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455 results
  • Saint John the Evangelist: his vision of the Apocalypse. Engraving by M. Masson.
  • A vision of motherhood with a small child. Heliotype by Arents after L. Marqueste.
  • The dance of death: the vision of skulls. Coloured aquatint after T. Rowlandson, 1816.
  • Twins share one vision : 'incredible' sisters stun experts by seeing through each other's eyes.
  • The vision of Jacob's ladder. Colour lithograph by L. Gruner after N. Consoni after Raphael.
  • Twins share one vision : 'incredible' sisters stun experts by seeing through each other's eyes.
  • Saint Bernard of Clairvaux: he kneels before a vision of the Virgin and Christ Child. Engraving.
  • Saint Peregrinus Laziosi: a vision of Christ heals his leg by the ministration of an angel. Engraving.
  • Saint Francis of Assisi having a vision of an angel playing the violin. Etching by F. Vanni.
  • Saint Peregrinus Laziosi: a vision of Christ heals his leg by the ministration of an angel. Coloured engraving.
  • Women looking at a vision in a magic mirror. Engraving by E.J. Portbury after J. Masey Wright.
  • Abraham has a nightmarish vision of fire in the darkness. Etching by M. van der Gucht after G. Hoet.
  • The prophet Ezekiel having a vision of God. Engraving by C. Galle I after J. van der Straet (Stradanus).
  • Two elderly women in bed, disturbed from sleep by a nightmare vision of "The monster" (R. Williams), 1790. Drawing.
  • A boat sails towards a floating vision of Ganesh as a child. Engraving by an Indian artist, 1800s.
  • Fr. Antonius à Sancto Petro praying before a vision of Christ's passion. Engraving by A. Clouwet after B. Baldovini.
  • A Vision of the Repeal of the Window Tax. 'Hulloh Old Fellow, we're glad to see You here.'
  • The Blessed Gonçalo de Amarante kneeling in front of an altar and having a vision of Christ's Passion. Engraving, 16--.
  • Saint Peregrinus Laziosi: a vision of Christ heals his leg by the ministration of an angel. Engraving on yellow silk.
  • Saint Francis of Assisi having a vision of an angel playing the violin. Etching by A. Baratti after L. Lorenzi, 17--.
  • A hazy image of a child and figure holding a stick: World sight day in Ethiopia. Colour lithograph for Vision 2020, 2009.
  • Caesar Nostradamus reveals to Marie de' Medici a vision of King Henri IV as her future husband. Etching by N. Ransonnette, 1782.
  • An angel showing a vision of the Virgin and Child to Saint Francis Xavier. Engraving by S. Bolswert after G. Seghers, 16--.
  • Ezekiel has a vision of angels and spheres with eyes coasting along the thunderstruck sea. Etching by R. Pranker, 176-, after B. Picart.
  • Saint John Nepomucen: at the door of a building he has a vision of the Virgin and Christ Child. Engraving on red silk.
  • Saint Peregrinus Laziosi: a vision of Christ heals his leg by the ministration of an angel. Engraving on yellow silk by P. Bohacz.
  • Isaiah's vision of the Lord's glory (Isaiah 6.1) and other scenes from the book of Isaiah. Etching by J. and J. Klauber.
  • Mesentery: Four figures of the lacteals, the aorta & mesenterica inferior, the urinary bladder and a demonstration of vision. Line engraving by Campbell, 1816/1821.
  • A mother suffocates her baby; above, her vision of demons torturing her as punishment after her own death. Colour woodcut by Kuniaki Utagawa, 1868.
  • A vision of the first Mayor of London appears to the feasting Aldermen and warns them against luxury. Coloured etching by T. Rowlandson, 1809.