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3,548 results
  • Face of a man with right facial paralysis
  • Face of a man affected with tertiary syphilis
  • Face of a man suffering from tubercular leprosy
  • Face of a woman affected with tubercular lupus
  • Face of patient with large, primary syphilitic ulcer
  • Face of a man showing post mortem discolouration
  • Face of a boy suffering from purpura haemorrhagica
  • Face of a patient with xanthelasma plana et tuberosa
  • Face of a man suffering from tubercular leprosy (enlargement)
  • Face of a man with extreme veno-capillary congestion
  • Face of a woman with a typical 'syphilitic nose'
  • Face of a woman with a typical 'syphilitic nose'
  • Face and chest of man showing post mortem discolouration
  • Face and neck of a girl with cutaneous horn
  • Face of man with hypertrophy of the temporal muscles
  • Face and hands of woman, possibly suffering from myxoedema
  • Face of a man with hypertrophic cirrhosis of the liver
  • Face of an unvaccinated child, 6th day of eruption
  • Face and hand of a woman affected with erythema tuberculatum
  • Face of a young woman with a large, pigmented mole
  • Face of a young woman with a secondary syphilitic rash
  • Face of a girl with a keloid on the chin
  • Face of a vaccinated child, 5th day of eruption
  • Face of a woman who died from carbolic acid poisoning
  • C20 Chinese medical illustration in trad. style: Face massage
  • C20 Chinese medical illustration in trad. style: Face massage
  • Face of a male Grey horse - whorl and star
  • C20 Chinese medical illustration in trad. style: Face massage
  • C20 Chinese medical illustration in trad. style: Face massage
  • Face of a girl with Addison's disease and exophthalmic goitre