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67 results
  • Sir Charles William Siemens. Stipple engraving by G.J. Stodart, 1884, after H. Van der Weyde.
  • Music being played to a lady, while above an angel blows a trumpet into Jerome's ear; representing the sense of hearing. Engraving after G. Collaert, 1630, after N. van der Horst.
  • Music being played to a lady, while above an angel blows a trumpet into Jerome's ear; representing the sense of hearing. Engraving after G. Collaert, 1630, after N. van der Horst.
  • The sense of touch: below, a bespectacled man examines coins and valuables, above, St Thomas puts his finger into the resurrected Christ's side. Engraving after G. Collaert, 1630, after N. van der Horst.
  • The sense of touch: below, a bespectacled man examines coins and valuables, above, St Thomas puts his finger into the resurrected Christ's side. Engraving after G. Collaert, 1630, after N. van der Horst.
  • The sense of taste: diners around a feasting table containing a swan and a human skeleton, above, scenes of communion and Abraham and the three angels. Engraving after G. Collaert, 1630, after N. van der Horst.
  • The sense of taste: diners around a feasting table containing a swan and a human skeleton, above, scenes of communion and Abraham and the three angels. Engraving after G. Collaert, 1630, after N. van der Horst.
  • The sense of smell: a man lying in bed smells flowers as another lights some incense, above, a priest stands before a burning sacrifice of a lamb. Engraving after G. Collaert, 1630, after N. van der Horst.
  • The sense of smell: a man lying in bed smells flowers as another lights some incense, above, a priest stands before a burning sacrifice of a lamb. Engraving after G. Collaert, 1630, after N. van der Horst.
  • Fish, eels, shellfish and crustaceans (22 different varieties), lying dead on a table and in baskets. Etching, by G. Van der Gucht after P.A. Rysbrack, 1750/1770.
  • A bedchamber with a man about to be blinded: a fire blazes in a cauldron and a man holds his spear in the fire while another man is restrained. Etching by G. van der Gucht after H. Gravelot.
  • Tobias curing the eyesight of Tobit under the direction of Raphael, two cherubs hold up a banner with printed text and a coat of arms, while a crowd pray to an angel. Line engraving by M. van der Gucht, c. 1686, after G. Freman.
  • Game animals, birds and waterfowl (23 varieties), lying dead on the ground beneath an oak tree, in a pastoral setting. Etching, by G. Van der Gucht after P.A. Rysbrack (?), 1750/1770?.
  • A party with music and actors entertaining the company. Oil painting attributed to Hendrick Goovaerts, ca. 1710.
  • A party with music and actors entertaining the company. Oil painting attributed to Hendrick Goovaerts, ca. 1710.
  • Saint Paul: his shipwreck on Malta. Engraving by M. Vandergucht after G. Freman.
  • An astrologer wearing spectacles sits in his study reading by a globe. Line engraving by G.L. Heitel(?) after J.J. Vliet, 1634.
  • Saint Barbara. Engraving by C. van Noorde, 1769, after Jan van Eyck.
  • The discovery of herbal medicines, their transport by ship from the East Indies and their presentation to the pagan deities. Engraving after Adolf van der Laan, 1741.
  • The discovery of herbal medicines, their transport by ship from the East Indies and their presentation to the pagan deities. Engraving after Adolf van der Laan, 1741.
  • Tobias curing the blindness of Tobit, with Anna. Oil painting after G.W. Horst.
  • Tobias curing the blindness of Tobit, with Anna. Oil painting after G.W. Horst.
  • Tobias curing the blindness of Tobit, with Anna. Oil painting after G.W. Horst.
  • A sleeping pedlar's posterior is examined by monkeys, who play with his goods. Line engraving after P. van Harlingen after P. Bruegel, c. 1610.
  • The dance of death at Basel: death and the doctor. Lithograph by G. Danzer after H. Hess.
  • A woman lies in bed, lovesick (representing the Netherlands); attendants try to raise her spirits by showing her a portrait of the newly appointed Stadholder, William III Prince of Orange (subsequently William III King of England). Engraving, ca. 1672.
  • An apothecary making a concoction in the street outside his workshop. Etching.
  • An apothecary making a concoction in the street outside his workshop. Etching.
  • A travelling medicine vendor. Etching by Rembrandt van Rijn, 1635.
  • A travelling medicine vendor. Etching by Rembrandt van Rijn, 1635.