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44 results
  • Vibrators / Stanley Cox Ltd.
  • Vibrators / Stanley Cox Ltd.
  • Vibrators / Stanley Cox Ltd.
  • The works of that late most excellent philosopher and astronomer, Sir George Wharton, bar. Collected into one entire volume / By John Gadbury.
  • The works of that late most excellent philosopher and astronomer, Sir George Wharton, bar. Collected into one entire volume / By John Gadbury.
  • The works of that late most excellent philosopher and astronomer, Sir George Wharton, bar. Collected into one entire volume / By John Gadbury.
  • Political and social events of 1830 as predicted by Raphael; twelve months of the year on each side of the central image. Wood engraving and letterpress, 1830.
  • François Vincent Raspail. Coloured wood engraving (?) by Marchandeau after A. Gill, 1869.
  • Homage to Gustav Theodor Fritsch. Watercolour by J. Unte, 1906.
  • King George I representing royalty, a bishop representing episcopacy; and a judge representing law, all as seen through a telescope as inhabitants of the moon. Engraving by J. Moore, 18-- after W. Hogarth, 1724.
  • A family are saddened by the sale of their pet lamb. Engraving by C. Rolls after W. Collins, 1813.
  • The moon, viewed in oblique sunlight. Stipple engraving, 1806, by J. Russell.
  • The moon, viewed in oblique sunlight. Stipple engraving, 1806, by J. Russell.
  • Pierre Louis Moreau de Maupertuis. Line engraving by J. Daullé and J.G. Wille, 1741, after R. Levrac-Tournières, 1737.