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336 results
  • I can cope with the drugs and the sickness and the fear. But the gas bill... / Crusaid, the national fundraiser for HIV & AIDS.
  • I can cope with the drugs and the sickness and the fear. But the gas bill... / Crusaid, the national fundraiser for HIV & AIDS.
  • I can cope with the drugs and the sickness and the fear. But the gas bill... / Crusaid, the national fundraiser for HIV & AIDS.
  • I can cope with the drugs and the sickness and the fear. But the gas bill... / Crusaid, the national fundraiser for HIV & AIDS.
  • I can cope with the drugs and the sickness and the fear. But the gas bill... / Crusaid, the national fundraiser for HIV & AIDS.
  • A man looking upwards (the soul), being strangled by an angry man and a man representing religious fear of death. Drawing by M. Bishop, 1969.
  • A man looking upwards (the soul), being strangled by an angry man and a man representing religious fear of death. Drawing by M. Bishop, 1969.
  • Face of a frightened soldier (left); the human face in an animal state of fear (right). Etching by B. Picart, 1713, after C. Le Brun.
  • World War One: a German soldier crouches in fear between two saintly mediaeval sculptures; behind Notre Dame is burning. Halftone after a pen drawing by L. Raemaekers.
  • I can cope with the pain and the drugs and the fear. But the gas bill... : support Crusaid / Crusaid, the national fundraiser for HIV & AIDS.
  • I can cope with the pain and the drugs and the fear. But the gas bill... : support Crusaid / Crusaid, the national fundraiser for HIV & AIDS.
  • I can cope with the pain and the drugs and the fear. But the gas bill... : support Crusaid / Crusaid, the national fundraiser for HIV & AIDS.
  • I can cope with the pain and the drugs and the fear. But the gas bill... : support Crusaid / Crusaid, the national fundraiser for HIV & AIDS.
  • I can cope with the pain and the drugs and the fear. But the gas bill... : support Crusaid / Crusaid, the national fundraiser for HIV & AIDS.
  • I can cope with the pain and the drugs and the fear. But the gas bill... : support Crusaid / Crusaid, the national fundraiser for HIV & AIDS.
  • I can cope with the pain and the drugs and the fear. But the gas bill... : support Crusaid / Crusaid, the national fundraiser for HIV & AIDS.
  • I can cope with the pain and the drugs and the fear. But the gas bill... : support Crusaid / Crusaid, the national fundraiser for HIV & AIDS.
  • Baldwin's Nervous Pills : cures nervousness, irritability of temper, want of strength and energy, fear, dread, neuralgia, hysteria, disturbed sleep, melancholy, insomnia, and all nerve pain and diseases.
  • A patient complains to a visitor that he does not discuss with his doctor how he feels for fear of discouraging him. Wood engraving by F.H. Townsend, 1915.
  • The contrite heart is tormented by Grief and Fear, but secured by Faith and Hope, while Love wounds it with one hand and soothes it with another; above, the Tetragrammaton, and below, the portrait of John Hayward in a roundel. Engraving by T. Cecill, 1636, after W. Hole.
  • Hunting: dogs baiting a boar in the foreground, while other wild boar scatter through wicker pens or dive into a muddy pond, driven by fear. Engraving by Philipps Galle after J. Stradanus.
  • A dentist telling his patient in the middle of an operation that he has nothing to fear from revolutions as dentists are always spared. Reproduction of a drawing after L. Raven-Hill, 1924.
  • A forlorn looking child with arms outstretched among flowers, representing a child with AIDS ostracized for fear of transmitting the disease. Colour lithograph by J. Keeler, 1987, for the Centre for Attitudinal Healing.
  • A pair of obese gouty men in night-caps gaping at a fly in fear that it may land on a gouty limb. Coloured etching by I. Cruikshank, 1796, after G.M. Woodward.
  • Faith and a female personification of the papacy before a small church; above them the dove of the Holy Spirit dispersing seven sacred gifts: fear, knowledge, council, wisdom, understanding, strength and piety. Coloured etching.
  • Two arms entwined one painted silver, the other gold with the words '[love without fear] in Swedish, Arabic, Chinese and English; one of a series of AIDS prevention advertisements by the Folkhälsoinstitutet [National Public Health Institute]. Colour lithograph, ca. 1995.
  • A message about the fear of being HIV positive with an illustrated table of the risks of contamination and the means of protection; an advertisement by l'Agence de Prevention du SIDA Lutte Contre l'Exclusion des Seropositifs. Colour lithograph, ca. 1995.
  • Two faces kissing and merged in the shape of a heart with the words "Aimer sans peur" [love without fear]; one of a series of posters representing an advertisement for a competition for posters of images against AIDS. Colour lithograph by Renata Zolcinska.
  • A blue and yellow advertisement with the message 'What's important. Lust and love - but safe! Questions will cost nothing. Knowledge is fear! ...'; an advertisement for the AIDS counselling centres in Salzburg and Zell am See, Austria by the [Austrian] AIDS-Hilfe. Colour lithograph.
  • A message from the Agence française de lutte contre le SIDA about how they want to oppose the ignorance, fear, discrimination, prejudice and hatred of people with or associated with AIDS; advertisement for World AIDS Day, 1st December 1992. Colour lithograph by I.M. Communiquer.