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43 results
  • The three different stages of the torture of John Coustos. Etching with engraving by S.J. Neele, 1810.
  • A statue of a physician as Aesculapius whose shadow forms the shape of a donkey. Pen drawing by Gay-again, 1831.
  • A man travelling in a gig is lifting his hat to a man on horseback as he encounters him leaving his property through the gate. Etching by T.H. Nicholson.
  • Six vignettes illustrating phrenological propensities: hope, conscientiousness, veneration, cautiousness, benevolence, causality; illustrated by a dog anxious for scraps, a maid attempting a good price for her masters old clothes, an obese gourmand eying an enormous side of beef, a prim couple crossing a muddy road, a man being flogged, Liston acting the part of Paul Pry. Coloured etching by G. Cruikshank, 1826, after himself.
  • Six vignettes illustrating phrenological propensities: hope, conscientiousness, veneration, cautiousness, benevolence, causality; illustrated by a dog anxious for scraps, a maid attempting a good price for her masters old clothes, an obese gourmand eying an enormous side of beef, a prim couple crossing a muddy road, a man being flogged, Liston acting the part of Paul Pry. Coloured etching by G. Cruikshank, 1826, after himself.
  • Formation of the human foetus: five figures, showing the development from five months to nine months gestation. Colour engraving, by J. Pass after D. Dodd, 1794.
  • Jean-Jacques Rousseau. Line engraving by M. Salvador Carmona, 1763, after R. Gardelle, 1754.
  • Luigi Marchelli, a Genoese surgeon, obtains from a sheep matter for inoculation against smallpox. Coloured etching, c. 1807.
  • The trunks of the vena cava, with their branches, engraving by Benard, 1779, after an engraving by M. Vandergucht after W. Cowper, 1702, after a preparation by G. Leoni, c. 1645.
  • The trunks of the vena cava, with their branches, engraving by Benard, late 18th century, after an engraving by M. Vandergucht after W. Cowper, 1702, after a preparation by G. Leoni, c. 1645.
  • The human venous and arterial systems. Engraving, after engravings by M. Vandergucht after W. Cowper of 1702 and 1707.
  • A figure composed of barrels batters the drooping head of a thistle; representing the forced resignation of Lord Melville following implications of malversation and the vote on Whitbread's motion. Aquatint by J. Sayer, 1805.
  • The trunks of the vena cava, with their branches(Table VI, fig. 1); the trunks of the vena porta (Table VI, fig. 2), both after an engraving by M. Vandergucht after W. Cowper, 1702, after a preparation by G. Leoni, c. 1645; the brain, nerves and spine, after Eustachius, by 1552 (Table VII) Etching by I. Basire, 1743.