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99 results
  • Boer War: wounded soldiers greeted with sympathy at Modder River Camp, after their trials at Magersfontein. Reproduction of a sketch by F. de Haenen after R. Thiele.
  • Franco-Prussian War: a nurse looking out of a window at the queues for bread during the siege of Paris. Coloured transfer lithograph by F. Betbeder, ca. 1871.
  • Boer War: wounded soldiers being escorted off the hospital train at Durban from Ladysmith. Watercolour by F. Dadd, 1899.
  • Boer War: a nurse helping invalids to an ambulance for transfer to Maritzburg from Ladysmith. Process print after a drawing by F. Dadd after W.T. Maud.
  • Franco-Prussian War: british ambulance stores at Metz. Wood engraving.
  • Serbo-Bulgarian War: the field hospital at Greovatz. Coloured wood engraving.
  • Boer War: treating and looking for the wounded at the battlefield. Process print after F. Craig.
  • Boer War: volunteer ambulance at work. Process print after A. Kemp Tebby after a photograph.
  • Boer War: Red Cross hospital train arriving at Durban. Process print by C.H. after F.C. Harrison after F. Dadd, 1899.
  • Boer War: arrival of the sick and wounded at Grand Central Freight Depot for transportation. Pen and ink drawing by A. Weil.
  • Russo-Turkish War: field hospital and ambulances waiting for the wounded. Wood engraving, 1877.
  • Boer War: arrival of a Boer Red Cross train with the wounded at Pretoria. Reproduction of a sketch by F. de Haenen after a photograph.
  • Franco-Prussian War: war relief packages to wounded German soldiers from the Prussian Embasssy. Wood engraving.
  • Boer War: Red Cross ambulance cars at Pretoria station for the wounded Boers. Reproduction after a sketch by G. Soper after Leoff.
  • A wounded soldier is found by a rescue dog who alerts the nurse and ambulancemen of their whereabouts. Coloured chromolithograph by E.A. Holloway, 1904.
  • Boer War: five sketches of the ambulance service and Langman Field Hospital within the Orange River Colony. Pen and ink drawing by Oliver Paque, 1900.
  • Boer War: removing the wounded after the Battle of Elandslaagte. Process print after W. Devar.
  • A French hospital for wounded soldiers, World War I: a large-chested nurse in a "hush" gesture, surrounded by red crosses. Colour lithograph after L. Ibels, 1916.
  • Boer War: bringing the wounded down from Spion Kop. Process print after H.M. Paget after A.E.C..
  • First Italo-Ethiopian War, 1895-1896: soldiers returing from Eritrea being taken into hospital in Naples. Process print by Meisenbach after J. Fortuné Nott after H. Lanos.
  • Boer War: the work of the Red Cross and medical staff with coats of arms. Reproduction of watercolours after A. Stewart and J.J. Waugh and wood engraving by A.H. Fisher, 1900.
  • Franco-Prussian War: women carrying wounded soldiers to hospital at Ivanitza. Coloured wood engraving by A.H.
  • Crimean War: recuperating soldiers being nursed. Wood engraving by L. Huard.
  • Boer War: British wounded prisoners and the Boer wounded arriving at Pretoria station. Process print after F.C. Dickinson after a photograph.
  • Franco-Prussian War: wounded brought to Paris by canal boats. Wood engraving, 1871.
  • Crimean War: recuperating soldiers being nursed. Wood engraving by L. Huard.
  • Royal Victoria Hospital, Netley, Hampshire: six scenes of nurses, nurse and patient, patients, hospital wards, treatment and physicians. Process print.
  • Boer War: people, tents and the field hospital at the women's laager in Mafeking (Mahikeng), South Africa. Halftone, c. 1900, after W. Weekes.
  • A camp scene at dusk with ambulance carriages and three men round a small fire. Colour halftone, c. 1903.
  • Boer War: collecting the wounded from the battlefield using newly invented ambulance transport. Reproduction after a watercolour by F. Craig.