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268 results
  • A mirror in which the surrounding world is copied by reflection, framed with formulae associated with the cloning of biological organisms. Mixed media by Sophie Dauvois, 1998.
  • A mirror in which the surrounding world is copied by reflection, framed with formulae associated with the cloning of biological organisms. Mixed media by Sophie Dauvois, 1998.
  • As a young woman looks at the dress she wears in the mirror, the reflection she sees is of a dead woman lying with her head back.
  • A mirror in which the surrounding world is copied by reflection, framed with formulae associated with the cloning of biological organisms. Mixed media by Sophie Dauvois, 1998.
  • Reflecting telescopes pre.1835
  • Reflecting telescopes pre.1835
  • Monument with a portrait of Samuel Butler; a youth sculpts a relief as a satyr holds Butler's book Hudibras towards him while Britannia looks at her reflection in a mirror. Engraving by William Hogarth.
  • Canine retina: increased tapetal reflectivity
  • A child has been told her face is dirty, so she wipes it clean while her mother holds the mirror and her brother points to her reflection. Engraving by J. Mitchell after Sir David Wilkie, R.A.
  • Left, a seated craftsman examines a koto, watched by a standing woman holding a shamisen (?); right, a mirror maker works while a woman looks at her reflection in a mirror. Colour woodcut by Sori III, 1800.
  • A woman helps to adjust a dress worn by the curate as the barber examines his reflection in a mirror with a beard, in a room furnished with a set of antlers over the door. Engraving by William Hogarth.
  • Lady Charlotte Campbell reclining in a chair in front of a mirror: she is wearing a hat decorated with an enormous feather which she can see as she gazes at her reflection in the glass. Etching by J. Gillray, 1795.
  • Phrenological propensities: philoprogenitiveness, amativeness, self-love, individuality, number; illustrated by a huge and happy family, an apothecary making advances on his maidservant, a dandy admiring his reflection, Seurat the human skeleton, Toby the learned pig. Coloured etching by G. Cruikshank, 1826, after himself.
  • Phrenological propensities: philoprogenitiveness, amativeness, self-love, individuality, number; illustrated by a huge and happy family, an apothecary making advances on his maidservant, a dandy admiring his reflection, Seurat the human skeleton, Toby the learned pig. Coloured etching by G. Cruikshank, 1826, after himself.
  • Astronomy: a large reflecting telescope, and projection of the transit of Venus. Engraving.
  • A man with a nose indicating reflectiveness (according to Lavater). Drawing, c. 1794.
  • Philae, Egypt: temple buildings reflected in the Nile. Photograph by A. Beato, ca. 1870.
  • The horizontal achromatic microscope by Charles Chevalier, based on the modified reflecting microscope of Amici.
  • Mirror Lake, Yosemite Valley, California: snow-covered mountain and trees reflected in lake. Photograph, ca. 1880.
  • Light emitted by Röntgen Ray Tubes, reflected by a speculum. Photoprint from radiograph, by James Wimshurst, 1898.
  • Light emitted by Röntgen Ray Tubes, reflected by a speculum. Photoprint from radiograph, by James Wimshurst, 1898.
  • The working instrument of Professor Amici. A modification of his reflecting microscope for use with an achromatic objective.
  • Light emitted by Röntgen Ray Tubes, reflected by a mirror: the word "diffused". Photoprint from radiograph, by James Wimshurst, 1898.
  • A courtesan sees herself reflected in the mirror as a skeleton: two demons look on. Colour woodcut by Yoshitoshi, 1870s.
  • Light emitted by Röntgen Ray Tubes, reflected using a concave mirror: blurred letters and shapes. Photoprint from radiograph, by James Wimshurst, 1898.
  • Light emitted by Röntgen Ray Tubes, reflected using a concave mirror: the word "concave mirror". Photoprint from radiograph, by James Wimshurst, 1898.
  • Textiles: tapestry weaving, a weaver working by the light of a candle in a reflective sconce. Engraving by R. Benard after Radel.
  • A man with a large, protruding head walking with a heavy gait; illustrating the reflective faculty in phrenology. Steel engraving by A. Devrits, 1847, after H. Bruyères.
  • A man sitting in a bar reflects on the obituaries he has read in the daily newspaper which he holds in his hand. Lithograph by F.D.
  • Niagara Falls: a view of the American side of the Falls, with a rainbow reflected in the water. Photogravure (?) after a drawing by G.H. Andrews, ca. 1860.