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70 results
  • Cabbalistic amulet for the protection of Bela, 18th c.
  • Satan's invisible world discovered, or, A choice collection of modern relations proving evidently, against the atheists of this present age, that there are devils. Spirits, witches, and apparitions, from authentic records, and attestations of witnesses of undoubted veracity : To which is added, the marvellous history of Major Weir and his sister, the witches of Bargarran, Pittenweem, Calder, &c / By Mr. George Sinclair.
  • The hand of Fatima (daughter of Muhammad) surrounded by Islamic symbols and used as a good luck charm. Process print.
  • 'Actifed' Compound Linctus.
  • 'Actifed' Compound Linctus.
  • 'Actifed' Compound Linctus.
  • 'Actifed' Compound Linctus.
  • 'Actifed' Compound Linctus.
  • 'Actifed' Compound Linctus.
  • A credulous congregation listening to a sermon by a fiery preacher. Engraving by T. Cook, 1798, after W. Hogarth.
  • A postcard illustrating a variety of good luck charms. Chromolithograph.
  • A postcard illustrating a young couple surrounded by a variety of good luck charms. Process print.
  • Various gold trinkets, pieces of gold jewelry, gold amulets, stools, gold nuggets and scales for measuring gold. Engraving.
  • A soldier sending good luck and wishes to his sweetheart through good luck charms. Chromolithograph after E.M.
  • Actifed Compound Linctus provides rapid and effective relief : suppresses unproductive cough ...
  • Actifed Compound Linctus provides rapid and effective relief : suppresses unproductive cough ...
  • Actifed Compound Linctus provides rapid and effective relief : suppresses unproductive cough ...
  • Actifed Compound Linctus provides rapid and effective relief : suppresses unproductive cough ...
  • Virginia: costumes, customs, and dwellings of the native Americans. Engraving, 1732.
  • 'Zyloric'.
  • 'Zyloric'.
  • Wherever gout strikes Zyloric protects.
  • Wherever gout strikes Zyloric protects.
  • Wherever gout strikes Zyloric protects.
  • Wherever gout strikes Zyloric protects.
  • Mugwort (Artemisia vulgaris): flowering stem. Watercolour.
  • David Livingstone memorial in Blantyre; Livingstone and his family, kneeling and praying for a sick African man. Photoprint.
  • Mugwort (Artemisia vulgaris) and wormwood (Artemisia absinthium): entire flowering plants. Coloured etching by C. Pierre, c. 1865, after P. Naudin.
  • A seated man and a girl look at a candle held by a woman. Oil painting by S. Jenner, 1871.
  • A seated man and a girl look at a candle held by a woman. Oil painting by S. Jenner, 1871.