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1,027 results
  • A man, in a satin tunic and fur hat, dancing a "Cossack" measure in a studio setting.
  • A child showing signs of Down's syndrome sitting on a fur cushion. Photograph by J.H. Hogg.
  • Hyder Beg Khan wearing a fur cap and a green attire. Gouache painting by an Indian artist.
  • Two old lions with shaggy manes and fur in front of a closed gate. Etching by J. E. Ridinger.
  • A boy with Down's syndrome, holding a rifle and sitting on a fur carpet. Photograph by R.W. Morris.
  • Joannes Schenck à Grafenberg, aged 45, wearing a hat and a cloak with a high fur collar. Line engraving, 1644.
  • Joannes Schenck à Grafenberg, aged 45, wearing a hat and a cloak with a high fur collar. Line engraving, 1644.
  • An old woman reading with a fur-trimmed hat and coat. Etching by A.H. Reidel, 1781, after G. Douw.
  • A young woman, posing semi-naked in a photographic studio, lying full-length on a fur-covered sofa or day-bed.
  • A baby wearing a fur coat and hat, judged "the healthiest baby in London" by Sir James Cantlie in 1921. Photograph, 1921.
  • A young prostitute wearing fake fur, getting into a car; representing the risk of contracting AIDS through not using a condom. Colour lithograph, 199-.
  • A woman with a long, vertical nose, wearing an elaborate hat and a fur hood. Engraving by B. Bossi, 1776 (?), after himself.
  • An old man in ragged clothes and a feathery fur cap playing the hurdy gurdy. Etching by Jan Georg van der Vliet, c. 1632.
  • A woman wearing a fashionable gown and a hat with feathers in it, she is carrying an eyeglass and a fur stole. Colour process print.
  • A young woman, full-length, posed naked sitting on a table with her feet on a fur-covered stool, in a photographic studio. Photograph, ca.1900.
  • Andrea Odoni in a cloak edged with fur, sitting at a table with a small book and some coins, surrounded by antique statues. Engraving after L. Lotto.
  • A man wearing a cloak edged with fur is sitting at a table with a small book and some coins, he is surrounded by antique classical statues. Engraving.
  • An old man in ragged clothes and a fur cap with a feather seen from behind walking with two sticks. Etching by Jan Georg van der Vliet, c. 1632.
  • A man in a fur cap holding a drinking glass in one hand and a pipe in the other. Mezzotint after G. van Herp (?), mid 17th century.
  • A young woman, posing naked in a photographic studio, lying full-length on a fur-covered sofa or day-bed, with her back to the camera. Stereo photograph, ca.1900.
  • A man in fur clothes is riding his deer-drawn sleigh through a snowy landscape while his tent, tribe and herd of reindeer can be seen in the background. Colour lithograph.
  • Women in fur capes and hats with feathers in are skating on a frozen lake, a man in a top hat and coat is watching from the side. Colour process print, 18--.
  • J.P. Kemble in the role of Hamlet, standing on a grassy bank wearing a long cape edged with fur and a large feathered hat on his head; he is holding a skull in his hand. Engraving after Sir Thomas Lawrence.
  • A woman wearing a red coat with a white fur collar holding a husky in a field representing a woman looking for a lover; warning about the risk of AIDS by the Alaska Native Health Board. Colour lithograph by Sam Kimura.
  • A man in leopard-skin trousers holds up a condom as he moves towards a blonde-haired woman wearing a fur trimmed satin vest with the message: 'Briefs out, jacket on"; an advertisement for safe sex by Stichting soa-bestrijding, Utrecht. Colour lithograph.
  • A naked man wearing laced boots being kissed on the thigh by another man wearing a fur cloak in an outdoor setting; an advertisement for the National AIDS Hotline by DIFFA Design Industries Foundation and the Red Hot Organisation. Colour lithograph by Steven Klein.
  • A naked man wearing laced boots being kissed on the thigh by another man wearing a fur cloak in an outdoor setting; an advertisement for the National AIDS Hotline by DIFFA Design Industries Foundation and the Red Hot Organisation. Colour lithograph by Steven Klein.
  • Zeitschrift für klinische Medizin.
  • Zeitschrift für klinische Medizin.
  • Zeitschrift für klinische Medizin.