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149 results
  • A large red ribbon representing Red Ribbon Day; an advertisement for the annual street collection in support of Aids in Ireland. Colour lithograph.
  • Terry Day posing with microphone.
  • Terry Day posing with microphone.
  • The face of an anxious child, indicating the need for blood donations. Colour lithograph after Reginald Mount and Eileen Evans.
  • The words "Streiflichter" (Lightbeams) and "AIDS": day-seminars about AIDS given in Dortmund in 1995. Colour lithograph, 1995.
  • Silhouette of the world with a lit candle advertising in the 8th International AIDS Candlelight Memorial event by Mobilization against AIDS on Sunday May 19, 1991 with text relating to participating cities and sponsors. Colour lithograph by Bennett Carlson, 1991.
  • Mouse mutant for the nodal & HNF3beta genes
  • C.S. Parnell and John Walter, dressed as ancient Greek warriors, are engaged in single combat under the eyes of two judges and a barrister. Colour lithograph by Tom Merry, 27 October 1888.
  • The fourth day of Creation: God sets the sun, the moon, the stars and the signs of the zodiac in the firmament, in order to divide the light from the darkness. Engraving by H. Lochner.
  • Alton Cripples Home & College : founded by Sir William Treolar : Hornsey Cot.
  • Mary Keighley, a patient at the West Riding Lunatic Asylum, Wakefield, Yorkshire. Photograph attributed to James Crichton-Browne, 1873.
  • Mary Keighley, a patient at the West Riding Lunatic Asylum, Wakefield, Yorkshire. Photograph attributed to James Crichton-Browne, 1873.
  • Sources of carbohydrates and fats for children and adults: bread, butter, cereals, mushrooms and jam. Colour lithograph, 1966.
  • Cabala, speculum artis et naturae, in alchymia; exinde, quid, lapis sophorum antiquissimus, rei sit, qui triplex, & tamen simplex lapis existit : Omnia hactenus ex variis etiam scriptis paucis observata, singulis laboriosis amatoribus artis honoris ergò, deo annuente, tam perspicuè ac lucidissimo speculo, proposita, et quatuor aeneis laminis incisis picturis exhibita / Per ignotum, attamen notum, sicuti insignia prima figurae insculpta testantur, nunc è Germanico, Latnio [sic] versa à strenuo sapientiae cultore, et unâ cum praestantissimi cujusdam philosophi diagraphe hujus ipsius argumenti, Roseae Crusis Fraternitati dicata edita. Quò hac in materia amplius nil desideretur.
  • Cabala, speculum artis et naturae, in alchymia; exinde, quid, lapis sophorum antiquissimus, rei sit, qui triplex, & tamen simplex lapis existit : Omnia hactenus ex variis etiam scriptis paucis observata, singulis laboriosis amatoribus artis honoris ergò, deo annuente, tam perspicuè ac lucidissimo speculo, proposita, et quatuor aeneis laminis incisis picturis exhibita / Per ignotum, attamen notum, sicuti insignia prima figurae insculpta testantur, nunc è Germanico, Latnio [sic] versa à strenuo sapientiae cultore, et unâ cum praestantissimi cujusdam philosophi diagraphe hujus ipsius argumenti, Roseae Crusis Fraternitati dicata edita. Quò hac in materia amplius nil desideretur.
  • Gloucester smallpox epidemic, 1896: William Allen as a smallpox patient. Photograph by H.C.F., 1896.
  • A parade of wretched, smallpocked people walk away from a doctor who counts his money. Coloured etching, c. 1800.
  • Lourdes, France: a hospital ward: a priest and a nurse by the bed of a boy. Photograph, ca. 1937.
  • A hazy group of men and women representing solidarity in the face of AIDS; an advertisement for World AIDS Day by the Comissão Nacional Luta Contra a SIDA. Colour lithograph by Excess, ca. 1996.
  • Chinese/Japanese Pulse Image chart: Inverted Lotus pulse
  • Chinese/Japanese Pulse Image chart: Leaking House Pulse
  • Chinese/Japanese Pulse Image chart: Darting Shrimp pulse
  • Chinese/Japanese Pulse Image chart: Unravelling pulse
  • Chinese/Japanese Pulse Image chart: Sickle Pulse
  • Chinese/Japanese Pulse Image chart: Cup-mouth Pulse
  • Chinese/Japanese Pulse Image chart: Removing Door pulse
  • Plague in Cape Town: convicts cleansing and disinfecting infected buildings. Drawing by H. Johnson, 1891.
  • Plague in Cape Town: convicts cleansing and disinfecting infected buildings. Drawing by H. Johnson, 1891.
  • Plague in Cape Town: convicts cleansing and disinfecting infected buildings. Drawing by H. Johnson, 1891.
  • Chinese/Japanese Pulse Image chart: Rope Untying pulse