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66 results
  • A short, but concise account of Elisabeth, and Mary Chulkhurst, who were born joined together by the hips and shoulders, in the year of our Lord 1100, at Biddenden, in the county of Kent : commonly called the Biddenden Maids.
  • Christ feasts in Zacchaeus's well-stocked house. Etching by J.B. Vrints after P. van der Borcht.
  • John Bull about to be bled by three doctors; representing Britain's budget manipulated by the cabinet. Coloured etching by J. Phillips?, 1830.
  • Disraeli leaving Parliament with heavy luggage (war, imperialism, ruin, distress ...) on his shoulders; he is followed by Stafford Northcote. Engraving by W. Dewane, 1880.
  • A rich man and a workman arguing about the budget introduced by the Liberal Government in the United Kingdom. Colour lithograph after F.C. Gould, ca. 1909.
  • A.J. Balfour as Prime Minister asks John Bull to pay for increasingly costly policies, but eventually John Bull refuses. Drawing by David Wilson, 1905.
  • Groups of men gather at an execution. Line engraving by J. Tinney, 1741.
  • Death and three fates on an ox-drawn carriage; historical figures die on the ground beneath; representing the triumph of death. Engraving by S. Pomarede, 1748, after G. Buti after  Bonifacio de' Pitati.
  • John Bull being bled while lying in bed and surrounded by four women; referring to Britain being drained of resources by Peel's new government. Coloured lithograph by J. Doyle, 1842.
  • Christ on a triumphal chariot with saints, martyrs, sibyls and other figures; representing the triumph of faith (?). Engraving by S. Pomarede after G.A. Buti after Bonifacio de' Pitati.
  • A procession of historical figures accompanying a car on which Time sits measuring the globe; representing the triumph of Time. Engraving by S. Pomarede, 1748, after G. Buti after Bonifacio de' Pitati.
  • A hand offers a syringe to another hand with a warning about transmission of AIDS through needle-sharing. Colour lithograph, 1988, for the Coordination Committee on Alcohol and Other Drugs (French Community in Belgium).
  • Banker's order form / [London Lighthouse].
  • Deed of covenant / London Lighthouse, a centre for people facing the challenge of AIDS.
  • Deed of covenant / London Lighthouse, a centre for people facing the challenge of AIDS.
  • Deed of covenant / London Lighthouse, a centre for people facing the challenge of AIDS.
  • Deed of covenant / London Lighthouse, a centre for people facing the challenge of AIDS.
  • A man in a leather jacket sits in an open-topped red car holding up a thumb on which is a blown up condom; the bottom of a man, (his partner?), wearing shorts can be seen standing next to the car; with the message: 'Without? Without me'; Italian version of a series of safe sex posters from a 'Stop AIDS' poster campaign by the Aiuto AIDS Svizzero, in collaboration with the Office of Public Health. Colour lithograph, 1992.
  • A boy telling his aunt the advantages of placing her name on the Social Register. Wood engraving after C. Keene, 1869.
  • Boston, Massachusetts: John Malcolm, a customs official, is lowered by ropes from his house on to a cart and tarred and feathered by a crowd protesting against taxation. Engraving by F. Godefroy, 1784.
  • The sun with stars representing an advertisement for a Gilbert and Sullivan evening presented by Edmonton Opera and The Edmonton Symphony Orchestra Richard Eaton Singers on March 31 1993; produced by Halkier and Dutton Design for the AIDS Network of Edmonton Society. Colour lithograph.
  • William Pitt the younger as an obstetrician and medicine vendor, accompanied by Henry Dundas as his assistant, disputing with Napoleon Bonaparte their respective medicinal remedies for the delivery of Europe. Etching after C. Ansell (?), 1800.
  • William Pitt the younger as an obstetrician and medicine vendor, accompanied by Henry Dundas as his assistant, disputing with Napoleon Bonaparte their respective medicinal remedies for the delivery of Europe. Etching after C. Ansell (?), 1800.
  • Robert Walpole, Earl of Orford, with a whip in one hand and a letter in the other, mounted on an ass with a human head. Etching with engraving, 1745.
  • George, Prince Regent, in uniform holding out a swollen hand which is supported by Wellington; representing the enormous amount of money given to the army compared with the navy. Coloured lithograph, 1816.
  • Chao Phraya river, Bangkok, Siam (Thailand). Photograph by John Thomson, 1865/1866.
  • Chao Phraya river, Bangkok, Siam (Thailand). Photograph by John Thomson, 1865/1866.
  • A doctor and nurse prescribing new medicines for their patient; representing Britain under a new government. Coloured lithograph by J. Doyle, 1842.
  • The British Museum: working-class people attending a guided tour and looking at exhibits of English history in glass cases and on the walls. Etching by G. Cruikshank, 1843.
  • Fukien province, China: women and children outside a school (?). Photograph by John Thomson, 1871.