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1,427 results
  • Satire on false perspective: a landscape with absurd situations due to incorrect perspective. Aquatint by Le Coeur after W. Hogarth.
  • The metamorphosis of Ajax, a Cloacinean satire: with the Anatomy and Apology ... To which is added Ulysses upon Ajax / [Sir John Harington].
  • Die Karikatur und Satire in der Medizin : mediko-kunsthistorisches Studie / von Dr. Eugen Holländer ... Mit 10 farbigen Tafeln und 223 Abbildungen im Text.
  • Die Karikatur und Satire in der Medizin : mediko-kunsthistorisches Studie / von Dr. Eugen Holländer ... Mit 10 farbigen Tafeln und 223 Abbildungen im Text.
  • The interior of a salon with fashionable people in hoop skirts and corsets, and in which even the servant and the dog are dressed up; satire of contemporary fashion. Engraving by T. Phillibrown after W. Hogarth.
  • A clergyman reads the sermon with the aid of a magnifying glass to a sleeping congregation while another clergyman ogles a sleeping woman; satire on tedious sermons and the replacement of spirituality by sleep. Mezzotint after W. Hogarth.
  • Satirical veterinary frontispiece, 1771
  • An episode in Juvenal's satire XII: in thanks for the escape of their mutual friend Catullus from a shipwreck, Juvenal shows to Corvinus a votive painting depicting Catullus's survival, while putti prepare to sacrifice animals as thank-offerings to the gods. Etching by W. Hollar after R. Streater.
  • Satirical drawing: "fenian-pest". Punch, 1866
  • James Gillray, satirical broadside: Surgeons' Bill
  • Satirical cartoon, Grevy with midwife holding baby in forceps
  • Satirical sketches about malaria. Coloured pen drawing by S.E. Moyer, 1943.
  • Portrait of William Buckland, from satirical etching by T. Sopwith, in the Costume of the Glaciers
  • A carbuncled woman retiring to bed; creating a satirical figure of female vanity. Coloured wood engraving.
  • Three episodes about Joseph Muff - a satirical view of an unscrupulous surgeon. Letterpress and wood engraving, 1842.
  • John Glaisyer a Quaker anointing a dog with burning vitriol oil; implying a satirical attack on the Quaker movement. Coloured etching by C. Williams, 1806.
  • A parade of health professionals bearing vaccination syringes, drugs and banners, lined on each side by their victims' graves and topped by the grim reaper, presenting a satirical view of the medical profession. Reproduction of an engraving by Walter Harrison Cady, 1910/1930.
  • The anatomy of melancholy : what it is with all the kinds, causes, symptons, prognostics & several cures of it / In three partitions with their several sections members & subsections philosophically, medicinally, historically opened & cut up by Democritus Junior [Robert Burton] with a satirical preface conducing to the following discourse.
  • Coloured etching: 'The Cholic'; by Cruikshank
  • Hogarth, Marriage a la mode: suicide of the countess
  • 'Indigestion', by Cruikshank
  • Chanteclair, 1908
  • Engraving: scene from Sterne's Tristram
  • Hogarth's Harlot's Progress
  • Caricature of Serge Samuel Voronoff (1866 - )
  • The country tooth drawer
  • Caricature: Punch's Fancy Portraits.
  • Persio / tradotto in verso sciolto e dichiarato da Francesco Stelluti.
  • Persio / tradotto in verso sciolto e dichiarato da Francesco Stelluti.
  • Persio / tradotto in verso sciolto e dichiarato da Francesco Stelluti.