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70 results
  • A man speaking to a crowd: democracy and governance in Rwanda. Lithograph, ca. 2001.
  • A man speaking to a crowd: democracy and governance in Rwanda. Lithograph, ca. 2001.
  • Various contraceptive methods: family planning in Sudan. Colour lithograph by Ahfad Reproductive Health Center, ca. 1999.
  • A cross with the horizontal line representing a book bearing 2 impressions of an identical hand wearing a ring; a red shoe above and faded images sewn at the edges including a bike, a crab and an upside down figure feature along the bottom edge; advertising the danger of AIDS. Colour lithograph by Ofelia Rodriguez, 1994.
  • A white chart containing Arabic text about female genital mutilation in Sudan. Colour lithograph by Ahfad Reproductive Health Centre, ca. 1999.
  • A woman caught in a spider web: female genital mutilation in Sudan. Colour lithograph by Ahfad Reproductive Health Centre, ca. 1999.
  • A woman shielding her face with her hand from a razor dripping with blood: female genital mutilation in Sudan. Colour lithograph by Ahfad Reproductive Health Centre, ca. 1999.
  • A woman breastfeeding her baby; promoting family health in Ethiopia. Colour lithograph, ca. 2000.
  • A woman's face on shattered glass: women's health rights in Sudan. Colour lithograph by Ahfad Reproductive Health Centre, ca. 1999.
  • A man carrying a woman, both naked; representing the argument that one woman is enough for a man, and that faithfulness is a protection against AIDS. Colour lithograph after K. Sedláček, 199-.
  • A woman with her eyes closed holding the face of a man representing a warning about AIDS; advertisement by the School of Medicine at the University of Miami. Lithograph.
  • A mother breast feeds her baby as another woman looks on: promoting benefits of breastfeeding in Nigeria. Colour lithograph by Wellstart International and Johns Hopkins University/Population Communication Services, ca. 1994.
  • A black man with his wife and child representing a family affected by AIDS; advertisement by the School of Medicine at the University of Miami. Colour lithograph.
  • Guidelines for the management of acute paracetamol overdose in Ethiopia. Colour lithograph by DACA, ca. 2000.
  • A contented mother breastfeeds her baby in a hospital bed tended by a nurse: promoting benefits of breastfeeding in Nigeria. Colour lithograph by Ministry of Health & Social Welfare, ca. 1994.
  • A couple caress within a bag full of water that is suspended against a collage of faces, labels and the lettering 'who', 'sex', 'love' and 'no'; representing an advertisement for safe sex helplines by Swinburne University of Technology, Melbourne, Australia. Colour lithograph by Kevan Way, 1995.
  • A contented mother breastfeeds her baby in a hospital bed tended by a nurse: promoting benefits of breastfeeding in Nigeria. Colour lithograph by Wellstart International and Johns Hopkins University/Population Communication Services, ca. 1994.
  • A mother breast feeds her baby as another woman looks on: promoting benefits of breastfeeding in Nigeria. Colour lithograph by Wellstart International and Johns Hopkins University/Population Communication Services, ca. 1994.
  • A mother sleeps with her baby and other two children beside open windows: prevention of meningitis in Nigeria. Colour lithograph by Northern League of NGO's, ca. 1997.
  • A baby cries as it receives an injection from a nurse: measles prevention in Nigeria. Colour lithograph by Northern League of NGO's, ca. 1997.
  • A red apple forming the tip of a penis with a quote from Albert Camus: 'La felicidad es generosa ... no vive de destrucción' [Happiness is ... generous destruction of lives] and the letters 'SIDA' in each corner; advertising the danger of AIDS. Colour lithograph by Santiago Pol, 1994.
  • A red apple forming the the tip of a penis with a quote from Albert Camus: 'La felicidad es generosa ... no vive de destrucción' [Happiness is ... generous destruction of lives] and the letters 'SIDA' in each corner; one of a series of anti-AIDS posters produced by Artis entitled 'Imágenes contra el SIDA' [Images against AIDS]. Colour lithograph by Santiago Pol, 1994.
  • A stretched condom wearing a red bow tie; advertising the AIDS-Hilfe Duisberg/Kreis Wesel e.V. Colour lithograph by Sandra Schweda.
  • A hand with the index finger pointing up wearing a condom; advertising the AIDS-Hilfe Duisberg/Kreis Wesel e.V. Colour lithograph by Dimitra Tselebidis, GH-Uni Duisberg.
  • A graph across a map of the world showing the growing pandemic and stalling response to the AIDS crisis between the years 1981 and 1993; advertisement by The Global AIDS Policy Coalition. Colour lithograph, 1993.
  • Three seated monkeys: one hiding his eyes, one with his hands over his mouth, and the other hiding his genitals with another monkey scratching his head in bemusement below; with the message in French: 'We die. What do you do?'; an advertisement for an event on Saturday 27 November [in Geneva] to commemorate World AIDS Day featuring a rock concert entitled 'Rock against AIDS'; sponsored by Dialogan, Groupe SIDA Géneve, PVA Géneve and the AIDS Ministry. Colour lithograph.
  • A pair of hands, a heart and birds in flight representing an advertisement for the Canadian HIV Trials Network. Colour lithograph by Beverly Deutsch.
  • A shark chasing a small fish; a 'Stop AIDS' advertisement. Lithograph by L. Drewinski, 1997.
  • White spermatozoa swimming down, two with their tales crossed against a black background; a 'Stop AIDS' advertisement. Lithograph by L. Drewinski, 1997.
  • A black man holds a condom between his thumb and finger representing an advertisement for an exhibition on The Art of AIDS Education at Hartnett Gallery, University of Rochester, Massachusetts between April 6 - 20, 1992. Colour lithograph, 1992.