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177 results
  • An enema administered to a naked man. Photograph, 1890/1920, of a Persian drawing.
  • A group of dandies stand by while a lady's dog receives an enema. Coloured engraving.
  • A group of dandies stand by while a lady's dog receives an enema. Coloured engraving.
  • Administration of an enema, Ivory Coast, Africa. From a photograph in the possession of Dr. Bockbank.
  • A beloved pet dog receives an enema. Line engraving by de Launay the younger after Lavrinet.
  • A Frenchman receiving an enema from a Hungarian apothecary by order of a Dutch doctor. Etching, 1742.
  • A nurse gives a man an enema. Colour line engraving by C.J.D. Eisen after himself, 1762.
  • A motley crew surround a dead man who is being administered a late enema. Lithograph by Lemoine, c. 1900.
  • President George H.W. Bush and Barbara Pierce Bush represented as members of "the Rich White Penis Club", with speech bubbles; anti-government protest about US AIDS policies by Enema Productions. Photocopy.
  • A doctor administers an enema to a dog; other bandaged animals sit nearby. Coloured lithograph by C. Jacque, c. 1843.
  • A fashionable lady being given an enema by a charming young man. Line engraving by J. Dieu de Saint-Jean.
  • A peeping-tom spying on a fashionable lady receiving an enema. Reproduction of a line engraving after P. Maleuvre after P.A. Baudouin.
  • A peeping-tom spying on a fashionable lady receiving an enema. Reproduction of a line engraving after P. Maleuvre after P.A. Baudouin.
  • Surrounded by ghoulish apparitions, a manic priest carries an enema towards a wretchedly praying man. Aquatint with etching by F. Goya, c. 1797.
  • Two maids confer on whether to 'refresh' a sick man even further by putting cold water into his enema. Lithograph by Cham, c. 1840.
  • Angola: a Kwanyama woman performing an enema on a small child: with the child placed across her lap the woman prepares a tube. Photograph by Antoinette Powell-Cotton, 1936/1937.
  • Marianne wearing a Phrygian hat is being chased by a doctor holding an enema and a trade-unionist holding a flag. Colour lithograph by M.R., 25 June 1910.
  • An army of demons armed with clysters, one of which is a huge cannon, attack a man tied to a tree; suggesting the awful experience of having an enema. Pen drawing.
  • A sick frog is administered an enema by one of his companions; other frogs, some anthropomorphised, some not, stand by. Etching with drypoint by F-D. Hillemacher after N. Poussin, 1885.
  • A gentlemen pays an unexpected call on a lady friend only to discover she is in the middle of having an enema. Line engraving by F. Dequevauviller, 1786, after N. Lafrensen the younger.
  • A gentlemen pays an unexpected call on a lady friend only to discover she is in the middle of having an enema. Line engraving by F. Dequevauviller, 1786, after N. Lafrensen the younger.
  • A decrepit Louis-Philippe is made ready for an enema by François Guizot; symbolising Guizot's domination of the French government towards the end of the July monarchy. Lithograph by J.E. Deshayes, c. 1848.
  • A French soldier boasts that he and six others have 'evacuated' 300 Mexicans from a square;a military surgeon, holding an enema, counters that he has 'evacuated' many more single-handed. Coloured lithograph by Draner (Jules Renard).
  • A physician, enema in hand, quotes Hippocrates on the importance of the stomach in the 'administration' of the body; a green-hued patient cowers behind. Colour photomechanical reproduction of a lithograph by D.T. de Losques, 1910.
  • An apothecary attempts to give an Englishman an enema but is restrained by an American; medical aid is prevented by a Frenchman and Spaniard; representing the problems caused for the English by the American war for independence. Line engraving, 1778.
  • An apothecary attempts to give an Englishman an enema but is restrained by an American; medical aid is prevented by a Frenchman and Spaniard; representing the problems caused for the English by the American war for independence. Line engraving, 1778.
  • Replicas of Indian surgical instruments in the Wellcome Collections. Key as follows: 14. Lion forceps, 15. Blunt probe, 16. forceps with arms, 17. hyena forceps, 18. curlew forceps, 19. sharp probe, 20. rectal enema or syringe, 21. stone extractor, 22. scissors, 23. midwifery forceps.
  • King Louis XIV receives an enema while sitting on a globe of the earth, thus besmearing it with ordure; around him, chaos reigns; symbolising the events following the Protestant rebellions of 1674 including the flight of the royal family from England in 1689. Engraving by R. de Hooghe, c. 1689.
  • King Louis XIV receives an enema while sitting on a globe of the earth, thus besmearing it with ordure; around him, chaos reigns; symbolising the events following the Protestant rebellions of 1674 including the flight of the royal family from England in 1689. Engraving by R. de Hooghe, c. 1689.
  • Trichuris trichiura (Tricocéfalo dispar) ...  : medicación especifica: Santokin Kuba liquuido en enemas / Laboratorios Kuba ; Kouri-Basnuevo.