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2,152 results
  • Title page of Obstetric Tables by Spratt.
  • Title Page of Zacchia's Quaestionvm medico-legalivm
  • Nightingale "Notes on hospitals", 1859: title page
  • Title Page of Zacchia's Quaestiones medico-legales
  • Title Page of Zacchia's Quaestiones medico-legales
  • Title page of Bohn's De renunciatione vulnerum,
  • Title Page of Zacchia's Quaestiones medico-legales
  • Title Page of Zacchia's Quaestiones medico-legales
  • Title Page , The World Bewitch'd
  • The Abortion Law Reform Association Title page
  • Title page "Lehrbuch der pathologischen Anatomie", Forster, 1864
  • R. Read "Brief account...", reverse of title page
  • Title page, signature of Vesalius, "De causis respiratione"
  • T. Willis "De anima brutorum", 1672: title page
  • Title Page of De relationibus medicorum libri quatuor.
  • Title Page of Fortunati Fidelis, Medici, de Relationibus..
  • Title page, Dionis "Tratto delle operatio ne chiurgiche"
  • Title page from 'The Mongol in our midst...'
  • Title page of Finke's Versuch Einer Allgemeinen... Geographi
  • Title page of "Ueber die Beziehungen" Ehrlich, 1898
  • Title page of Buxton, Herman Boerhaave, An Account...
  • J. Vaucanson "Account of mechanism...", 1742; title page
  • M. Neuburger " Historische entwicklung...", 1897; title page
  • Title page for the Victor Horsley album. Drawing.
  • Title page from Lange, Medicinalium epistolarum miscellanea, 1554
  • F. Nietzsche "Also sprach Zarathustra", 1904; title page
  • Title page of A Physical Dissertation on Drowning
  • Title page of Dissertatio medica inauguralis, de somno
  • C. von Nageli "Die niederen", 1877; title page
  • Marianus Sanctus " De lapide", 1540; title page