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1,283 results
  • Culpeper's English physician; and complete herbal. To which are now first added, upwards of one hundred additional herbs, with a display of their medicinal and occult properties, physically applied to the cure of all disorders incident to mankind ... Beautified and enriched with engravings of upwards of four hundred and fifty different plants, and a set of anatomical figures / Illustrated with notes and observations, critical and explanatory ... By E. Sibly.
  • Shanjiang (Alpinia japonica), medicinal plant. Chinese, 1655
  • Duruo (Pollia japonica), medicinal plant. Chinese, 1655
  • Adder's tongue (Ophioglossum vulgatum L.): fertile stem with description of the plant and its medicinal uses. Coloured line engraving by J. Basire, the younger, c. 1759, after T. Sheldrake.
  • Alkanet (Anchusa tinctoria L.): flowering stem with separate leaf and floral segments and description of the plant and its medicinal uses. Coloured line engraving by C. H. Hemerich, c. 1759, after T. Sheldrake.
  • Haemanthus albiflos Jacq. Amaryllidaceae. Paintbrush plant. Distribution: South Africa. Used as a cough medicine and as a charm to ward off lightning (Pooley, 1998). Photographed in the Medicinal Garden of the Royal College of Physicians, London.
  • Morning glory (Ipomoea purpurea (L.) Roth.): flowering stem with separate floral segments and a description of the plant and its medicinal uses. Coloured line engraving by C.H. Hemerich, c.1759, after T. Sheldrake.
  • Fatsia japonica (Thunb.) Decne. & Planch. Araliaceae False castor oil plant. Distribution: Japan, South Korea. Not even in the same family as the castor oil plant, Ricinus communis. An ornamental plant, Fatsia from the Japanese word for 'eight' hachi referring to the eight-lobed leaf. The sap can cause dermatitis. Photographed in the Medicinal Garden of the Royal College of Physicians, London.
  • Clivia miniata Regel Amaryllidoideae Kaffir lily, Natal lily. Named for Lady Charlotte Clive, Duchess of Northumberland Distribution: South Africa. A toxic plant containing the cytotoxic chemical, Lycorine. Photographed in the Medicinal Garden of the Royal College of Physicians, London.
  • Trillium sessile L. Trilliaceae Distribution: North America. Various Trilliums were used by Native Americans to stop haematuria, haematemesis, menorrhagia, and to heal ulcers (Milspaugh, 1974). Roots were eaten to treat stiff muscles, and tea from the plant drunk and powdered plant put on joints for rheumatism by the Iroquois (Lewis & Elvin-Lewis, 2003). Photographed in the Medicinal Garden of the Royal College of Physicians, London.
  • Dianella tasmanica Hook.f. Phormiaceae Tasman flax lily. Distribution: Australia. A pretty plant, but also a source of fine fibre. The leaves are used for making baskets and the berries as a dye source. No medicinal use found, but the fruit is an irritant
  • Astrantia maxima Pall. Apiaceae. Large masterwort. The botanical name Astrantia is a corruption of the old apothecaries’ name for this plant, Magistrantia “masterwort”, implying its suitability for use only by adepts in herbalism. Probably mildly poisonous. Photographed in the Medicinal Garden of the Royal College of Physicians, London.
  • Senecio pulcher Hook.&Arn. Asteraceae Distribution: South America. It has not attracted attention as a medicinal or toxic plant but members of the genus Senecio contain pyrrolizidine alkaloids that are toxic to the liver and may cause liver cancer. A traditional Chinese medicine (TCM) product, Qianbai Biyan Pian, contains Senecio scandens which contains the unsaturated pyrrolizidine alkaloids, senecionine and seneciphylline. This is now a banned drug. (Safety of Herbal Medicinal Products, July 2002, Medicines Control Agency). Photographed in the Medicinal Garden of the Royal College of Physicians, London.
  • Senecio pulcher Hook.&Arn. Asteraceae Distribution: South America. It has not attracted attention as a medicinal or toxic plant but members of the genus Senecio contain pyrrolizidine alkaloids that are toxic to the liver and may cause liver cancer. A traditional Chinese medicine (TCM) product, Qianbai Biyan Pian, contains Senecio scandens which contains the unsaturated pyrrolizidine alkaloids, senecionine and seneciphylline. This is now a banned drug. (Safety of Herbal Medicinal Products, July 2002, Medicines Control Agency). Photographed in the Medicinal Garden of the Royal College of Physicians, London.
  • Pulmonaria officinalis L. Boraginaceae Distribution: Officinalis indicates its medicinal use in early medicine. Europe. Pulmonaria or Lungwort are names for a lichen and a perennial plant in the Boraginaceae. This is the latter. Lyte (1578) has a woodcut of our plant and also calls it Sage of Jerusalem and says it is of ' no particular use in physicke, but is much used in meates and salads with eggs, as is also Cowslippes and Primroses, whereunto in temperature it is much alike.' He lists and describes the lichen separately. Culpeper (1650) said he found many sorts of lunguewort in perusing Authors ' Pulmonari, arborea and Symphytum maculosum [and the latter is our plant, the others the lichen] and that they 'helpe infirmities of the lungues, as hoarseness, coughs, wheezing, shortnesse of breath etc.' Coles (1657) who espouses the Doctrine of Signatures in a way unrivalled by any other English author, might have been expected to confirm the concept that the mottled leaves looked like the cut surface of a lung which indicates their purpose, but he only mentions the lungwort which is a lichen. However, Porta's beautiful book on the Doctrine, Phytognomica (1588), is clear that the plant called Pulmonaria with hairy leaves like a bugloss, spotted white with purple flowers, commonly called 'cynoglossa' [with a woodcut which could be Pulmonaria officinalis] indicate its use for ulcerated lungs, spitting blood, shortness of breath and asthma equally with the lichen with the same name. Lobel & Pena (1570) call it 'PULMONARIA, masculosa folia Borrago, floribus Primula veris, purpureis [PULMONARIA spotted, Borage-leaved, flowers like Primula veris - Cowslips - purple]' and say that women mix the leaves with a little broth and make it into an omelette for lung disorders and to strengthen the heart. Lobel (1576) calls it Maculosa Pulmonaria and describes a white flowered form with a good woodcut. Gerard (1633) uses the same woodcut as Lobel and calls it Pulmonatia foliis Echii, Buglosse Cowslips with red flowers, and a woodcut of a narrow leaved plant as Pulmonaria masculosa, Spotted Cowslips of Jerusalem with red, blue and purple flowers and says 'the leaves are used among pot-herbes. The roots are aso thought to be good against the infirmities of ulcers of the lungs...'. Quincy (1718) writes: '... it has a glutinous juice ... and heals ulcers and erosions. It is commended in coughs and spitting of blood but is little used either in the Shop or Prescriptions. Not used in modern medicine. It is in the family Boraginaceae whose species are often rich in pyrrolizidine alkaloids that cause liver toxicity and liver cancers, but levels in Pulmonaria officinalis may not be significant. Photographed in the Medicinal Garden of the Royal College of Physicians, London.
  • [Leaflet advertising Modern Health's range of 11 plant based medicines].
  • [Leaflet advertising Modern Health's range of 11 plant based medicines].
  • [Leaflet advertising Modern Health's range of 11 plant based medicines].
  • [Leaflet advertising Modern Health's range of 11 plant based medicines].
  • [Leaflet advertising Modern Health's range of 11 plant based medicines].
  • [Leaflet advertising Modern Health's range of 11 plant based medicines].
  • Acacia melanoxylon R.Br. Mimosaceae. Australian Blackwood. Tree. Distribution: Eastern Australia. Tree. Invasive weed in South Africa, Portugal, California. Local uses: analgesic. Causes allergic contact dermatitis due to 2,6,dimethoxybenzoquinone. Pinnate leaves of young plant drop off and phylloclades are formed instead. Photographed in the Medicinal Garden of the Royal College of Physicians, London.
  • Skimmia japonica Thunb. Rutaceae 'Rubella' Distribution: China, Japan and E. Asia. The genus name is derived from the Japanese word shikimi (Stearn, 1994). All parts of the plant are poisonous, containing skimmianin. It is said to cause vomiting and, if eaten in large quantities, cardiac arrest. (Duke, 1985) Photographed in the Medicinal Garden of the Royal College of Physicians, London.
  • Justicia carnea Lindl. Acanthaceae. Brazilian Plume flower, Flamingo flower. Shrimp plant. Tender shrub. Distribution: Atlantic coast of Brazil. Named for James Justice (1698-1753) Scottish horticulturist, lawyer, 'tulip maniac' (Desmond, 1977). Asian species of Justicia are noted to be toxic and contain cytotoxic compounds which inhibit virus replication (Wiart, 2006) Photographed in the Medicinal Garden of the Royal College of Physicians, London.
  • Gloriosa superba L. Colchicaceae Gloriosa lily. Gloriosa rothschildiana is now a synonym. Climbing plant. Distribution: Southern Africa to Asia. National flower of Zimbabwe, state flower of Tamil Nadu. Contains colchicine which is poisonous, teratogenic and used for treating gout, Familial Mediterranean fever and Behcet's disease. Its toxicity limits its use as a anti-cancer agent. Photographed in the Medicinal Garden of the Royal College of Physicians, London.
  • Gloriosa superba L. Colchicaceae Gloriosa lily. Gloriosa rothschildiana is now a synonym. Climbing plant. Distribution: Southern Africa to Asia. National flower of Zimbabwe, state flower of Tamil Nadu. Contains colchicine which is poisonous, teratogenic and used for treating gout, Familial Mediterranean fever and Behcet's disease. Its toxicity limits its use as a anti-cancer agent. Photographed in the Medicinal Garden of the Royal College of Physicians, London.
  • Solanum atropurpureum Schrank Solanaceae. Purple Devil. Purple-spined Nightshade. Herbaceous perennial. Distribution: Brazil. This ferociously spined plant contains tropane alkaloids, atropine, hyoscyamine and scopolamine. All are anticholinergic and block the acetylcholine mediated actions of the parasympathetic nervous system. While the alkaloids are used in medicine and as an antidote to anticholinergic nerve gas poisons, the plant itself is not used in medicine. Its sharp spines can be irritant. Photographed in the Medicinal Garden of the Royal College of Physicians, London.
  • Directions for bringing over seeds and plants, from the East Indies and other distant countries, in a state of vegetation: together with a catalogue of such foreign plants as are worthy of being encouraged in our American colonies, for the purposes of medicine, agriculture, and commerce. To which is added, the figure and botanical description of a new sensitive plant, called Dionoea muscipula: or, Venus's fly-trap / By John Ellis, F.R.S.
  • Directions for bringing over seeds and plants, from the East Indies and other distant countries, in a state of vegetation: together with a catalogue of such foreign plants as are worthy of being encouraged in our American colonies, for the purposes of medicine, agriculture, and commerce. To which is added, the figure and botanical description of a new sensitive plant, called Dionoea muscipula: or, Venus's fly-trap / By John Ellis, F.R.S.
  • The garden of health, containing the sundry rare and hidden vertues and properties of all kindes of simples and plants, together with the manner how they are to bee used and applyed in medicine for the health of mans body ... / [William Langham].