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365 results
  • The marriage of Saint Catherine. Engraving by B.L. Prevost after G.F.M. Mazzola, il Parmigianino.
  • Ideal marriage : its physiology and technique / by Th. H. Van de Velde ; translated by Stella Browne.
  • Ideal marriage : its physiology and technique / by Th. H. Van de Velde ; translated by Stella Browne.
  • Four vignettes of the marriage of General Tom Thumb to another dwarf, Miss Warren. Reproduction of an etching.
  • Merton College, Oxford: a marriage ceremony in the chapel. Coloured aquatint by J. Bluck, 1813, after A.C. Pugin.
  • The mystic marriage of Catherine of Alexandria and the infant Christ. Etching by C. Bouzonnet Stella after F. Lauri.
  • The story of Cupid and Psyche: Mercury escorting Psyche to her marriage. Engraving by N. Dorigny, 1693, after Raphael.
  • A merry crowd with a fiddler playing a tune celebrates a marriage as the groom kisses the bride. Etching.
  • A suitor asks for a young woman's hand in marriage. Engraving by J. Punt and P. Tanjé after C. Troost.
  • Christ makes wine out of water at the marriage at Cana. Etching by B. Bertoccini after J.F. Overbeck, 1848.
  • A marriage ceremony is conducted in a church with the couple holding hands and the guests looking on intently. Engraving.
  • The mystic marriage of Catherine of Alexandria and the infant Christ. Engraving by J. Vendramini after Cheri after C. Maratta.
  • A large crowd in Trafalgar Square celebrating the marriage of Edward Prince of Wales and Princess Alexandra, 1863. Wood engraving.
  • A couple whose marriage appears to be blessed by heaven with cherubs in attendance. Engraving by Heath after T. Stothard.
  • Christ makes wine out of water at the marriage at Cana. Etching by G. Volpato, 1772, after G. Robusti, il Tintoretto.
  • The secret companion, a medical work on onanism ... and on venereal and syphilitic diseases ... followed by observations on marriage.
  • Love as a wicker trap enticing people into marriage: couples dance into the trap; Cupid is sitting above the entrance. Engraving, 17--.
  • Love as a wicker trap enticing people into marriage: couples dance into the trap; Cupid is sitting above the entrance. Engraving, 17--.
  • A secret marriage (?) in England  which is being watched by some men and women from outside. Engraving by or after B. Picart.
  • Lord Ogleby with Canton (a valet) and Brush in Colman and Garrick's The clandestine marriage. Engraving by H. Meyer, 1821, after G. Clint.
  • A man and a woman are weighed to assess their wealth for the purpose of marriage. Engraving, ca. 1600, after C. van Mander.
  • A bride and a bridegroom, as a warning to Americans to be examined for sexually transmitted diseases before marriage. Colour lithograph, ca. 1944.
  • Certificate of marriage : pursuant to the acts Anno Sexto et Septimo Gulielmi IV Regis, Cap. LXXXVI., et Anno Primo Victoriae reginae, Cap. XXII.
  • The visit of Queen Elizabeth I to Lord Hunsdon (for his marriage at Blackfriars in 1600?). Engraving by G. Vertue after R. Peake, 1742.
  • The "Aldobrandini wedding": a group of women prepare a young bride for her marriage. Engraving by A. Mochetti after Aloysius Agricola after a fresco painting.
  • A woman raises her hand to her partner as she considers marriage: family planning in Nigeria. Colour lithograph by Federal Ministry of Health, ca. 2001.
  • Three interlinked scenes of a fisherman with his nets, Cupid pointing an arrow at a young couple who are contemplating marriage and a physician. Etching.
  • An unmarried man sits alone smoking a pipe by the fire and pondering the pros and cons of marriage. Colour process print after Rutherford, 191-.
  • The story of Cupid and Psyche: a council of the gods decreeing the marriage of Cupid and Psyche. Engraving by N. Dorigny, 1693, after Raphael.
  • An unmarried man sits alone smoking a pipe by the fire and pondering the pros and cons of marriage. Colour process print after Rutherford, 191-.