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443 results
  • Human anatomy and physiology: western ideas presented for the education of Chinese medical staff. Colour lithographs, 1956.
  • Human anatomy and physiology: western ideas presented for the education of Chinese medical staff. Colour lithographs, 1956.
  • Human anatomy and physiology: western ideas presented for the education of Chinese medical staff. Colour lithographs, 1956.
  • Human anatomy and physiology: western ideas presented for the education of Chinese medical staff. Colour lithographs, 1956.
  • Human anatomy and physiology: western ideas presented for the education of Chinese medical staff. Colour lithographs, 1956.
  • Human anatomy and physiology: western ideas presented for the education of Chinese medical staff. Colour lithographs, 1956.
  • A group of medical staff appealing to help with family planning issues: a calendar promoting the Population Education Project in Kenya. Colour lithograph, 1992.
  • From the Chief Medical Officer, Dr. Kenneth Calman, MD PhD FRCS (Glas, ed) FRCP (Lond, Ed) FRCGHP FRCR MFCM FRSE ... HIV & AIDS, the issues : Dear Colleague, "HIV and AIDS - the issues" education pack for hospital doctors ...
  • An enlarged view of the HIV virus with information in Spanish about a medical education course on HIV by the Spanish Interdisciplinary AIDS Society held on 19 November 1993 at the Salon de Actos de Caja Rural in Soria, Spain. Colour lithograph, 1993.
  • From the Chief Medical Officer, Dr. Kenneth Calman, MD PhD FRCS (Glas, ed) FRCP (Lond, Ed) FRCGHP FRCR MFCM FRSE ... HIV & AIDS, the issues : Dear Colleague, "HIV and AIDS - the issues" education pack for hospital doctors ...
  • Illustrations and text explaining how to live positively with AIDS; including getting medical help when you feel unwell to not getting pregnant; one of a series of educational posters issued by the Committed Communities Development Trust in Mumbai. Colour lithograph, ca. 1997.
  • AIDS education in schools, the way forward : The Wellcome Trust, 183 Euston Road, London, NW1 2BE, 8th May 1993.
  • AIDS education in schools, the way forward : The Wellcome Trust, 183 Euston Road, London, NW1 2BE, 8th May 1993.
  • AIDS education in schools, the way forward : The Wellcome Trust, 183 Euston Road, London, NW1 2BE, 8th May 1993.
  • AIDS education in schools, the way forward : The Wellcome Trust, 183 Euston Road, London, NW1 2BE, 8th May 1993.
  • AIDS education in schools, the way forward : The Wellcome Trust, 183 Euston Road, London, NW1 2BE, 8th May 1993.
  • AIDS education in schools, the way forward : The Wellcome Trust, 183 Euston Road, London, NW1 2BE, 8th May 1993.
  • AIDS education in schools, the way forward : The Wellcome Trust, 183 Euston Road, London, NW1 2BE, 8th May 1993.
  • AIDS education in schools, the way forward : The Wellcome Trust, 183 Euston Road, London, NW1 2BE, 8th May 1993.
  • The medical register.
  • The medical register.
  • The medical register.
  • The medical register.
  • Matæotechnia medicinæ praxeos. : The vanity of the craft of physick. Or, a new dispensatory: wherein is dissected the errors, ignorance, impostures and supinities of the schools, in their main pillars of purges, blood-letting, fontanels or issues, and diet, &c. and the particular medicines of the shops. With an humble motion for the reformation of the universities, and the whole landscap of physick, and discovering the terra incognita of chymistrie. To the parliament of England. / By Noah Biggs, chymiatrophilos.
  • Diploma approbationis in clinica : Universis, et singulis praesentes litteras visuris, lecturis, et audituris, salutem in domino ...
  • Diploma approbationis in clinica : Universis, et singulis praesentes litteras visuris, lecturis, et audituris, salutem in domino ...
  • Dr Forrest Loveland's journal
  • Patente di abilitazione in chirurgia, e facoltà di esercitarla : Gli eccellentissimi SS. dottori, ed esaminatori del venerabil Collegio dei Medici, e Cerusici della Città di Firenze in sufficiente numero nella solita lora audienza adunati ... / [Collegio dei Medici di Firenze].
  • Patente di abilitazione in chirurgia, e facoltà di esercitarla : Gli eccellentissimi SS. dottori, ed esaminatori del venerabil Collegio dei Medici, e Cerusici della Città di Firenze in sufficiente numero nella solita lora audienza adunati ... / [Collegio dei Medici di Firenze].
  • The London Hospital, Whitechapel: the medical college and nursing home. Wood engraving by E. G. after F. Watkins, 1887.