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205 results
  • A prostitute with her name and charges. Etching by a follower of Wenceslaus Hollar, 180- (?).
  • A prostitute with her name and charges. Etching by a follower of Wenceslaus Hollar, 180- (?).
  • A prostitute with her name and charges. Etching by a follower of Wenceslaus Hollar, 180- (?).
  • A prostitute with her name and charges. Etching by a follower of Wenceslaus Hollar, 180- (?).
  • A prostitute with her name and charges. Etchings by a follower of Wenceslaus Hollar, 180- (?).
  • A prostitute with her name and charges. Etching by a follower of Wenceslaus Hollar, 180- (?).
  • A prostitute with her name and charges. Etching by a follower of Wenceslaus Hollar, 180- (?).
  • A prostitute with her name and charges. Etching by a follower of Wenceslaus Hollar, 180- (?).
  • A prostitute with her name and charges. Etching by a follower of Wenceslaus Hollar, 180- (?).
  • A prostitute with her name and charges. Etching by a follower of Wenceslaus Hollar, 180- (?).
  • The dance of death: death and the prostitute. Etching by D.-N. Chodowiecki, 1791, after himself.
  • Tom Idle and a prostitute sit on a broken bed in a garret. Idle is startled by a cat falling down the chimney, but the prostitute is unmoved and admires a stolen earring. Engraving by Thomas Cook after William Hogarth, 1795.
  • Phyllis Johnson, a prostitute with her name and price. Etching by a follower of Wenceslaus Hollar, 180- (?).
  • Phyllis Johnson, a prostitute with her name and price. Etching by a follower of Wenceslaus Hollar, 180- (?).
  • A man tugged one way by a prostitute and the other way by a religious lady. Mezzotint, 1773.
  • A prostitute approaches a man in a car; advertisement by the State of California AIDS Education Campaign. Lithograph.
  • Doctor Cromm talks to a diseased prostitute; surrounded by macabre symbols of contemporary French politics. Lithograph by Félicien Rops.
  • A prostitute lighting a cigarette outside a bar; warning American servicemen against sexually transmitted diseases. Colour lithograph after Ferree, 194-.
  • The Blessed (subsequently Saint) Francisco Geronimo y Gravina addressing Caterina the prostitute; a crowd is watching. Etching by J. Bedetti, 1790/1830.
  • A soldier eyes a prostitute; the same soldier later suffers from syphilis or another sexually transmitted disease. Colour lithograph by Blas, 1936/1939.
  • Two mercenary soldiers approach a seated prostitute while Death sits in a tree, pointing to an hourglass. Etching after Urs Graf, 1524.
  • A young prostitute wearing fake fur, getting into a car; representing the risk of contracting AIDS through not using a condom. Colour lithograph, 199-.
  • An American sailor looking at a prostitute with a warning to use a condom as a protection against sexually transmitted diseases. Lithographic match-book cover.
  • Two young men are approached by a prostitute: she is a clothed skeleton holding a made-up mask in front of her face, representing syphilis. Lithograph by J.J. Grandville, 1830.
  • Two young men are approached by a prostitute: she is a clothed skeleton holding a made-up mask in front of her face, representing syphilis. Lithograph by J.J. Grandville, 1830.
  • A prostitute gives evidence to a magistrate: she points towards Tom Idle dividing loot with his accomplice, as a corpse is being disposed of through a trapdoor. Engraving by Thomas Cook, 1795, after William Hogarth.
  • A prostitute leading an old man into the bedroom and taking money from him; implying that her services will act like a tonic and preserve his state of health. Coloured etching, 18--, after T. Rowlandson, 1811.
  • A prostitute wearing a mini skirt and sun glasses holding bank notes with one hand on her hip; a woman lying sick in bed with AIDS; a warning about the dangers of unsafe sex and AIDS by Programa Compañeros. Colour lithograph, ca. 1995.
  • Two figures lying down having a blood transfusion, a penis with and without a purple condom, a bearded man offering another a syringe and a prostitute accepting money from a customer who sits on a bike; cartoons advertising the dangers of infection and AIDS. Colour lithograph by the AIDS-Hilfe Krefeld e.V.
  • A prostitute dressed in a pvc belted mini-skirt, open jacket, gloves, fishnet stockings and a skimpy blue top leans against a wall with the question: "I do it with [condoms] - do you too?"; an advertisement for safe sex by the Deutsche AIDS-Hilfe e.V. Colour lithograph by Jörg Reichardt and Augenblitz.