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141 results
  • James Bick, a mimic trumpeter. Line engraving by Grave.
  • Angels blow trumpets and fire descends upon the earth. Woodcut, 16th century.
  • Angels blow trumpets in heaven and fire descends on a river. Woodcut, 16th century.
  • Two angels blowing trumpets, about to cause disaster at the Apocalypse. Woodcut, c. 16th century.
  • A trumpeter (large black South American cranelike bird of the genus Psophia). Etching by J. Le Keux.
  • A winged woman, standing on a cloud, blowing one of her two trumpets; representing Fame. Etching by G.C. von Prenner.
  • Two Victorian ear trumpets, one made of tin made by Atkinson, Union Court, Holborn, London, and the other swathed in black silk and lace mourning
  • Above, a flamingo, two pheasants, a seal, a rock manakin, and a sea calf; below, a parakeet, a manakin, a macao, a trumpeter (pigeon), and the sprig and fruit of the pistachio tree. Engraving by Heath.
  • A young artist, sitting among the ruins of mediaeval buildings and drawing a modern country house, holds up his pencil to stop the approaching Chronos, god of time; above, the winged figure of Fame trumpets his genius and awards him a wreath of honour for resisting time. Engraving, 1781.
  • Monday, Dec. 20th first appearance of the wonderful Belgian giant (8 ft. high) Alfredo Devartos : (24 years of age) trumpeter in the guards of the King of Belgium, & the tallest man in the whole army) ... last five nights of the Schaffer Troupe ... / Canterbury Theatre of Varieties, Westminster Bridge Road.
  • The library of Pierre Séguier:  painting and music support putti trumpeting the fame of the library. Engraving by M. Dorigny after S. Vouet, 1640.
  • Daffodils (Narcissus), x-ray
  • A drunken bacchanalian gathering with women and a satyr trying to waken two sleeping men. Etching by G. de Lairesse after himself.
  • A masonic tribute to the duchess of Leinster, a governess of Lock Penitentiary, Dublin: she is attended by Virtue and Fame. Etching by H. Brocas, 1794.
  • The archangel Michael, holding a flaming sword and the scales of justice; in heaven the angels kneel before Christ; representing the Day of Judgement. Woodcut.
  • Two groups of bridesmaids wait by a bridge: one with candles, the other dejectedly staring at the ground; representing the biblical parable of the wise and foolish virgins. Etching by X. Steifensand after J.F. Overbeck, 1844.
  • The heavens open on the day of judgement; Christ appears above the coast of the Netherlands. Engraving, 16th century.
  • Jacob Gråberg of Hemsö. Pencil drawing by C. E. Liverati, 1841.
  • Rehmannia Angulata (Chinese Foxglove)
  • A seated woman giving birth aided by a midwife and two other attendants, in the background two men are looking at the stars and plotting a horoscope. Woodcut, 1583[?].
  • The death-bed of John Wesley, 1791. Process print after J. Sartain after M. Claxton.
  • Neptune surrounded by Triton and sea-nymphs is presented with the fruits of the sea; representing conchology. Stipple engraving by J. Chapman after R. Corbould.
  • The graves open on the day of judgement; Christ, apostles and female saints look on. Engraving after M. Heemskerck, 1564.
  • A Savoyard displaying his peep show, which attracts women and children. Aquatint silhouette by M. Dubourg after B.A. Townshend, ca. 1815.
  • A Swedish woman standing on the edge of a cliff, blowing on a long pipe. Engraving by R. Pollard after E.D. Clarke.
  • Speaking or conversation tube
  • Christ and the apostles walk towards a man who is quietly giving alms to a beggar. Etching.
  • Soldiers representing the Church of Scotland ride into battle on horses against opponents of the Veto Act, which had given parishioners the right to veto ministers imposed by patrons of their parishes. Lithograph attributed to B.W. Crombie, 1843.
  • Datura stramonium (Thornapple). Also called Jimsonweed
  • Datura stramonium (Thornapple). Also called Jimsonweed