah and hmm ... condoms - have you tried them?" with listed brands below; advertisement by AIDES, Association de lutte contre le SIDA. Colour lithograph by R. Turqueti.
  • Pro-vitamin (Ergosterol) + ultra-violet light = vitamin d (anti-rachitic) : Vitamin D in the 'Allenburys' foods.
  • Vitamin C
  • Vitamin C crystals
  • Foreign prescriptions : hormone therapy incorporating fresh glands, homeopathic body minerals, multiple vitamins for the restoration and preservation of health, youth and physical perfection in both sexes. Dispensed according to the research of the most noted European & foreign specialists, physicians, dermatologists and beauty culturists, forming the most successful methods yet devised for combating ill health, premature age and loss of atractiveness / [Hancock & Co. Ltd].
  • Vitamin C (ascorbic acid) crystals, LM
  • Vitamin C (ascorbic acid) crystals, LM
  • Terrapin with rickets - vitamin deficiency
  • Vitamin C imaged with polarised light. Vitamin C (ascorbic acid) is an important vitamin, essential for collagen formation and wound healing, it also facilitates to absorption of iron. A good source of vitamin C is found in a variety of fruit and vegetables, notably citrus friuts, kiwi and broccoli. It is a water soluble vitamin so is excreted by the body and, therefore, needs to be ingested regularly. A lack of vitamin C causes scurvy.
  • Vitamin C imaged with polarised light. Vitamin C (ascorbic acid) is an important vitamin, essential for collagen formation and wound healing, it also facilitates to absorption of iron. A good source of Vitamin C is found in a variety of fruit and vegetables, notably citrus friuts, kiwi and broccoli. It is a water soluble vitamin so is excreted by the body and, therefore, needs to be ingested regularly. A lack of Vitamin C causes scurvy.
  • Vitamin A deficiency in red-eared terrapin
  • Guinea pig health care. Giving Vitamin C
  • Swollen neck in terrapin - vitamin deficient
  • Vitamin C, also known as a ascorbic acid, is a water-soluble vitamin, which means it is excreated by the body and needs to be replaced in our diet. Unlike most mammals, humans do not have the ability to make their own vitamin C. Vitamin C deficiency can lead to scurvy.
  • Ferrodic iron granules, Calcydic calcium vitamin D granules.
  • Vitamin C (ascorbic acid) crystals imaged by cross polarised light microscopy. Vitamin C is an antioxidant and is important for collagen formation and wound healing. A good source of vitamin C is found in a variety of fruit and vegetables including citrus friuts, brussels sprouts and broccoli. It is a water soluble vitamin that cannot be stored in the body so needs to be ingested regularly. A lack of Vitamin C causes scurvy. 100X image magnification.
  • Otro triunfo : "aciete-en-agua" : Vi-Syneral inyectable / U.S. Vitamin Corporation.
  • Vita : vitamin enriched tuna salad wholemeal bread sandwiches / Boots Company PLC.
  • A histogram comparing the vitamin C content of various foods. Colour lithograph.
  • A histogram comparing the vitamin C content of various foods. Colour lithograph.
  • Savory & Moore's Vitavet : the vitamin veterinary food... / Savory & Moore Ltd.
  • Der Aufbau des wachsenden Organismus ist gebunden an eine ausreichende Zufuhr von Vitamin D : Vigantol, das Vitamin D-Preparät von höchster chemische Reinheit und einwandfreier Verträglichkeit : verhütet und heilt die Rachitis ... / Bayer.
  • Der Aufbau des wachsenden Organismus ist gebunden an eine ausreichende Zufuhr von Vitamin D : Vigantol, das Vitamin D-Preparät von höchster chemische Reinheit und einwandfreier Verträglichkeit : verhütet und heilt die Rachitis ... / Bayer.
  • A baby receiving vitamin A in Kenya. Colour lithograph by Ministry of Health, ca. 2000.
  • Formula mejorada! : Vi-Litron : para producción rápida de hemoglobina y glóbulos rojos / U.S. Vitamin Corporation.
  • Fluscorbin : Vitamin C + quinine massive dose : attack treatment of colds and influenza.
  • Fluscorbin : Vitamin C + quinine massive dose : attack treatment of colds and influenza.