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719 results
  • [Sōmatographia anthrōpinē (romanized form)] Or a description of the body of man. With the practise of chirurgery, and the use of three and fifty instruments [by Ambroise Paré]. By artificiall figures representing the members, and fit termes expressing the same. Set forth either to pleasure or to profit those who are addicted to this study / [Alexander Read].
  • [Sōmatographia anthrōpinē (romanized form)] Or a description of the body of man. With the practise of chirurgery, and the use of three and fifty instruments [by Ambroise Paré]. By artificiall figures representing the members, and fit termes expressing the same. Set forth either to pleasure or to profit those who are addicted to this study / [Alexander Read].
  • The preacher George Whitefield standing on a table and preaching to a crowd of supporters in London while he is insufflated by a devil. Etching, 1763.
  • John Williams, a bookseller stands in the pillory in the Palace Yard, Westminster, surrounded by a cheering crowd. Engraving with ten verses in five columns below, 1765.
  • Noah's ark and all its compartments displayed. Etching by J. Mynde.
  • The Israelites afflicted by a plague of serpents; two men worshipping the brazen serpent erected by Moses. Engraving by M. Coxcie, 15--.
  • Elijah restores the widow's son to his mother, who greets him with open arms. Drawing by R.T. Bone, ca. 1811.
  • Noah's clan make their sacrifice and God responds with a rainbow. Colour etching by E. Kirkall after Bishop after P. Caliari, il Veronese.
  • Mary and Joseph voyage to Egypt with the infant Jesus. Etching by A.-C.-P. de Caylus after A. Carracci.
  • A bird flying over waves of the sea; representing the dove sent by Noah. Watercolour by M. Bishop, 1968.
  • The shepherds attending at the birth of Christ look up at the angel. Stipple engraving by G.S. and J.G. Facius after J. Boydell after J. Reynolds.
  • A bird flying over waves of the sea; representing the dove sent by Noah. Watercolour by M. Bishop, 1968.
  • The adoration of the shepherds at the birth of Christ. Etching by G. Barri, 1667, after Paolo Caliari, il Veronese.
  • Christ is paraded before the people wearing a crown of thorns. Etching by F.P. Massau after J.F. Overbeck, 1848.
  • Isaac fooled into blessing Jacob with Rebekah present, while Esau hunts venison. Woodcut attributed to C. van Sichem the elder.
  • The flight into Egypt: Mary rides on the donkey, breast-feeding Jesus; Joseph walks beside them. Etching by W. Basse.
  • Mary and Joseph with Jesus through a wide landscape to Egypt. Etching by J. Callot.
  • The adoration of the shepherds. Engraving by H. Wierix.
  • Adam looks in wonder at the divine cosmological plan, represented above him in astronomical figures on a scroll; Eve looks at Adam. Etching.
  • An angel appears to some shepherds in the night. Engraving by J. Sadeler after J. Bassano.
  • A huge angel stands atop Noah's ark, its back turned towards the entwined mass of drowning creatures; people pray and one holds her baby aloft; serpents tussle among the dying. Etching by L. Friedrich after W. Kaulbach.
  • The holy family prepare to flee for Egypt. Engraving by F. Poilly after G. Reni.
  • Noah's entourage comes down from Mount Ararat; Noah makes a sacrifice. Etching by N.C. Goodnight.
  • Christ enters Jerusalem on an ass. Etching by F.P. Massau after J.F. Overbeck, 1849.
  • Elijah prays for life to be restored to the widow's son. Line engraving by O. Gatti, 1625, after Il Pordenone.
  • The serpent passes the fruit to Eve while Adam holds onto a branch. Line engraving after A. Durer.
  • People and animals entering Noah's ark, transposed into a 16th century Dutch landscape. Engraving by A.J. Landerseel.
  • Physique sacrée, ou histoire-naturelle de la Bible / Traduite du latin de Mr. Jean-Jaques Scheuchzer ... Enrichie de figures en taille-douce, gravées par les soins de Jean André Pfeffel.
  • Joseph being seduced by Potiphar's wife. Engraving by J. Frey after C. Cignani.
  • Physique sacrée, ou histoire-naturelle de la Bible / Traduite du latin de Mr. Jean-Jaques Scheuchzer ... Enrichie de figures en taille-douce, gravées par les soins de Jean André Pfeffel.