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102 results
  • A barber-surgeon extracting stones from a woman's head; symbolising the expulsion of 'folly' (insanity). Watercolour by J. Cats, 1787, after B. Maton.
  • A kneeling figure in a monk's habit, with hands clasped in prayer. Engraving by Defehrt after J.H. Fragonard.
  • Saint Mary (the Blessed Virgin) with Saint Joseph and the Christ Child, in a rest on their flight into Egypt. Etching after S. Cantarini.
  • Danae. Engraving by G. Duchange after P. de' Pietri after A. Allegri, il Correggio.
  • A woman is playing the harp as she and  her male companion sing together, representing a man and a woman in love. Etching by James Gillray.
  • A young woman, posing naked in a classical attitude, against a square column in a photographic studio. Photograph, ca.1890/1910.
  • Viola Hamilton, posing in a classical attitude against a square column.
  • Women enter a large haberdashery shop, some gather outside. Engraving.
  • English marrowfat peas : specially selected, hand picked / James S. Harrison, grocer.
  • English marrowfat peas : specially selected, hand picked / James S. Harrison, grocer.
  • Two Oxford dons manhandling a woman representing Religion, trying to pull her towards or away from the requirement that Oxford University should have to subscribe to the Thirty-Nine Articles of the Church of England. Etching by Athanasius Credo, 1773.
  • Two men posing naked in a photographic studio, standing with fencing epees. Stereo photograph, c.1900.
  • Bernardino Genga: frontispiece to his work Anatomia Chirurgica. Engraving.
  • Sir Isaac Newton. Mezzotint after Sir J. Thornhill, 1710.
  • Trade card: 'T. B. Armitt, druggist,...
  • Antiochus IV of Syria, sick and injured by a fall from his chariot, dictates his will as surgeons bandage his leg. Etching by N. Hallé, 1738.
  • The muscles of the lower leg. Engraving after G. de Lairesse, 1739.
  • Operation to repair perineal rupture - dog
  • Polycystic liver
  • A standing female figure representing health; a standing female figure of Ceres; two female heads in profile. Engraving by B.L. Prevost after E. Bouchardon and N. Poussin.
  • Always use Milkmaid full cream milk : children thrive on "Milkmaid" milk and it is excellent for rice, tapioca, and macaroni puddings, custards, ices, &c. / Fred A. White.
  • A man from Malakula Island, Vanuatu, encountered by Captain Cook on his second voyage, 1772-1775. Engraving by J. Caldwall, 1777, after W. Hodges.
  • A seated Roman in a toga; a standing figure of Faustina Junior; a draped seated female figure. Engraving by Defehrt after E. Bouchardon and L. de la Hyre.
  • Siam [Thailand]. Photograph, 1981, from a negative by John Thomson, 1866.
  • Siam [Thailand]. Photograph, 1981, from a negative by John Thomson, 1866.
  • Siam [Thailand]. Photograph, 1981, from a negative by John Thomson, 1866.
  • Women's Rights to commemorate World AIDS Day in Honduras
  • Polycystic kidney
  • advertisement for safe sex by the Deutsche AIDS-Hilfe
  • Autolycus, a seller of trinkets, reciting a list of his wares to women and a shepherd who watch and point to them. Engraving by Lumb Stocks after C.R. Leslie.