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56 results
  • Balsamita major (Alecost or Costmary)
  • Henry Addington as a medical practitioner bleeding the exhausted John Bull, assisted by other politicians; representing Britain's strength being sapped by nepotism in politics and by war with Napoleon. Coloured etching by J. Gillray, 1803.
  • Rohdea japonica Roth Convallariaceae Distribution: Japan. It is a monotypic genus known as omoto in Japan, meaning ‘evergreen’. It is regarded as a symbol of long life and good fortune
  • Sarsarparilla root under the microscope.
  • A street carnival in Bogotá, with a battle between personifications of medicine and disease. Watercolour by F.-D. Roulin, 1822/1828.
  • Alka-seltzer song book.
  • The gentlewomans companion, or, A guide to the female sex : containing directions of behaviour, in all places, companies, relations, and conditions, from their childhood down to old age ... With letters and discourses upon all occasions. Whereunto is added, A guide for cook-maids, diary-maids, chamber-maids, and all others that go to service. The whole being an exact rule for the female sex in general / By Hannah Woolley.
  • The gentlewomans companion, or, A guide to the female sex : containing directions of behaviour, in all places, companies, relations, and conditions, from their childhood down to old age ... With letters and discourses upon all occasions. Whereunto is added, A guide for cook-maids, diary-maids, chamber-maids, and all others that go to service. The whole being an exact rule for the female sex in general / By Hannah Woolley.
  • The gentlewomans companion, or, A guide to the female sex : containing directions of behaviour, in all places, companies, relations, and conditions, from their childhood down to old age ... With letters and discourses upon all occasions. Whereunto is added, A guide for cook-maids, diary-maids, chamber-maids, and all others that go to service. The whole being an exact rule for the female sex in general / By Hannah Woolley.
  • The gentlewomans companion, or, A guide to the female sex : containing directions of behaviour, in all places, companies, relations, and conditions, from their childhood down to old age ... With letters and discourses upon all occasions. Whereunto is added, A guide for cook-maids, diary-maids, chamber-maids, and all others that go to service. The whole being an exact rule for the female sex in general / By Hannah Woolley.
  • Cirsium rivulare 'Atropurpureum'
  • Levisticum officinale or Ligusticum sp (Lovage)
  • Try Dr. Seth Arnold's cough killer : it works like magic. Price 25 cents / Dr. Seth Arnold Medical Co.
  • Try Dr. Seth Arnold's cough killer : it works like magic. Price 25 cents / Dr. Seth Arnold Medical Co.
  • Ayer's Sarsaparilla purifies the blood, stimulates the vital functions, restores and preserves health, and infuses new life and vigor throughout the whole system / Dr. J.C. Ayer & Co.
  • A monster being fed baskets of infants and excreting them with horns; symbolising vaccination and its effects. Etching by C. Williams, 1802(?).
  • Gravel & stone : Mr. A. Sparrow, "I suffered from stone in the bladder. I tried DeWitt's Pills & passed a stone within 48 hours"... : insist on DeWitt's Kidney & Bladder Pills.
  • A monster being fed baskets of infants and excreting them with horns; symbolising vaccination and its effects. Etching by C. Williams, 1802(?).
  • Ayer's Sarsaparilla purifies the blood, stimulates the vital functions, restores and preserves health, and infuses new life and vigor throughout the whole system / Dr. J.C. Ayer & Co.
  • Gravel & stone : Mr. A. Sparrow, "I suffered from stone in the bladder. I tried DeWitt's Pills & passed a stone within 48 hours"... : insist on DeWitt's Kidney & Bladder Pills.
  • Veronicastrum virginicum 'Pink Glow'
  • Veronicastrum virginicum 'Pink Glow'
  • A troupe of travelling performers including a toothdrawer. Oil painting, 16--, after Theodor Rombouts.
  • A troupe of travelling performers including a toothdrawer. Oil painting, 16--, after Theodor Rombouts.
  • A troupe of travelling performers including a toothdrawer. Oil painting, 16--, after Theodor Rombouts.
  • The Medical Society of London: John Coakley Lettsom presenting to the society the deeds of 3 Bolt Court, City of London. Stipple engraving by N.C. Branwhite, 1801, after S. Medley, 1800.