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102 results
  • Brain with blood extravasated into the cerebral hemispheres
  • Surface of the cerebral hemispheres, from a case of tubercular meningitis
  • Geography: the hemispheres of a globe. Engraving by J. Pass, 1807.
  • Geography: two rotating discs showing the hemispheres of the earth, fixed to a card giving details of their use. Engraving by J. Emslie, 1844, after himself.
  • A map of the world with the four elements, according to Ptolomy, Earth, Water, Fire, Air, and the North and South Hemispheres and their star signs.
  • The human brain: cross-section through the hemispheres at the level of the corpus callosum. Coloured lithograph by William Fairland, 1839, after W. Bagg after W.J.E. Wilson.
  • Healthy brain, composite of tractography and MRI
  • Adult horse (equine) brain, sagittal section
  • Understanding the workings of the brain
  • The brains of dissected heads. Photolithograph, 1940, after a woodcut, 1543.
  • Healthy adult human brain viewed from behind, tractography
  • Healthy human adult brain viewed from the side, tractography
  • Healthy adult human brain viewed from below, tractography
  • Healthy adult human brain viewed from above, tractography
  • Healthy adult human brain viewed face on, tractography
  • Healthy adult human brain viewed from the side, tractography
  • Unfolded brain, MRI
  • Brain tractography
  • White matter innervation of the neocortex, MRI
  • Tapeworm cyst in a sheep brain
  • Corpus Callosum, tractography
  • Corticospinal tract, tractography
  • Healthy adult human brain viewed from the side, tractography
  • Tapeworm cyst in a sheep brain
  • Left and right brain functions, artwork
  • Healthy adult human brain viewed face on, tractography
  • Brocke and Wernicke areas of brain, MRI
  • Arcuate Fasiculus, tractography
  • Inferior Longitudinal Fasciculus, tractography
  • Canine brain affected by cerebral haemorrhage