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1,368 results
  • A cleric saws through a wooden platform on which are draped the 'Magna Charta' and the 'Bill of Rights' in front of a mill bearing political issues on the wind blades. Engraving.
  • Professors considering whether a pair of conjoined twins should be separated after the death of one of them; representing a political discussion in Bradford about the separation of two factions (?). Coloured lithograph, 1868.
  • A pharmacist (Louis Phillippe) making up a prescription for a seated lady, surrounded by figures in apothecary jars; representing members of the French government and various political matters. Lithograph by J.I. Grandville, 1832.
  • The Prince Regent presenting to political ministers the expected baby of Princess Charlotte and Prince Leopold, who urinates in their faces; representing the burden of taxation required by the Royal family. Coloured etching by G. Cruikshank, 1816.
  • The history and antiquities of Harwich and Dovercourt, topographical, dynastical and political / First collected by Silas Taylor alias Domville, Gent. ...; and now much enlarged in all its parts with notes and observations relating to natural history ... by Samuel Dale.
  • William Gladstone as a physician taking the pulse of a man ill with influenza (flu), and giving his diagnosis to the patient's friend (another politician); representing a case of excessive political interference by railway financiers. Lithograph attributed to Sam. B., ca. 1870.
  • Two spectacle-shaped portraits of a politician and a statesman are arranged over a woman scattering valuables over a crowd with soldiers watching on. Outside the medaillon-shaped frame is a lake with frogs and a captured lion; representing a political message. Etching.
  • The Congress of Berlin: Disraeli as a tooth-drawer, assisted by Queen Victoria, operates on Sultan Abdul Hamid II of the Ottoman Empire, surrounded by political figures from France, Germany etc. Coloured lithograph by J.J. van Brederode after Jan Steen, 1878.
  • At two inns on the outskirts of a village, vigorous political campaigning, comprising fighting and bribery takes place; a countryman is offered money and cards of invitation by two rival representatives of the Tory and Whig inns. Engraving by Charles Grignion after William Hogarth, 1757.
  • Natural and political observations mentioned in a following index, and made upon the Bills of mortality / By John Graunt ... With reference to the government, religion, trade, growth, ayre, diseases, and the several changes of the said city [London] [Sometimes ascribed to Sir W. Petty].
  • Natural and political observations mentioned in a following index, and made upon the Bills of mortality / By John Graunt ... With reference to the government, religion, trade, growth, ayre, diseases, and the several changes of the said city [London] [Sometimes ascribed to Sir W. Petty].
  • Natural and political observations mentioned in a following index, and made upon the Bills of mortality / By John Graunt ... With reference to the government, religion, trade, growth, ayre, diseases, and the several changes of the said city [London] [Sometimes ascribed to Sir W. Petty].
  • Natural and political observations mentioned in a following index, and made upon the Bills of mortality / By Capt. John Graunt, fellow of the Royal society. With reference to the government, religion, trade, growth, air, diseases, and the several changes of the said city [London] [Sometimes ascribed to Sir W. Petty].
  • The Harleian miscellany: a collection of scarce, curious, and entertaining pamphlets and tracts, as well in manuscript as in print / selected from the library of Edward Harley, second Earl of Oxford ; Interspersed with historical, political, and critical annotations, by William Oldys, and some additional notes, by Thomas Park. [With index by T.H. Horne].
  • British politicians as acrobats at a fair: performances by Lord John Russell balancing on a pole inscribed "Irish corporation billl...", Daniel O'Connell swallowing a sword inscribed "Repeal", and Thomas Spring-Rice balancing on his chin an object with a picture of a church, watched by political onlookers. Coloured lithograph by H.B. (John Doyle), 1837.
  • Nepal; Kathmandu Valley, 1986. The Kathmandu Valley is situated in Nepal's Hill Region ('Pahar' in Nepali - altitutides 1000-4000 metres), and is the country's most fertile and urbanised area as well as being its political and cultural centre. The hills, sculpted into a vast complex of terraces, are extensively cultivated. Hill farmers produced food staples, mostly rice and corn, although this is still a food-deficit area. Other crops include wheat, millet, barley, sugarcane, tobacco, potatoes and oilseed. The climate is mild with summer temperatures reaching 30 degrees C and winter temperatures about 10 degrees C. The most common trees are oak, alder, jacaranda and rhododendron.
  • Daniel O'Connell plays chess with Lord Melbourne while Britannia watches. Coloured lithograph by H.B. (John Doyle), 1837.
  • Pancakes.
  • Pancakes.
  • A young woman implores her father to allow her to marry a politician who supported a different candidate in the Middlesex by-election from the one favoured by the father. Engraving by J. Miller, 1769.
  • Two young chimney sweeps on a decrepit horse, in a yard; a man is seated behind them, facing backwards. Etching after E.H. Landseer, ca. 1848.
  • Daniel O'Connell and the Duke of Wellington face each other as two opposing Irish chieftains. Coloured lithograph by H.B. (John Doyle), 1843.
  • Prince Vessantara leaves the life of a hermit and returns to the city. Watercolour.
  • Gottfried Eisenmann. Lithograph by G. W. Faber.
  • Memorandum : from: Ministry of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food.
  • Memorandum : from: Ministry of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food.
  • The dance of death: Death appears to the people in the inn and instigates them, the proletariat, to clear the throne to make way for communism. Drawing by or after E. Ille.
  • The death of President Abraham Lincoln in Washington, 1865. Coloured lithograph.
  • Children sit round a table reading a newspaper while another child tries to prevent a woman from entering the room. Process print after Alexander H. Burr.
  • Lord Ellenborough as a dancing girl in a Hindu temple; representing press allegations that, as Governor-General of India, he favoured Hinduism over Islam in his policy towards the gates of the temple at Somnath. Wood engraving by or after J.K. Meadows, 1843.