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558 results
  • The record of the Royal Society of London for the promotion of natural knowledge.
  • The record of the Royal Society of London for the promotion of natural knowledge.
  • ASK, Active Source of Knowledge : if you want to know the answer, ask the experts : the national AIDS helpline 0800 567 123 ...
  • ASK, Active Source of Knowledge : if you want to know the answer, ask the experts : the national AIDS helpline 0800 567 123 ...
  • Markhams Maisterpeece. Conteyning all knowledge belonging to the smith, farrier, or horse-leech ... / [Gervase Markham].
  • Markhams Maisterpeece. Conteyning all knowledge belonging to the smith, farrier, or horse-leech ... / [Gervase Markham].
  • Markhams Maisterpeece. Conteyning all knowledge belonging to the smith, farrier, or horse-leech ... / [Gervase Markham].
  • A woman-serpent bends around the Tree of Knowledge as Adam and Eve reach into the branches. Line engraving by T. de Bry after J. van Winghe.
  • A lady seeking knowledge of her lover from a wizard. Process print after Sir E. Burne-Jones.
  • A woman representing knowledge examining a sick child. Lithograph by G. Tyr after A.J.V. Orsel.
  • Melancholia: a female figure contemplating a skull, surrounded by attributes of knowledge and learning. Engraving after D. Fetti.
  • Eve is offering an apple to Adam while the serpent watches through the branches of the Tree of Knowledge; representing the origin of AIDS. Colour lithograph after S. Staněk, 1994.
  • Christ stands before the high priest; Peter denies knowledge of Christ. Line engraving by B. Bartoccini after F. Overbeck.
  • Saraswati, the Hindu goddess of learning and knowledge and the wife of Brahma. Gouache painting by an Indian artist.
  • Peter denies knowledge of Christ; men play dice. Engraving by P.F. Basan after M. Österreich after Valentin de Boulogne.
  • An omniscient virtuoso gestures boastfully at all the knowledge that lies available to him. Etching by G.M. Mitelli, c. 1700.
  • A rishi (Hindu teacher of mystical knowledge) with 'Vishnu' marks on his forehead and body. Gouache painting by an Indian artist.
  • Mrs Fitzherbert and George Prince of Wales represented as Adam and Eve standing under the Tree of Knowledge surrounded by the trappings of fashionable pastimes and vices, causing the devil to flee. Etching, 1786.
  • Hygieia, Telesphorus and Aesculapius watch the presentation of exotic plants to a woman representing Knowledge (?), under the protection of the Academia Naturae Curiosorum, while a crowd of sick people wait expectantly. Engraving, 16--.
  • Mrs Fitzherbert and George Prince of Wales represented as Adam and Eve standing under the Tree of Knowledge surrounded by the trappings of fashionable pastimes and vices, causing the devil to flee. Etching, 1786.
  • Saint Peter denies knowledge of Christ; Roman soldiers lead Christ away; a cock crows. Engraving by C. Bouzonnet Stella after J. Stella.
  • In the Garden of Eden, while the serpent curls around the tree of knowledge, Eve is about to taste the apple. Coloured etching, 17--.
  • Aphorisms: concerning the knowledge and cure of diseases / Translated from the last ed. printed in Latin at Leyden, 1728. With useful observations and explanations.
  • A snake poised to bite; representing a mouthful of knowledge about AIDS through publications by the Deutsche AIDS-Hilfe. Colour lithograph by E. Hüskes, 1995.
  • A snake poised to bite; representing a mouthful of knowledge about AIDS through publications by the Deutsche AIDS-Hilfe. Colour lithograph by E. Hüskes, 1995.
  • The book of knowledge ; treating of the wisdom of the ancients / Made English by W. Lilly ... To which is added the dealer's directory.
  • The book of knowledge ; treating of the wisdom of the ancients / Made English by W. Lilly ... To which is added the dealer's directory.
  • A woman cooking chaotically through a lack of knowledge; advertising a course on ecologically sound cooking. Colour lithograph by E. Vos for Jongeren Milieu Actief, 2001.
  • A despondent winged woman holding a geometrical instrument surrounded by attributes associated with knowledge; representing melancholia. Heliogravure attributed to C. Amand-Durand, 18--, after A. Dürer, 1514.
  • A despondent winged woman holding a geometrical instrument surrounded by attributes associated with knowledge; representing melancholia. Heliogravure attributed to C. Amand-Durand, 18--, after A. Dürer, 1514.