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168 results
  • Charles Prince of Wales, James Duke of York and Princess Mary, children of King Charles I. Engraving by R. Strange after A. Van Dyck, ca. 1760.
  • Charles Prince of Wales, James Duke of York and Princess Mary, children of King Charles I. Engraving by R. Strange after A. Van Dyck, ca. 1760.
  • The Evelina Hospital, Southwark: the Prince and Princess of Wales visiting a small child. Process print by R. Taylor, 1891, after T. Walter Wilson.
  • Queen Charlotte, and George Prince of Wales as an infant seated on her lap. Mezzotint by R. Houston after R. Pile (Pyle) , ca. 1765.
  • A bare-knuckled boxing match between the Prince of Wales and Napoleon, with their supporters including a black man. Coloured etching by Charles Williams, 1815.
  • An allegorical female decorated with flower garlands and the feathers of the Prince of Wales is sitting in a chariot drawn by tigers; representing peace. Coloured etching.
  • Prinsep Ghat, Calcutta, India: the Prince and Princess of Wales (later King George V and Queen Mary) seated beneath a canopy, behind a crowd of onlookers. Photograph, 1906.
  • William Pitt the younger and his ministers as anatomists dissecting the body of the Prince of Wales; representing Pitt's reduction of the powers of the regent. Coloured etching by Thomas Rowlandson, 1788/1789.
  • William Pitt the younger and his ministers as anatomists dissecting the body of the Prince of Wales; representing Pitt's reduction of the powers of the regent. Coloured etching by Thomas Rowlandson, 1788/1789.
  • Calcutta, India: King George V and Queen Mary (then the Prince and Princess of Wales), watching entertainment given in their honour at the pandal (function hall). Photograph, 1906.
  • Mrs Fitzherbert and George Prince of Wales represented as Adam and Eve standing under the Tree of Knowledge surrounded by the trappings of fashionable pastimes and vices, causing the devil to flee. Etching, 1786.
  • Mrs Fitzherbert and George Prince of Wales represented as Adam and Eve standing under the Tree of Knowledge surrounded by the trappings of fashionable pastimes and vices, causing the devil to flee. Etching, 1786.
  • The Maidan park, Calcutta, India: traditional Sikkim Devil dancers performing for King George V and Queen Mary (then the Prince and Princess of Wales) on their visit in 1906. Photograph, 1906.
  • The maid bringing in the breakfast finds the Prince of Wales and Mrs Fitzherbert in a dishevelled state on the morning after their marriage. Wood engraving after "Plenipo Georgy" (James Gillray?).
  • The Prince of Wales looks from a window of Carlton House at a crowd of people and a woman on a broomstick; George III looks on through a telescope. Coloured etching by "H. Shade" after "Nicholas Lunatic".
  • Fry's homoeopathic cocoa : manufactured by J.S. Fry & Sons, Bristol, and 252 City Road, London, chocolate and cocoa manufacturers by appointment to the Queen and Prince of Wales / Joseph Storrs Fry & Sons.
  • Fry's homoeopathic cocoa : manufactured by J.S. Fry & Sons, Bristol, and 252 City Road, London, chocolate and cocoa manufacturers by appointment to the Queen and Prince of Wales / Joseph Storrs Fry & Sons.
  • The procession of Francis Goodchild, Lord Mayor of London, in an elegant ceremonial coach, watched by a crowd on the ground and Frederick, Prince of Wales, with his consort, on a balcony. Engraving by Thomas Cook after William Hogarth, 1795.
  • Calcutta, India: King George V and Queen Mary (then the Prince and Princess of Wales), (seated in the background), with musicians and spectators, watching entertainment given in their honour at the pandal (function hall). Photograph, 1906.
  • The coats of arms of Frederick and Augusta, Princess and Princess of Wales, presented to Cromwell Mortimer after he elucidated for them the rarities of nature and art in Sir Hans Sloane's museum. Engraving, 1748.
  • En postremum tibi damus, candide lector, Ioannis Manardi medici Ferrariensis, sua tempestate omnium medicinae professorum per uniuersam Italiam, in Galeni doctrina & Arabum censura celeberrimi, & optimè meriti, Epistolarum medicinaliu[m] libros XX. : è quibus ultimo duo in hac editione primu[m] accesserunt, unà cum epistola, iandudum desiderata, de morbis interioribus, quam utinam immatura morte non praeuentus, totam absoluere potuisset. Eiusdem in Ioan. Mesue de simplicia & composita annotationes & censur[a]e, omnibus practicae studiosis adeò necessariae, ut sine harum cognitione aegrotantibus recte consulere nemo possit. Adiecto indice Latino & Graeco, utroq[ue] copiosissimo.
  • En postremum tibi damus, candide lector, Ioannis Manardi medici Ferrariensis, sua tempestate omnium medicinae professorum per uniuersam Italiam, in Galeni doctrina & Arabum censura celeberrimi, & optimè meriti, Epistolarum medicinaliu[m] libros XX. : è quibus ultimo duo in hac editione primu[m] accesserunt, unà cum epistola, iandudum desiderata, de morbis interioribus, quam utinam immatura morte non praeuentus, totam absoluere potuisset. Eiusdem in Ioan. Mesue de simplicia & composita annotationes & censur[a]e, omnibus practicae studiosis adeò necessariae, ut sine harum cognitione aegrotantibus recte consulere nemo possit. Adiecto indice Latino & Graeco, utroq[ue] copiosissimo.
  • En postremum tibi damus, candide lector, Ioannis Manardi medici Ferrariensis, sua tempestate omnium medicinae professorum per uniuersam Italiam, in Galeni doctrina & Arabum censura celeberrimi, & optimè meriti, Epistolarum medicinaliu[m] libros XX. : è quibus ultimo duo in hac editione primu[m] accesserunt, unà cum epistola, iandudum desiderata, de morbis interioribus, quam utinam immatura morte non praeuentus, totam absoluere potuisset. Eiusdem in Ioan. Mesue de simplicia & composita annotationes & censur[a]e, omnibus practicae studiosis adeò necessariae, ut sine harum cognitione aegrotantibus recte consulere nemo possit. Adiecto indice Latino & Graeco, utroq[ue] copiosissimo.
  • En postremum tibi damus, candide lector, Ioannis Manardi medici Ferrariensis, sua tempestate omnium medicinae professorum per uniuersam Italiam, in Galeni doctrina & Arabum censura celeberrimi, & optimè meriti, Epistolarum medicinaliu[m] libros XX. : è quibus ultimo duo in hac editione primu[m] accesserunt, unà cum epistola, iandudum desiderata, de morbis interioribus, quam utinam immatura morte non praeuentus, totam absoluere potuisset. Eiusdem in Ioan. Mesue de simplicia & composita annotationes & censur[a]e, omnibus practicae studiosis adeò necessariae, ut sine harum cognitione aegrotantibus recte consulere nemo possit. Adiecto indice Latino & Graeco, utroq[ue] copiosissimo.
  • En postremum tibi damus, candide lector, Ioannis Manardi medici Ferrariensis, sua tempestate omnium medicinae professorum per uniuersam Italiam, in Galeni doctrina & Arabum censura celeberrimi, & optimè meriti, Epistolarum medicinaliu[m] libros XX. : è quibus ultimo duo in hac editione primu[m] accesserunt, unà cum epistola, iandudum desiderata, de morbis interioribus, quam utinam immatura morte non praeuentus, totam absoluere potuisset. Eiusdem in Ioan. Mesue de simplicia & composita annotationes & censur[a]e, omnibus practicae studiosis adeò necessariae, ut sine harum cognitione aegrotantibus recte consulere nemo possit. Adiecto indice Latino & Graeco, utroq[ue] copiosissimo.
  • A young alchemist works a bellows at his furnace. Etching by T. Major, 1755, after D. Teniers the younger.
  • A young alchemist works a bellows at his furnace. Etching by T. Major, 1755, after D. Teniers the younger.
  • A young alchemist works a bellows at his furnace. Etching by T. Major, 1755, after D. Teniers the younger.
  • Catherine Gladstone. Stipple engraving by R.A. Artlett after W. Say.
  • The funeral procession of Princess Maria Clementina in 1735. Line engraving with etching by Rocco Pozzi after G.P. Panini.