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237 results
  • Space Sheep & Astro Pig talk about nutrition / Vegetarian Society.
  • A person discovering that they have been transformed into several kinds of vegetables the morning after taking J. Morison's vegetable pills. Coloured lithograph.
  • A person discovering that they have been transformed into several kinds of vegetables the morning after taking J. Morison's vegetable pills. Coloured lithograph.
  • The inhabitants of the Hawaiian Islands offering to Captain Cook the sacrifice of a pig. Etching by S. Middiman and J. Hall, 1784, after J. Webber.
  • Amateur actors, one in drag, perform a scene on stage. Photographic postcard, 191-.
  • Amateur actors, one in drag, perform a scene on stage. Photographic postcard, 191-.
  • A man visiting a health resort is being woken up by a man who is opening a window; bath tub in the foreground, snow outside. Etching, May 1870.
  • A man visiting a health resort is being woken up by a man who is opening a window; bath tub in the foreground, snow outside. Etching, May 1870.
  • Four gay men embracing; representing solidarity with the Berliner AIDS-Hilfe. Colour lithograph by Michael Taubenheim and Jason R. Engelbart for the Berliner AIDS-Hilfe e.V.
  • The liver, Chinese woodcut, Ming period
  • A greedy medical practitioner demanding a leg of bacon for payment from a poor family. Mezzotint.
  • Visceral leishmaniasis: gastrointestinal tract
  • George Robey in drag as the Queen of Hearts.
  • George Robey in drag as the Queen of Hearts.
  • Pancreatic cancer cells
  • Pancreatic cancer cells
  • Hyperkeratosis of hand
  • A doctor visiting a patient and advising him against drinking alcohol, the patient responds by inviting him to dinner and some port, in order to avoid jury service. Wood engraving by C. Keane, 1865.
  • Robert Knox lecturing on the anatomy of the pig. Coloured lithograph.
  • [Wellcome MS Persian 474].
  • Tongue with two large ulcers due to congenital syphilis
  • [Wellcome MS Persian 474].
  • A gouty man talking to his doctor who is totally unsympathetic after discovering that his patient had finished off a bottle of port the previous evening. Wood engraving by B. Partridge, 1896.
  • Diseased areas of tissue on the buttocks and genitals of a woman. Watercolour by C. D'Alton, 1869.
  • A large John Bull being held down and force-fed by Peel and Wellington; representing the idea of the Catholic emancipation as a breach of the constitution. Coloured etching by W. Heath, 1829.
  • Fred Barnes. Photographic postcard, 19--.
  • Fred Barnes. Photographic postcard, 19--.
  • "Princess Dot.".
  • Andy Paterson in drag. Photographic postcard, 1921.
  • "Princess Dot.".