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240 results
  • The letters 'CAA' incorporated within the words 'Cork Aids Alliance' and surrounded by dotted arrows. Photocopy.
  • The AIDS red ribbon against a backdrop of the world with the position of the Seychelles marked by a green dot; with the lettering in Creole 'Menm Drwa Menm responsabilite' (Shared rights shared responsibility); an AIDS prevention advertisment to commemorate World AIDS Day on 1st December 1995 in the Seychelles. Colour lithograph, 1995.
  • The AIDS red ribbon against a backdrop of the world with the position of the Seychelles marked by a green dot; with the lettering in Creole 'Menm Drwa Menm responsabilite' (Shared rights shared responsibility); an AIDS prevention advertisment to commemorate World AIDS Day on 1st December 1995 in the Seychelles. Colour lithograph, 1995.
  • A woman in a short polka dot skirt leans back as a man standing in front of her grabs her hands in the act of making love; one of a series of AIDS prevention advertisements for Swedish addiction support groups including the AIDS delegation, the Federation of alcohol and drug awareness, Youth Federation and Soldiers Against Drugs. Colour lithograph by Rex, 1992.
  • Dotted profile of a woman's face representing an advertisement for ACT Women and AIDS Program by the AIDS Committee of Toronto. Colour lithograph.
  • A dotted pyramid bearing question marks representing an AIDS awareness advertisement by the Government Information Services for the Department of Health. Colour lithograph, ca. 1995.
  • A snake, slender and dark brown in colour, with pale patches between two white dotted lines, which run along the length of the back. Watercolour, ca. 1795.
  • Two graphic figures with dotted heads one reading a paper; advertisement for the Sexual Health and Aids Team of the Eastern health and Social Services Board. Colour lithograph.
  • Four black stems bearing hazy coloured flower heads amidst dotted green grass and blue sky; advertising the Comité Ciudadano Anti-SIDA de Valladolid. Colour lithograph by Maus-vegra [?], 1991.
  • The face of a child in the palm of a dotted hand with a list of equipment and procedures for cleaning up blood spills; an advertisement by the AIDS STD Unit, Health Department Victoria, Australia. Colour lithograph, October 1990.
  • The face of a child in the palm of a dotted hand with a list of equipment and procedures for cleaning up blood spills; an advertisement by the AIDS STD Unit, Health Department Victoria (Australia). Colour lithograph, October 1990.
  • Gazophylacium polyplusium fonticulorum et setonum reseratum ... E quo variae illorum dotes, loca, instrumenta, modi infigendi diversi, conservandigue depromuntur. Simulque 4 tabulis non minus necessariis quam utilissimis aeri insculptis in medicorum et chirurgorum gratiam explicantur ... / [Matthias Ludwig Glandrop].
  • Two profile faces, one with dotted shapes as facial features, advertising the 4th International Conference for People with HIV/AIDS in Madrid from 23rd to 27th May 1990; organised by the Comité Ciudadano Anti-SIDA. Colour lithograph, 1990.
  • A dotted square bearing the words "The presence of absence"; advertising an exhibition of the Canadian AIDS Memorial Quilt in Edmonton at the Citadel Theatre, June 26 to July 5, 1995. Colour lithograph by Quality Colour Press and Cheryl Anne Lieberman Typographics.
  • Two red dotted arrows incorporating an 'Okeido' condom and a bottle of lubricant pointing towards the jeans pocket of a bare-chested man; with the message 'well-equipped'; a safe-sex and AIDS prevention advertisement by the Helseutvalget For Homofile, the Norwegian Gay and Health Committte. Lithograph by Fin-Serck-Hanssen, ca. 1995.
  • A photo of a boy wearing a v-necked jumper with one arm leaning on an orange and green-flowered table cloth; his eyes and mouth have been annotated with disfiguring pen marks that are scratched across the surface of the image within a dotted border; advertising the danger of AIDS. Colour lithograph by América Sanchez, ca. 1994.
  • A fisherman who has AIDS hauling in a net of fish from his boat as his female partner stands holding a fish in one hand while balancing a large bowl of fish on her head within a red and turquoise dotted decorative border; with the message who will catch the fish (when he has died?); an AIDS prevention advertisement by NGO-AIDS Cell, Centre for Community Medicine, AIIMS. Colour lithograph for Unesco/Aidthi Workshop, March 1995.
  • Colour vision.
  • Microbead 'lasers' engulfed by cells, artistic impression
  • Human kidney cell, Gated-STED microscopy
  • Mouse Ear Skin
  • Healthy adult human brain viewed face on, tractography
  • Live murine lymph node
  • Hormone release from a kidney cell, STORM and TIRFM
  • Knee joint, murine, LM
  • [Handbill advertising the exhibition of J.J. Brice].
  • [Handbill advertising the exhibition of J.J. Brice].
  • NK T-cell lymphoma is a highly aggressive cancer of a specific type of immune cell called lymphoid cells, and is associated with the Epstein Barr virus (glandular fever). In later stages of the disease, the lymphoma can spread to the lymph nodes, as in this case.
  • Hoverfly eyes, SEM
  • Developing pollen grains in a Chrysanthemum flower bud, LM