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1,258 results
  • Boer War: an army officer examines the scarred backs of whipped African deserters. Halftone after J. Finnemore after E. Prater.
  • My personal experiences in equatorial Africa : as medical officer of the Emin Pasha relief expedition / by Thomas Heazle Parke.
  • My personal experiences in equatorial Africa : as medical officer of the Emin Pasha relief expedition / by Thomas Heazle Parke.
  • My personal experiences in equatorial Africa : as medical officer of the Emin Pasha relief expedition / by Thomas Heazle Parke.
  • My personal experiences in equatorial Africa : as medical officer of the Emin Pasha relief expedition / by Thomas Heazle Parke.
  • My personal experiences in equatorial Africa : as medical officer of the Emin Pasha relief expedition / by Thomas Heazle Parke.
  • My personal experiences in equatorial Africa : as medical officer of the Emin Pasha relief expedition / by Thomas Heazle Parke.
  • My personal experiences in equatorial Africa : as medical officer of the Emin Pasha relief expedition / by Thomas Heazle Parke.
  • Portrait of Charles Sanders. President of the Society of Medical Officers of Health, 1917-18. From a photograph in the Society. First whole time medical officer of health of West Ham 1887 to 1924.
  • Mechanical exercise, a means of cure : being a description of the Zander Institute, London, its history, appliances, scope, and object / edited by the medical officer of the institution.
  • Mechanical exercise, a means of cure : being a description of the Zander Institute, London, its history, appliances, scope, and object / edited by the medical officer of the institution.
  • Seven members of the French committee on vaccination rail at Tapp, a health officer who resists the new discovery. Coloured etching, c. 1800.
  • Boer War: a British officer on a battlefield demanding possession of the wounded from the Boers. Halftone, 1900, after R. M. Paxton after E. Prater.
  • A woman camp-follower shields a wounded soldier on a battle field from the reprimands of his senior officer. Lithograph by Joseph Louis-Hippolyte Bellangé, 1824.
  • Boer War: an army medical officer, Joseph Hinton, pulling down the fly of a marquee in which lie soldiers with enteric fever. Process print after A. S. Hartrick, c. 1900.
  • Boer War: a British officer's pony looking at the bones of a Boer's pony killed by a shell. Halftone, c. 1900, after S. S. Lucas after a photograph by E. Blake Knox.
  • The captain of a ship is looking through a telescope at an approaching hurricane on which is inscribed 'Talks' ; a naval officer is standing beside him. Drawing by A.G. Racey, 191-.
  • An officer with a cap holding up a condom with numerous messages about condoms and how to use them; advertisement by the Seattle-King County Department of Public Health. Colour lithograph by Art Chantry.
  • An army officer lectures his bored class on the effects of gas, one student is made to wear a gas mask while another wickedly tries to set light to it. Pen and ink drawing by H. Bury, 1916.
  • A new, authentic, and complete collection of voyages round the world, undertaken and performed by Royal authority. Containing an authentic, entertaining, full, and complete history of Captain Cook's first, second, third and last voyages ... / now publishing under the immediate direction of George William Anderson, assisted by a principal officer who sailed in the Resolution sloop, and by many other gentlemen of the most distinguished naval abilities.
  • A new, authentic, and complete collection of voyages round the world, undertaken and performed by Royal authority. Containing an authentic, entertaining, full, and complete history of Captain Cook's first, second, third and last voyages ... / now publishing under the immediate direction of George William Anderson, assisted by a principal officer who sailed in the Resolution sloop, and by many other gentlemen of the most distinguished naval abilities.
  • A new, authentic, and complete collection of voyages round the world, undertaken and performed by Royal authority. Containing an authentic, entertaining, full, and complete history of Captain Cook's first, second, third and last voyages ... / now publishing under the immediate direction of George William Anderson, assisted by a principal officer who sailed in the Resolution sloop, and by many other gentlemen of the most distinguished naval abilities.
  • Manuscript map of Ceylon (Sri Lanka) drawn using black, blue and red ink, contained in a journal by Barton mainly written while a medical officer in the service of the Peninsular and Oriental Steam Navigation Company. Journal record the completion of the expedition to China, return to Shanhai and subsequent embarkation on the P and O steamer Aden (3 August) for Ceylon, via Singapore, with later entries on hunting expeditions in Ceylon.
  • Rodgersia aesculifolia Batalin Saxifraginaceae Chestnut-leaved Rodgersia. Herbaceous perennial. Distribution: Northern China. Named for Rear Admiral John Rodgers (1812-1882), American naval officer who commanded the Pacific expedition 1852-1856 when the genus was first discovered. Used as a Traditional Chinese Medicine for rheumatism, bronchitis, dysentery, asthma, and gastritis. Photographed in the Medicinal Garden of the Royal College of Physicians, London.
  • A woman seated in a chamber having her exceptionally high wig (which towers above her head in an oval form, and is flanked by parallel horizontal curls) dressed by a French hair-dresser who stands on the top of a step-ladder; the woman's husband, a naval officer, is holding a sextant to his eye to ascertain the altitude of the adornment. Engraving, 1771.
  • Constant barking can be avoided : here are some helpful tips / Department of the Environment, Welsh Office, Scottish Office.
  • Constant barking can be avoided : here are some helpful tips / Department of the Environment, Welsh Office, Scottish Office.
  • List of provisions from the Victualling Office, 28-09-1812
  • List of provisions from the Victualling Office, 08-09-1812
  • Scoop the poop! : clear up after your dog / Department of the Environment, Welsh Office.