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133 results
  • A shimmering pink and a yellow heart shape with the words: "Herzenslust Positive Begegnungen mit HIV" ['Hearts Positive' encounters with HIV] and a list of supporting people for the project organised by the AIDS-Hilfe NRW e.V. and supported by FIRST. Colour lithograph.
  • A shimmering pink and a yellow heart shape with the words: "Herzenslust Positive Begegnungen mit HIV" ['Hearts Positive' encounters with HIV] and a list of supporting people for the project organised by the AIDS-Hilfe NRW e.V. and supported by FIRST. Colour lithograph.
  • A condom piercing 2 red hearts with the message 'Make your love safe'; a safe-sex and AIDS prevention advertisement by INSA International Services Assocation in India. Colour lithograph, ca. 1997.
  • Blood pressure measurement - close-up
  • A horizontal condom decorated with coloured shapes including red hearts to symbolise love; with the message "without [condoms] the desire goes away". Colour lithograph after Niki de Saint Phalle.
  • A comparative advertisement for the benefits of Stimorol chewing gum and condoms featuring a figure standing far left blowing a bubble with one foot resting against the picture border; he looks out at a landscape featuring an eye, a lake, a volcano spurting out hearts with two people running towards each other, and a pair of lips; with a packet of 'stimorol' chewing gum next to a condom in the sky. Colour lithograph.
  • A horizontal condom decorated with coloured shapes including red hearts to symbolise love; with the message "without [condoms] the desire goes away". Colour lithograph after Niki de Saint Phalle.
  • Salad : tasty & nutritious / designed and produced by Compass Group UK and Ireland's Design Centre.
  • Salad : tasty & nutritious / designed and produced by Compass Group UK and Ireland's Design Centre.
  • Lifting the limits : the facts about eggs & cholesterol / British Egg Information Service ; foreword by Dr. Hilary Jones.
  • Lifting the limits : the facts about eggs & cholesterol / British Egg Information Service ; foreword by Dr. Hilary Jones.
  • Lifting the limits : the facts about eggs & cholesterol / British Egg Information Service ; foreword by Dr. Hilary Jones.
  • Lifting the limits : the facts about eggs & cholesterol / British Egg Information Service ; foreword by Dr. Hilary Jones.
  • Lifting the limits : the facts about eggs & cholesterol / British Egg Information Service ; foreword by Dr. Hilary Jones.
  • Garlic... : for a healthy heart / designed and produced by Compass Group UK and Ireland's Design Centre.
  • Lifting the limits : the facts about eggs & cholesterol / British Egg Information Service ; foreword by Dr. Hilary Jones.
  • Garlic... : for a healthy heart / designed and produced by Compass Group UK and Ireland's Design Centre.
  • A family of three people stand behind four separating blocks bearing a red heart and a dove representing an advertisement for 'Family and AIDS' to mark 1st December 1994, World AIDS Day; with local helplines in the León area; a collaboration with the Junta de Castilla y León. Colour lithograph by Sierra, 1994.
  • Fruit & vegetable facts : eating more fruit and veg is important for us all, but how many of us actually manage to eat 5-a-day?
  • Fruit & vegetable facts : eating more fruit and veg is important for us all, but how many of us actually manage to eat 5-a-day?
  • Unsure about how to lower your cholesterol? : Benecol : Let's lower cholesterol together : Your quick and easy guide to lowering cholesterol / Johnson & Johnson Limited.
  • Unsure about how to lower your cholesterol? : Benecol : Let's lower cholesterol together : Your quick and easy guide to lowering cholesterol / Johnson & Johnson Limited.
  • Silver hearts, half-hearts and droplets interpersed with German and English sex-related words; advertising safe sex. Colour lithograph by John Lindell and Frank Wagner for the Deutsche AIDS-Hilfe e.V.
  • Unsure about how to lower your cholesterol? : Benecol : Let's lower cholesterol together : Your quick and easy guide to lowering cholesterol / Johnson & Johnson Limited.
  • Unsure about how to lower your cholesterol? : Benecol : Let's lower cholesterol together : Your quick and easy guide to lowering cholesterol / Johnson & Johnson Limited.
  • Unsure about how to lower your cholesterol? : Benecol : Let's lower cholesterol together : Your quick and easy guide to lowering cholesterol / Johnson & Johnson Limited.
  • Unsure about how to lower your cholesterol? : Benecol : Let's lower cholesterol together : Your quick and easy guide to lowering cholesterol / Johnson & Johnson Limited.
  • HMG-CoA reductase
  • A purple heart within an upside-down heart that could also resemble a man's genitals; the heart is pierced by a black spike coming in from the right spilling blood-like fluid; advertising the danger of AIDS. Colour lithograph by Ouka Lele, ca. 1995.
  • Flora Omega 3 Plus : a big plus for your family's heart health : see inside for details.