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357 results
  • Mass of sarcoids on horse's chest
  • Horse's hooves: coronet and heels white
  • A horse's neck: two whorls conjoined by circular
  • Rear view of male Grey horse
  • Horse with a single sarcoid on the ear
  • Horse's head, whorls
  • Chronic laminitis in horse hoof
  • Horse with roach back
  • A horse's legs - whorl
  • Left side view of a Chestnut horse - whorl
  • Side view of a Grey male horse
  • Front view of Grey horse - fleshmarks
  • Signs of wood chewing on a manger.
  • Top of horse's head, showing crest whorl
  • Chestnut's head with star and whorls
  • Bay's head showing star, blaze and fleshmark
  • Head of Bay horse - whorls
  • Face of a male Grey horse - whorl and star
  • Full-length portrait of Black horse
  • Horse's neck: whorls with feathering
  • Horse with Parrot mouth
  • Bay horse's neck - whorls
  • Head-on view of dappled Grey horse
  • Facial asymmetry due to horse's sinusitis
  • A foal's hooves - black
  • Side view of dappled Grey horse
  • Side view of a Bay foal: the foal will probably
  • Bay's head with whorl and star
  • Horse's legs: vertical lines due to injury
  • A Roan's head, whorl and star (indistinct)