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343 results
  • Diseases of the heart / by James Mackenzie.
  • Arabic text on diseases of the heart
  • Sir James Mackenzie's Diseases of the heart
  • Sir James Mackenzie's Diseases of the heart
  • Diseases of the heart / by Sir James Mackenzie.
  • Bergenia ciliata (Haw.)Sternb. Saxifraginaceae. Elephant's ears. Named for Karl August von Bergen (1704-1759), physician and botanist, professor at Viadrina University, Frankfurt. Has hairy leaves, hence ciliata. Distribution: E. Afghanistan, Himalayas, Assam. Used for fevers, diarrhoea, bruises and boils, coughs, renal stones, diabetes, heart disease, haemorrhoids, stomach disorders (Harish et al It was described in the 1820s so there is no early literature. Photographed in the Medicinal Garden of the Royal College of Physicians, London.
  • Handbook of the sphygmograph : being a guide to its use in clinical research : to which is appended a lecture delivered at the Royal College of Physicians on the 29th of March 1867 on the mode and duration of the contraction of the heart in health and disease / By J. Burdon Sanderson.
  • Handbook of the sphygmograph : being a guide to its use in clinical research : to which is appended a lecture delivered at the Royal College of Physicians on the 29th of March 1867 on the mode and duration of the contraction of the heart in health and disease / By J. Burdon Sanderson.
  • Title page from Latham, Lectures on...diseases of the heart, 1846
  • Lectures on the diseases of the lungs and heart / By Thomas Davies.
  • Aspirin crystals. Aspirin was originally extracted from willow bark but is actually produced in all plants as a defence mechanism in response to damage or attack. Much higher levels are therefore found in less than perfect fruit and vegetables. Aspirin is used to treat pain, reduce fever and to prevent heart disease and cancer. Some people think it should be reclassified as a vitamin.
  • The National Hospital for Diseases of the Heart, London: a doctor and nurse use an electro-cardiograph to give a patient a heart test. Photograph, ca. 1922.
  • A treatise on the diseases of the heart and great vessels, comprising a new view of the physiology of the heart's action, according to which the physical signs are explained / [James Hope].
  • A treatise on the diseases of the heart and great vessels, comprising a new view of the physiology of the heart's action, according to which the physical signs are explained / [James Hope].
  • A treatise on the diseases of the heart and great vessels, comprising a new view of the physiology of the heart's action, according to which the physical signs are explained / [James Hope].
  • A treatise on the diseases of the heart and great vessels, comprising a new view of the physiology of the heart's action, according to which the physical signs are explained / [James Hope].
  • A treatise on the diseases of the heart and great vessels, comprising a new view of the physiology of the heart's action, according to which the physical signs are explained / [James Hope].
  • An electrocardiograph at the National Hospital for Diseases of the Heart, London: one man adjusts the dials while another looks on. Photograph, ca. 1922.
  • The National Hospital for Diseases of the Heart, London: a nurse attaches electrocardiograph wires to a patient in bed to record her heartbeat. Photograph, ca. 1922.
  • Acupuncture chart with a series of points indicated on the figure of a standing Chinese man, demonstrating acupuncture points for controlling diseases of the heart and sexual organs. Watercolour.
  • Acupuncture chart with a series of points indicated on the figure of a standing Chinese man, demonstrating acupuncture points for controlling diseases of the heart and sexual organs. Watercolour.
  • The pathology and diagnosis of diseases of the chest; illustrated especially by a rational exposition of their physical signs. With new researches on the sounds of the heart / [Charles J.B. Williams].
  • A heart with lines either side and a pair of lips with a message about how to get information on sexually transmitted diseases; an advertisement by the SOA Stichting, Utrecht. Colour lithograph.
  • On the recent improvements in the art of distinguishing the various diseases of the heart, being the Lumleyan Lectures delivered before the Royal College of Physicians in the year 1829 / By John Elliotson.
  • A treatise on the diseases of the heart and great vessels, and on the affections which may be mistaken for them : comprising the author's view of the physiology of the heart's actions and sounds, as demonstrated by his experiments on the motions and sounds in 1830, and on the sounds in 1834-35 / by J. Hope.
  • Observations on some of the most frequent and important diseases of the heart; on aneurism of the thoracic aorta; on preternatural pulsation in the epigastric region: and on the unusual origin and distribution of some of the large arteries. Of the human body / [Allan Burns].
  • Dissections of two diseased hearts. Chromolithograph by W. Gummelt, ca. 1897.
  • Dissections of diseased hearts: three figures, including hearts affected by forms of endocarditis and myocardial haemorrhage. Chromolithograph by W. Gummelt, ca. 1897.
  • A diseased heart with an aortic aneurysm. Chromolithograph by W. Gummelt, ca. 1897.
  • A diseased heart affected by a form of endocarditis. Chromolithograph by W. Gummelt, ca. 1897.