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88 results
  • The Christ Child appearing in triumph, with threatening animals and demons. Stipple engraving by J.-P. Simon after R. Westall.
  • Elymas (also known as Bar-Jesus) the magician is rendered blind by Paul in front of the proconsul of Cyprus. Mezzotint by J. Simon after Raphael.
  • A perturbed young woman asleep with a devil sitting on her chest; symbolizing her nightmare. Stipple engraving by J.P. Simon, 1810.
  • A perturbed young woman asleep with a devil sitting on her chest; symbolizing her nightmare. Stipple engraving by J.P. Simon, 1810.
  • Saint Mary Magdalen anoints Christ's feet at the meal of Simon the Pharisee. Etching by F.A. Ludy after J.F. Overbeck.
  • Tom Jones and Sophia Western are seated together on a sofa as Squire Western enters the room with a riding whip. Stipple engraving by Peter Simon after J. Downman.
  • A husband and wife ask a quack doctor for advice about health: he suggests substituting himself for the husband in the wife's affections, and she agrees. Mezzotint by J. Simon, 17--, after Etienne Jeaurat.
  • Atala receiving her last communion from the missionary Père Aubry, while her dog and Chactas are crouching at the end of her camp in a mountain cave. Stipple print with etching by Fortier and J.P. Simon after Jean Baptiste Mallet.
  • Florence Nightingale. Engraving by W. H. Simmons, 1863, after J. D. Luard, 1858.
  • A maid bringing medicine and soup to her master who has a cold. Lithograph, 1857, after W.H. Simmons after J. Collinson.
  • A wounded British officer returning from the Crimean War. Mezzotint by W.H. Simmons, 1863, after J.D. Luard, 1858.
  • You can't catch H.I.V. from.. : cups glasses cutlery towels toilet seats mosquitoes coughing sneezing shaking hands giving blood kissing / designed by Simon Impey and Jon Daniel.
  • A young woman is sitting in a chair with a tapestry in a frame in front of her, trying to be distracted from the thought of her forced marriage. Engraving by W.H. Simmons, 1840, after J.H. Nixon.
  • Portrait of Joseph Addison.
  • Allegorical figures of Love, Hope and Beauty struggling with the figure of Time. Mezzotint by J. Smith after S. Vouet.
  • Des délits et des peines / traduit de l'italien par J.-A.-S. Collin de Plancy ... précédé d'une notice sur Beccaria.
  • The Panama Canal: to determine whether he was fit to be extradited, two eminent physicians examine the stools of Dr Cornelius Herz, who had fled France to escape the results of his mismanagement of the canal's financing. Watercolour drawing by H.S. Robert, ca. 1897.
  • The Panama Canal: the French Ministry of Justice discovers that the bank account of the company formed to build the canal is empty. Watercolour drawing by H.S. Robert, ca. 1897.
  • The Panama Canal: Baron de Reinach, one of the promoters of the canal, is forced to swallow poison. Watercolour drawing by H.S. Robert, ca. 1897.
  • The Panama Canal: Dr Cornelius Herz, having fled to Bournemouth, reads in a newspaper that he is being sought by the police for his part in the mismanagement of the canal's financing. Watercolour drawing by H.S. Robert, ca. 1897.
  • The Panama Canal: Dr Cornelius Herz, having fled France to escape the results of his mismanagement of the canal's financing, lies in bed as a physician takes his pulse to determine whether he is seriously ill. Watercolour drawing by H.S. Robert, ca. 1897.
  • The Panama Canal: Dr Cornelius Herz, one of those responsible for its financing, having fled France, spends his time fishing in Bournemouth. Watercolour drawing by H.S. Robert, ca. 1897.
  • The Panama Canal: for an enquiry into its financing, a policeman guards a prison-cell in which some of the principals are remanded. Watercolour drawing by H.S. Robert, ca. 1897.
  • Sir Isaac Newton. Mezzotint after Sir J. Thornhill, 1710.
  • The Panama Canal: the French Ministry of Justice opens an enquiry into its financing. Watercolour drawing by H.S. Robert, ca. 1897.
  • The Panama Canal: Dr Cornelius Herz, having fled to Bournemouth to escape the results of his mismanagement of the canal's financing, simulates illness to avoid extradition to France. Watercolour drawing by H.S. Robert, ca. 1897.
  • The Panama Canal: Dr Cornelius Herz, one of those responsible for its financing, gets on a train to flee France after the collapse of the company. Watercolour drawing by H.S. Robert, ca. 1897.
  • The Panama Canal: having fled France to escape the results of his mismanagement of the canal's financing, Dr Cornelius Herz escapes extradition on the ground that he has a terminal illness, and lives happily in Bournemouth for fifteen years. Watercolour drawing by H.S. Robert, ca. 1897.
  • An episode in Samuel Foote's play The devil upon two sticks: the cobbler Emmanuel Last is examined for entry as a licentiate to the Royal College of Physicians by Dr Hellebore, the president of the college. Mezzotint by J. Finlayson after J. Zoffany, 1769.
  • A man telling a lady's fortune. Oil painting after J.R. Smith.