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48 results
  • A head containing over thirty images symbolising the phrenological faculties. Wood engraving, c. 1845, after O.S. Fowler (?).
  • A head containing over thirty images symbolising the phrenological faculties. Wood engraving, c. 1845, after O.S. Fowler (?).
  • Six vignettes illustrating phrenological propensities: hope, conscientiousness, veneration, cautiousness, benevolence, causality; illustrated by a dog anxious for scraps, a maid attempting a good price for her masters old clothes, an obese gourmand eying an enormous side of beef, a prim couple crossing a muddy road, a man being flogged, Liston acting the part of Paul Pry. Coloured etching by G. Cruikshank, 1826, after himself.
  • Phrenological propensities: language, ideality, wit, imitation and approbation, comparison; illustrated by foul-mouthed fishwives, a man imagining ghosts, a woman tricked in a churchyard, Mathews mimicking a phrenologist's lecture, a tall thin man passing a short fat woman. Coloured etching by G. Cruikshank, 1826, after himself.
  • Six vignettes illustrating phrenological propensities: hope, conscientiousness, veneration, cautiousness, benevolence, causality; illustrated by a dog anxious for scraps, a maid attempting a good price for her masters old clothes, an obese gourmand eying an enormous side of beef, a prim couple crossing a muddy road, a man being flogged, Liston acting the part of Paul Pry. Coloured etching by G. Cruikshank, 1826, after himself.
  • Phrenological propensities: philoprogenitiveness, amativeness, self-love, individuality, number; illustrated by a huge and happy family, an apothecary making advances on his maidservant, a dandy admiring his reflection, Seurat the human skeleton, Toby the learned pig. Coloured etching by G. Cruikshank, 1826, after himself.
  • Phrenological propensities: philoprogenitiveness, amativeness, self-love, individuality, number; illustrated by a huge and happy family, an apothecary making advances on his maidservant, a dandy admiring his reflection, Seurat the human skeleton, Toby the learned pig. Coloured etching by G. Cruikshank, 1826, after himself.
  • Franz Joseph Gall and Johann Caspar Spurzheim examining a patient. Watercolour painting.
  • Doctor Spurzheim in his consulting room measuring the head of a peculiar looking patient; a bemused barber looks on. Coloured aquatint by J. Kennerly, 1816, after R. Cocking.
  • Doctor Spurzheim in his consulting room measuring the head of a peculiar looking patient; a bemused barber looks on. Coloured aquatint by J. Kennerly, 1816, after R. Cocking.
  • Johann Caspar Spurzheim giving a phrenological demonstration before Franz Joseph Gall and another seven people; a grinning devil looks on. Watercolour painting.
  • Franz Joseph Gall measuring the head of a bald, elegantly dressed old lady; her pet poodle is entwined in her wig on a chair. Coloured aquatint by F.C. Hunt after E.F. Lambert, ca. 1823.
  • Franz Joseph Gall measuring the head of a bald, elegantly dressed old lady; her pet poodle is entwined in her wig on a chair. Coloured aquatint by F.C. Hunt after E.F. Lambert, ca. 1823.
  • Franz Joseph Gall measuring the head of a bald, elegantly dressed old lady; her pet poodle is entwined in her wig on a chair. Coloured aquatint by F.C. Hunt after E.F. Lambert, ca. 1823.
  • Phrenological chart; with design of head containing symbols of the phrenological faculties, and diagrams of heads showing criminal and moral propensities. Wood engraving, c. 1850, after F. Bridges and O.S. Fowler.
  • George Combe lecturing on phrenology, portrayed with protuberances on his head. Coloured lithograph 1826.
  • George Combe lecturing on phrenology, portrayed with protuberances on his head. Coloured lithograph 1826.
  • Phrenological chart with portraits of historical figures and illustrations of skulls exhibiting racial characteristics. Lithograph by G. E. Madeley, authored by C. Donovan, c. 1850.