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257 results
  • A gaoler, wearing a Phrygian cap, reading out summons for executions to distressed prisoners of the French Revolution. Line engraving by W. Greatbach after A. Johannot, 1881.
  • The dance of death: Death is seen as hero of the Revolution who passes his sword to the people. Woodcut by G.R. Steinbrecher after Alfred Rethel, 1848.
  • A fiery demon representing the chaos of the Paris Commune and more generally, the infernal results of the ideals of the French Revolution. Coloured etching by G. Cruikshank, 1871.
  • Mercury, an agent of the Terror, carries Capucin Chabot naked towards a furnace; recording the turnover of human life during the Terror in the French Revolution. Coloured aquatint, ca. 1794.
  • Tower Records and Mercury Communications present Counter Revolution : a 24 hour charity event : on 1st December come to Tower Records, Piccadilly and help support World AIDS Day.
  • French Revolution: a prisoner sits in the middle of a crowded prison room as a woman nearby pleads with an official. Aquatint and etching by A. Riffaut after Ch. Muller.
  • Portraits, memoirs, and characters, of remarkable persons, from the Revolution in 1688 to the end of the reign of George II. Collected from the most authentic accounts extant / By James Caulfield.
  • A carriage representing "Radicalism" is being ransacked by a group of highwaymen, one of whom is wearing a shirt on which is written "Revolution". Lithograph after W. Morgan, 12 September 1885.
  • An exhausted mother gives birth before a crowd of French officials; symbolising the birth of the ideas of the July Revolution and their troubled patrimony in the hands of contemporary politicians. Lithograph by E. Forest after J. Grandville, 1831, after Eugène Devéria, 1827.
  • An exhausted mother gives birth before a crowd of French officials; symbolising the birth of the ideas of the July Revolution and their troubled patrimony in the hands of contemporary politicians. Lithograph by E. Forest after J. Grandville, 1831, after Eugène Devéria, 1827.
  • Dr Richard Price kneeling on a large crown (with a demon on his back) to look through a peep-hole at a group of ruffians ransacking Marie Antoinette's bedroom; representing a speech by Price which allegedly advocated the French Revolution. Coloured etching by I. Cruikshank, 1790 (?).
  • Napoléon et Larrey : récits inédits de la révolution et de l'empire, d'après les mémoires, les correspondances officielles et privées, les notes et les agendas de campagnes de Dominique Larrey ... 1768-1842 / Ouvrage orné de 16 gravures.
  • A complete system of geography. Being a description of all thecountries, islands, cities, chief towns, harbours, lakes, and rivers, mountains, mines, &c. of the known world. Shewing the situation, extent, and boundaries of the several empires, kingdoms, republics, principalities, provinces, &c. their climate, soil, and produce ... and the distance and bearing of all the principal towns from one another. Including the most material revolutions and changes that have happen'd in every state ... / The whole llustrated with seventy maps by Emanuel Bowen.
  • Mercurial Air-holder and Breathing Machine. Plate at the begining of Research 1: Concerning the Analysis of Nitric Acid and Nitrous Gas and the Profuction if Nitrous Oxide. Fig 1 Represent a section of the machine, which consists of a strong glass cylinder (A), cemented to one of the same kind (B), fitted to the solid block (C), into which the glass tube (D) is cemented for conveying air into the moveable receiver (E). The brass axis (Fig 2, F) having a double bearing at (a, a) is terminated at one end by the wheel (G), the circumference of which equal to the depth of the receiver, so that it mat be drawn to the surface of the mercury by the cord (b) in one revolution; to the other end is fitted the wheel (H) front view seen in Fig 3...
  • Industrialisation: 19th c. town in Lancashire
  • Death of Marat after Pellegrini, 1794
  • Portrait of Marat making a speech by Pannier
  • A group of Flemish children dress up as soldiers in helmets and carry swords. Lithograph by N.T. Charlet, 1837.
  • An episode in the revolutionary war in China, 1911: the battle at Hankow. Chromolithograph by T. Miyano.
  • English commerce is shown as a cow milked by the Dutch, the horns sawn off by the Americans and its milk drunk by the French and the Spanish, while an Englishman wrings his hands at this distressing sight. Etching, ca. 1780.
  • An episode in the revolutionary war in China, 1911: the march of the revolutionary army on Wuhan. Colour lithograph by T. Miyano.
  • An episode in the revolutionary war in China, 1911: a pitched battle between the imperial army (left) and the revolutionary army (right), outside the walls of a fortified city. Chromolithograph by T. Miyano.
  • A French nobleman handing his son a sword as the latter prepares to go and fight for the Americans in the American War of Independence. Line engraving by J.J. Avril after P.A. Wille, 1788.
  • An episode in the revolutionary war in China, 1911: the revolutionary army, on a hill (left), ambushes part of the imperial army (right) as the latter approaches a city flying the republican flag. Chromolithograph by T. Miyano.
  • The dance of death: the fight is over and Death is seen seated, enthroned on ruins composed of rubble and the dead. Drawing by or after E. Ille.
  • An episode in the revolutionary war in China, 1911: a battle outside Hankow. Colour lithograph by T. Miyano.
  • The dance of death: the invasion of the troops with Death holding his banner. Drawing by or after E. Ille.
  • An episode in the revolutionary war in China, 1911: a battle near Hankow, from the Imperial side. Colour lithograph by T. Miyano.
  • An episode in the revolutionary war in China, 1911: a pitched battle between the imperial army (left) and the revolutionary army (right). Chromolithograph by T. Miyano.
  • The dance of death: Death as a standard-bearer, flying the standard from his scythe, is seen leading troops against their fatherland. Drawing by or after E. Ille.